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PMDG BAE JetStream 4100
صور الطائرة

معلومات عن الطائرة
External Model
Aircraft Animations - The animated parts on the J41 were carefully researched and faithfully reproduced to match their operation with the actual aircraft. The J41 sports realistically animated gear, gear doors, flaps, spoilers, oil cooler flaps, passenger and cargo doors, AOA indicators and flight deck crew.
External objects can be shown/hidden using the Ramp Manager, adding to the realism and immersion - Baggage Cart, Ground Power Unit (GPU), Cones, Covers, Stanchion with rope, Baggage (in baggage compartments) and passengers (matches the in-cockpit load sheet).
The external model has been accurately modeled to the smallest details, and
painted using high resolution photoreal texture
Virtual Cockpit
Fully Interactive, Dynamic Virtual Cockpit - Designed and animated using the same proprietary techniques developed for previous PMDG award-winning product lines, Virtual Cockpit users will truly enjoy the sensation of "being there" when flying this simulator from the fully interactive and animated 3D virtual cockpit.
Stunning, high definition photoreal textures in the VC truly brings this cockpit to life, and makes the J41 look 100% authentic compared to its real world counterpart.
Self-shadowing is supported in DX-10 Preview mode.
External Objects - External objects, when activated via the Ramp Manager, are visible from the Virtual Cockpit. The wings, props, stanchion and baggage cart
can be seen from the flight deck
Engine Model
Unique advanced mathematical model of Garret turboprop engine including sophisticated features such as completely custom start up sequence, Automatic Power Reserve (APR) , Torque Temperature Limiting (TTL) and flight idle control. Fire and failure probability model (optional) as a result of high engine EGT
Aircraft Systems
The J41's systems were reproduced to match the operation of those in the real aircraft, and include:
Pressurization, Electrical, Fuel, Fire Protection, Hydraulics, Ice Protection,
Additional features
realism, individual switches, knobs, as well as aural warning and caution sounds, were recorded from an actual J41 expressly for the purpose of providing realistic audio-tactile feedback. The sound set covers every sound you would expect to hear inside the J41 cockpit, as well as from the exterior view. Highly realistic effects of the relationship between condition levers, engine RPM and prop pitch creates an authentic J41 in-cockpit sound experience.
Add-on Liveries - As is always the case at PMDG, numerous free add-on liveries are available for most real-world J41 operators.
Detailed Icing Model - Realistic icing effects accumulate on various parts of the aircraft depending on the current weather, as well as the ice protection system settings at the time.
Speed Cards - a speed card booklet (based on the actual speed cards used in the real aircraft) is located in the captain's side pocket next to the pedestal, and can be accessed by clicking on it. All operating weights are included.
Interactive Load Sheet - An interactive load sheet is displayed on the captain's side clipboard in the VC (it can be hidden when not in use). Pilots will be able to adjust fuel weight, passenger weight and cargo load for each flight, and the rest of the load sheet information will be automatically updated based on weights. Watch as adding passengers on the load sheet will add actual passengers to their corresponding seat on the external visual model!
Frame rate optimization - Use the PMDG J41 Optimization Manager to control numerous external model and VC variations, and to choose different panel configurations for frame rate optimization to improve performance even on relatively low end PCs.
Aircraft Animations - The animated parts on the J41 were carefully researched and faithfully reproduced to match their operation with the actual aircraft. The J41 sports realistically animated gear, gear doors, flaps, spoilers, oil cooler flaps, passenger and cargo doors, AOA indicators and flight deck crew.
External objects can be shown/hidden using the Ramp Manager, adding to the realism and immersion - Baggage Cart, Ground Power Unit (GPU), Cones, Covers, Stanchion with rope, Baggage (in baggage compartments) and passengers (matches the in-cockpit load sheet).
The external model has been accurately modeled to the smallest details, and
painted using high resolution photoreal texture
Virtual Cockpit
Fully Interactive, Dynamic Virtual Cockpit - Designed and animated using the same proprietary techniques developed for previous PMDG award-winning product lines, Virtual Cockpit users will truly enjoy the sensation of "being there" when flying this simulator from the fully interactive and animated 3D virtual cockpit.
Stunning, high definition photoreal textures in the VC truly brings this cockpit to life, and makes the J41 look 100% authentic compared to its real world counterpart.
Self-shadowing is supported in DX-10 Preview mode.
External Objects - External objects, when activated via the Ramp Manager, are visible from the Virtual Cockpit. The wings, props, stanchion and baggage cart
can be seen from the flight deck
Engine Model
Unique advanced mathematical model of Garret turboprop engine including sophisticated features such as completely custom start up sequence, Automatic Power Reserve (APR) , Torque Temperature Limiting (TTL) and flight idle control. Fire and failure probability model (optional) as a result of high engine EGT
Aircraft Systems
The J41's systems were reproduced to match the operation of those in the real aircraft, and include:
Pressurization, Electrical, Fuel, Fire Protection, Hydraulics, Ice Protection,
Additional features
realism, individual switches, knobs, as well as aural warning and caution sounds, were recorded from an actual J41 expressly for the purpose of providing realistic audio-tactile feedback. The sound set covers every sound you would expect to hear inside the J41 cockpit, as well as from the exterior view. Highly realistic effects of the relationship between condition levers, engine RPM and prop pitch creates an authentic J41 in-cockpit sound experience.
Add-on Liveries - As is always the case at PMDG, numerous free add-on liveries are available for most real-world J41 operators.
Detailed Icing Model - Realistic icing effects accumulate on various parts of the aircraft depending on the current weather, as well as the ice protection system settings at the time.
Speed Cards - a speed card booklet (based on the actual speed cards used in the real aircraft) is located in the captain's side pocket next to the pedestal, and can be accessed by clicking on it. All operating weights are included.
Interactive Load Sheet - An interactive load sheet is displayed on the captain's side clipboard in the VC (it can be hidden when not in use). Pilots will be able to adjust fuel weight, passenger weight and cargo load for each flight, and the rest of the load sheet information will be automatically updated based on weights. Watch as adding passengers on the load sheet will add actual passengers to their corresponding seat on the external visual model!
Frame rate optimization - Use the PMDG J41 Optimization Manager to control numerous external model and VC variations, and to choose different panel configurations for frame rate optimization to improve performance even on relatively low end PCs.
مجموعة صور للطائرة

والآن رابط التحميل
اضغط علي الصورة للتحميل
والي لقاء جديد حصري لمنتديات
خط الطيران
اتمني ان تعجبكم الاضافة
Mohamed Nasser