السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ,
اعضاء خط الطيران الكـــــــرام ,

يسعدنى ان اقدم لكم اليوم طائرة من اروع ما انتجت شركة IRIS Simulations و هى الطائرة الحربية A-10A WARTHOG الـ PLATINUM SERIES طائرة تفوق الوصف من جمالها و واقعيتها و سرعتها بالمحاكى ,

المميزات و معلـومــــــــات عن الطائرة /

المواصفات المطلوبة لتعمل الطائرة /

صــــور للطائرة /

فيـــديو /

و الان مع التحميل :
الحجم 276 ميجا
الجزء الاول

الجزء الثانى

باسورد فك الضغط :

و بالختـــام اتمنى ان تنال هذة الرائعة اعجابكم و لكم خالص التحيات لمروركـم
Cαptain ƒlight
Copyright © 2012 FLYINGWAY
اعضاء خط الطيران الكـــــــرام ,

يسعدنى ان اقدم لكم اليوم طائرة من اروع ما انتجت شركة IRIS Simulations و هى الطائرة الحربية A-10A WARTHOG الـ PLATINUM SERIES طائرة تفوق الوصف من جمالها و واقعيتها و سرعتها بالمحاكى ,

المميزات و معلـومــــــــات عن الطائرة /
The A-10 Thunderbolt II is an American single-seat, twin-engine, straight-wing jet aircraft developed by Fairchild-Republic in the early 1970s. The A-10 was designed for a United States Air Force requirement to provide close air support (CAS) for ground forces by attacking tanks, armored vehicles, and other ground targets with a limited air interdiction capability. It is the first U.S. Air Force aircraft designed exclusively for close air support.
The A-10 was designed around the GAU-8 Avenger, a heavy automatic cannon which forms the aircraft's primary armament. The aircraft's hull incorporates over 1,200 pounds (540 kg) of armor and was designed with survivability as a priority, with protective measures in place which enable the aircraft to continue flying even after taking significant damage.
Here's a list of adjustments in the latest build..
1. Flight Dynamics adjusted for closer performance to the actual aircraft based on customer feedback.
2. HUD Materials altered for new 'vivid' display appearance.
3. HUD restrictive viewpoint added so you no longer see the HUD outside the confines of the combiner glass.
4. Canopy glass opacity reduced.
5. Switchable GPS added to the Virtual Cockpit for GPS flyers..
6. Sound-pack altered for more authentic A-10 audio.
7. Strobe brightness altered (no more square lights).
8. Control column lengthened for more realistic column height.
9. Load-outs reconfigured as per customer feedback.
10. AFCS re-coded. Aircraft now has working NAV hold, HDG hold, ILS hold and GPS Flightplan and NAV following capability.
11. Added VMS (aka Bitching Betty)
12. AFCS viewpoint added to the virtual cockpit allowing users to use the AFCS without having the control column in the way.
13. Landing/Taxi lights now restricted to visibility when the nose gear is fully extended.
14. Various systems, warnings and animation code fixes.
The A-10 was designed around the GAU-8 Avenger, a heavy automatic cannon which forms the aircraft's primary armament. The aircraft's hull incorporates over 1,200 pounds (540 kg) of armor and was designed with survivability as a priority, with protective measures in place which enable the aircraft to continue flying even after taking significant damage.
- Custom soundpack by IRIS AudioworX
- 3D Gauges for silky smooth operation and optimized performance.
- A wide variety of visual models covering the A-10A with various loadouts
- Superb flight models for the A-10A.
- A wide variety of paintschemes in various resolutions to suit your individual systems.
- Custom in cockpit audio for the pilot, airborne warning controller, tanker operator and more.
- Working GAU-8 Avenger cannon with sound effects and mission capable model for droppable ordnance saved games.
- New design techniques including 'Lotus Style' landing light effects, in-game night vision capability and more.
Here's a list of adjustments in the latest build..
1. Flight Dynamics adjusted for closer performance to the actual aircraft based on customer feedback.
2. HUD Materials altered for new 'vivid' display appearance.
3. HUD restrictive viewpoint added so you no longer see the HUD outside the confines of the combiner glass.
4. Canopy glass opacity reduced.
5. Switchable GPS added to the Virtual Cockpit for GPS flyers..
6. Sound-pack altered for more authentic A-10 audio.
7. Strobe brightness altered (no more square lights).
8. Control column lengthened for more realistic column height.
9. Load-outs reconfigured as per customer feedback.
10. AFCS re-coded. Aircraft now has working NAV hold, HDG hold, ILS hold and GPS Flightplan and NAV following capability.
11. Added VMS (aka Bitching Betty)
12. AFCS viewpoint added to the virtual cockpit allowing users to use the AFCS without having the control column in the way.
13. Landing/Taxi lights now restricted to visibility when the nose gear is fully extended.
14. Various systems, warnings and animation code fixes.

المواصفات المطلوبة لتعمل الطائرة /
Microsoft Flight Simulator X patched to SP2 standard
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X with the Acceleration Expansion pack installed
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold edition.
وجود السيرفيس باك 2 (هام)
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X with the Acceleration Expansion pack installed
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold edition.
وجود السيرفيس باك 2 (هام)

فيـــديو /

و الان مع التحميل :
الحجم 276 ميجا
الجزء الاول

الجزء الثانى

باسورد فك الضغط :

و بالختـــام اتمنى ان تنال هذة الرائعة اعجابكم و لكم خالص التحيات لمروركـم
Cαptain ƒlight
Copyright © 2012 FLYINGWAY