السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ,

يسعدني اليوم ان اشاركم اخر اصدارات الشركة العريقة IRIS انها الطائرة الرائعة والجميلة والاقرب لان تكون لامبيرغيني الاجواء طائرة حيوية ورياضية بشكل لا يصدق وتستخدم
في العروض الجوية التي لا تستطيع اي طائرة اخرى القيام بها
طائرة الـ Prometheus

المميزات و معلـومــــــــات عن الطائرة ....
"Hollywood Stunt Pilot, Corkey Fornof said it best in an article written for Autopilot Magazine:
I was curious about the name Prometheus so I had to look it up in Greek Mythology.
I discovered it means "Forethought." Prometheus was a rebel titan who displeased Zeus by taking from him and giving to the people of earth the power of fire.
The name matches the paint design with its hot rod style flame job, the show with its snarling, flashy manoeuvres and Skip's forethought in his crowd pleasing routine.
Prometheus the flying machine is part Pitts Special and the rest Skip and Christina Stewart. Starting life as a Pitts S-2S, Prometheus was modified to give Skip the airshow machine he wanted. This flying machine looks like a good old American hot rod.
The horsepower was increased to 400HP, the big three bladed prop reminds you of oversized racing slicks, the rear canted landing gear makes it look fast sitting on the ground and the paint job yells 'Street Rod.'"
Designed and developed by Owen Hewitt in collaboration with Skip Stewart Airshows, this rendition of Prometheus is a true treat to fly for all aerobatic fans!
Current Version & Hotfixes
Current Version available via sales partners - Version 1.00

Simulator requirements
Microsoft Flight Simulator X patched to SP2 standard
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X with the Acceleration Expansion pack installed
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold edition.

بعض الصور للطائرة ....

فيديو للطائرة ويبين مدى مرونتها ..

التحميل ... الملف عبارة عن ملف تنصيب سهل الاستخدام

باسورد فك الضغط:

اتمنى ان تكون الطائرة قد ناالت اعجابكم....
طيــ المستقبل ــار

يسعدني اليوم ان اشاركم اخر اصدارات الشركة العريقة IRIS انها الطائرة الرائعة والجميلة والاقرب لان تكون لامبيرغيني الاجواء طائرة حيوية ورياضية بشكل لا يصدق وتستخدم
في العروض الجوية التي لا تستطيع اي طائرة اخرى القيام بها
طائرة الـ Prometheus

المميزات و معلـومــــــــات عن الطائرة ....
"Hollywood Stunt Pilot, Corkey Fornof said it best in an article written for Autopilot Magazine:
I was curious about the name Prometheus so I had to look it up in Greek Mythology.
I discovered it means "Forethought." Prometheus was a rebel titan who displeased Zeus by taking from him and giving to the people of earth the power of fire.
The name matches the paint design with its hot rod style flame job, the show with its snarling, flashy manoeuvres and Skip's forethought in his crowd pleasing routine.
Prometheus the flying machine is part Pitts Special and the rest Skip and Christina Stewart. Starting life as a Pitts S-2S, Prometheus was modified to give Skip the airshow machine he wanted. This flying machine looks like a good old American hot rod.
The horsepower was increased to 400HP, the big three bladed prop reminds you of oversized racing slicks, the rear canted landing gear makes it look fast sitting on the ground and the paint job yells 'Street Rod.'"
Designed and developed by Owen Hewitt in collaboration with Skip Stewart Airshows, this rendition of Prometheus is a true treat to fly for all aerobatic fans!
Current Version & Hotfixes
Current Version available via sales partners - Version 1.00
- Custom soundpack by IRIS AudioworX.
- Superb aerobatic flight model allowing truly outrageous manoeuvres!
- Skip's 2011 paint scheme in glorious 4096x4096 pixel resolution.
- Fantastic 3D gauges for silky smooth performance.

Simulator requirements
Microsoft Flight Simulator X patched to SP2 standard
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X with the Acceleration Expansion pack installed
OR Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold edition.

بعض الصور للطائرة ....

فيديو للطائرة ويبين مدى مرونتها ..

التحميل ... الملف عبارة عن ملف تنصيب سهل الاستخدام

باسورد فك الضغط:
كود PHP:

اتمنى ان تكون الطائرة قد ناالت اعجابكم....
طيــ المستقبل ــار