السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ,
اعضـــــــاء خط الطيـران الكـــــرام /
اقدم لكم طـــــــائرة LANCAIR LEGACY من شركة RealAir من طــائراتى المفضلة فى السيميليتور للرحلات القصيرة و استــمتاع بالطيران بهذة الرائعة,

معلـــومات عن الطائرة /
Our Lancair Legacy for FSX is the culmination of our ten years of experience as leaders in the development of Flight Simulator aircraft. It is the ultimate general aviation sport plane offering harmonised, lively yet stable handling and an unsurpassed view from the pillarless bubble canopy. The panel fitout is comprehensive meaning this aircraft is not just about having fun – it can be used for serious IFR work with a full suite of mechanical IFR gauges, Bendix King KFC225 Autopilot and the option to add one or two Reality XP Garmin GNS units to the radio stack.
اعضـــــــاء خط الطيـران الكـــــرام /
اقدم لكم طـــــــائرة LANCAIR LEGACY من شركة RealAir من طــائراتى المفضلة فى السيميليتور للرحلات القصيرة و استــمتاع بالطيران بهذة الرائعة,

معلـــومات عن الطائرة /
Our Lancair Legacy for FSX is the culmination of our ten years of experience as leaders in the development of Flight Simulator aircraft. It is the ultimate general aviation sport plane offering harmonised, lively yet stable handling and an unsurpassed view from the pillarless bubble canopy. The panel fitout is comprehensive meaning this aircraft is not just about having fun – it can be used for serious IFR work with a full suite of mechanical IFR gauges, Bendix King KFC225 Autopilot and the option to add one or two Reality XP Garmin GNS units to the radio stack.
Our aircraft have always been known for having the best flight modelling in the business and the Legacy is no exception. This would have to be one of the most enjoyable FSX aircraft available. It’s not just a pretty face, there is a depth of detail that will keep you coming back again and again, for years to come. Of course our trademark best in the business spins and side slips are present but every detail of the modelling will impress – from the fluid, lively yet smooth way it responds to the controls, to the beautifully controlled pitch when approaching and flying through the stall, or while flaring for that perfect touchdown.
- Trademark best-of-business flight modeling with improved spins, sideslips, aerobatics and superb handling, as well as extremely stable autopilot control.
- Beautifully designed interiors with smooth lines, crystal clear gauges, subtle reflections and all controls animated.
- Exterior and interior models now integrated for best experience with camera addons and track IR.
- High resolution multi-LOD exterior 3D models with optional frame rate friendly versions for multiplayer sessions.
- Optional RXP GNS WAAS gauge integration (RXP gauges are a separate purchase from Reality XP).
- RXP configurations include: 1 x GNS530, 1 x GNS430 + 1 x GNS530. If you have the RXP Unlimited pack you can also choose 2 x GNS530, 2 x GNS430 or 1 x GNS530 + 1 x GNS430, all with crossfill.
- Airframe vibrates in reaction to engine rpm changes, gear and spoiler deployment, runway surfaces, engnine startyp/shutdown and mishandling.
- Gauge needles that vibrate on the ground in response to engine and ground roll vibrations.
- Nearly 100 Custom sounds, including all cockpit switches, G effects, canopy-open windblast, gear, aileron flutter, doppler fly past etc.
- Flap Failure mode with custom animations and sound effects.
- Belly landing capability for gear up landings.
- Grass or concrete touchdown sounds option.
- Full multiplayer support with low latency and efficient coding for multiplayer sessions.
- Yaw and out-of-balance yaw sound effects.
- Carefully implemented start up and shutdown animations and sounds.
- Full IFR capability - or fly by the seat of your pants!
- Custom 3D landing lights, navigation lights and strobe lights.
- Dozens of custom animations including a canopy that realistically repsonds to wind force.
- Control sticks and control surfaces that move in response to trim changes.
- High detail skinned-mesh pilot.
- Spoilers with custom wind sound effects and cockpit buffet effect.
- Aileron flutter when flying above VNE with accompanying custom sounds.
- Fully functioning cockpit when viewed from exterior view, plus the option of a less highly detailed model for multiplayer.
- Multiple options for many of the above features.
- 3D blurred propeller effect with custom animation that includes simulated cylinder compression of startup and shutdown.
- 2048px "High Definition" VC and exterior textures.
- Five unique liveries all with uniquely coloured virtual cockpits.

صــــــــور للطــــائرة /

و الان مع التحميل /
الحجم / 157 BM
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