كلية تورنتو للطيران
اكاديمية الطيار المحترف انا راسلتهه بالنسبة للوظيفة و ردو علي و قالولي ان في اختبار اقدمه بعد ما اتخرج ولازم اجيب فيه درجة 80% او 70 % والله ما أذكر , و بتحصل مبلغ 50 دولار لكل ساعة تدريباترك تعليق:
بس والله يا اخ اني محتاج معلومات كافية عن هذي الكلية ...يا رييييييت حدا يفيدني بالموضوع يا شباب
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و هي معلومات اكتر من الموقع الرسمي
Toronto Airways Ltd. | Toronto Flight School | Flying Lessons Toronto | Flight Training Toronto
Thank you for your inquiry into flight training at Canada’s largest flying school – Toronto Airways Ltd. and its sister school Canadian Flight Academy Ltd.
We have two flight training schools located in the Greater Toronto Area. Toronto Airways has been a leader in the flight training industry since 1963.
Housing Facilities
At our Toronto facility – Toronto Airways, if you require accommodation we have student housing available on campus for $650.00 per month. Included in this is access to common laundry facilities and a kitchen area where you may prepare your own meals. There are also ample restaurant facilities and other retail services within walking distance. Please indicate if you desire student housing, as space is limited and the facility fills up quickly.
Accommodation is readily accessible at our Oshawa Flight School – Canadian Flight academy. To access an on-line housing list follow the instructions listed below. Housing is very easy to obtain at our Oshawa location.
Visit this web site Places4Students.com - Helping Students Find a Home Away from Home
Click “GO” under the students section and then type in “Durham College”
Click on “Durham College” after performing the name search
A huge list of rooms and apartments available will appear
If you do not want to locate your own housing we will be happy to locate a suitable place for you. We can normally place students within an hour of their arrival at our offices. We recommend that you browse through the web site to see the quality of the housing available and the price range. Most students find housing for $350-$500 per month.
If possible please try to arrive in Canada in the morning as it makes it easier for us to arrange to get you into your housing. If this is not possible or inconvenient for you then we can pick you up at any arrival time but we may have to have the airport pick up service deliver you to a local hotel for the night. If this happens please call our office the next day when you’re ready and we will have our shuttle come and pick you up from the hotel.
When you have booked your travel arrangements please notify John Davis and include all the particulars of your flight (Airline, date and time of arrival, flight number etc) After claiming your baggage please report to the Ground Transportation Desk. They will have your name and be waiting to take you to our Oshawa location – Canadian Flight Academy. If you are attending Toronto Airways in Markham it is easier to just hire a taxi upon exciting the terminal with your luggage. Please co-ordinate your arrival with the Manager of Flight Operations John Davis..
Our Oshawa facility also provides a student shuttle service three times daily to and from your apartment so transportation is not a worry for you.
Public transportation is readily available at both our locations with pick ups and drop offs right at the airfield.اترك تعليق:
Toronto Airways Ltd:
أكاديمية عريفه ولها سمعه كبيره في عالم الطيران فهي تقوم بتدريب الطيارين منذ 45 سنه ,لها موقعان موقع في مطار Markham والاخر في مطار Oshawa الاسعار تختلف بين هذين المطارين ,بلنسبة للاسعار ليس بلامكان وضع اسعار محدده يجب التواصل مع الاكاديمية للحصول على السعر الحالي ,بلنسبة لاسعار السكن في منطقة تورنتو بشكل عام يبدا من ال 600 دولار كندي الى 1000 دولار وذلك حسب المنطقه ووجود شريك في السكن اما لا كل هذه الامور تحدد سعر الاستئجار .
أسطول الأكاديمية يتاألف :15 C-150s, 7 C-172s, 1 PA-28-161, 1 PA-28-180, 1 PA-28R-200, 3 PA-44, C-337, 1 AST 300 Simulator, 1 Frasca 241 Simulator, 1 Frasca 242 Simulator, Certified Elite, Bonanza and Baron FTD's
لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى مراجعه الويب سايت وهو المرجع للمعلومات :Toronto Airways Ltd. | Buttonville Airport | Flight School | Pilot Shop
Rاترك تعليق:
هذا الموضوع عن الطيار المحترف
[تقرير] Professional Flight Centre لدراسة الطيران + الاسعار
اكاديمية الطيار المحترف - Professional Flight Center
صراحة شفت موضوع عن تورنتو و سمعت يوفرو وظيفة
بس المشكلة ناسي وين الموضوع
بحاول اجيب لك معلوماتاترك تعليق:
كلية تورنتو للطيران
السلام عليكم ... انا نفسي ادرس الطيران بس مشكلتي مشكلة واحدة ... مشكلة الوظيفة .. انا سمعت عن كلية تورنتو للطيران في كندا ... بس ابي اعرف ضرووووري هل هي تضمنلي الوظيفة بعد الدراسة ولا لأ ؟؟ لاني سمعت هاك... و ابي كل المعلومات عنها و عن تكاليفها و الرخص الي تعطيها الكلية؟؟!!؟!؟
** و شكرا لكم مقدما و ارجو المساعدة من كل من لديه معلومات :))
و صلى الله على سيدنا محمد و آله و اصحابه اجمعين الى يوم الدينالكلمات الدلالية (Tags): لا يوجد
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