كيف تجتاز مقابلة شركات الطيران

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • dmm
    رد: كيف تجتاز مقابلة شركات الطيران

    thnx very very helpful

    اترك تعليق:

  • Ahmedasr111
    رد: كيف تجتاز مقابلة شركات الطيران

    السلام عليكم
    انا احمد من جده واريد معلومات اجتياز اختبارات طياري المستقبل لدى طيران ناس والانترفيو واكون شاكر لكم في اعطائي هذه المعلومات

    اترك تعليق:

  • ال باتشينو
    Emirates Customer Service Agent ( Airport Services Agent)
    my final interview was in 05/07/2011 – customer service agent.
    it took like 20-25 min.
    they asked simple questions like :
    1.do u have a previous experience ?
    2.tell us about any problem that encountered u during ur job and how did u solve it ?
    3.what r the problems that u think it might face u during ur job as a customer service agent ?
    4.if u ever flew with emirates , tell us how was it ?
    5.how much was your last salary ?
    6.do u mind wearing uniform ?

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  • ال باتشينو
    أخى العزيز جااااااوب على الأتى ؟؟؟ دى جميع أسئله الانتر فيوووووووووو

    Are You Able To Perform This Job's Duties With Or Without Reasonable Accomodations?
    Are You Applying To Any Other Jobs?
    Are You Legally Authorized To Work In The United States?
    Are You Over The Age Of 18?
    Are You Planning To Continue Your Studies?
    Are You Willing To Put The Interests Of This Organization Ahead Of Your Own?
    Are You Willing To Relocate?
    Are You Willing To Work Nights / Weekends / Holidays?
    At What Point In Life Did You Choose This Profession?
    Can You Describe A Time When Your Work Was Criticized And How Did You Handle It?
    Can You Do The Job?
    Can You Lift 50 / 75 / 100 Lbs. And Carry It 50 / 75 / 100 Yards?
    Can You, Upon Being Hired, Provide Proof Of Your Age?
    Describe A Situation Where You Had To Make A Quick Decision
    Describe A Time When You Had To Deal With Conflicting Demands
    Describe How You Prioritize Implausible Deadlines
    Describe Your Ideal Job
    Describe Your Motivation For Going To The College Or University You Attended
    Do You Consider Yourself Successful? How Would You Define Success?
    Do You Have Any Blind Spots?
    Do You Have Any Language Abilities That Might Assist You In Performing This Job?
    Do You Have Any Questions For Me?
    Do You Have Any Responsibilities That Might Prevent You From Meeting Your Specified Work Schedule?
    Do You Have Any Restrictions On Your Ability To Travel?
    Do You Know Anyone Who Works For Us?
    Do You Need Additional Training?
    Do You Think A Manager / Boss / Employer Should Be Feared Or Liked?
    Do You Think You Are Overqualified For This Job?
    Do You Work Better In A Team Or Alone?
    Have You Ever Been Asked To Leave A Job?
    Have You Ever Been Convicted Of A Crime?
    Have You Ever Fired Someone And How Did That Make You Feel?
    Have You Ever Had Trouble With A Boss, Co Worker, Or Customer?
    How Do You Propose To Compensate For Your Lack Of Experience?
    How Do You Want To Improve Yourself In The Next Year?
    How Long Do You Expect To Work For Us If Hired?
    How Long Will It Take You To Make A Significant Contribution To This Business?
    How Well Do You Interact With Management?
    How Will You Make Your Decision If You Get More Than One Job Offer?
    How Would You Describe Your Work Style?
    How Would You Feel Working For Someone Who Knew Less Than You?
    How Would You Go About Quickly Establishing Credibility With The Team?
    If I Were To Ask Your Last Supervisor What Training You Require, What Would She Say?
    If We Were To Give You The Salary You Want, But Let You Write Your Own Job Description, What Would It Say?
    If You Could Work For Any Company, Where Would You Work?
    If You Had Enough Money To Retire Right Now, Would You?
    If You Were Hiring Someone For This Position, What Would You Be Looking For?
    List Any Professional Or Trade Groups Or Other Organizations You Belong To Which You Consider Relevant To Your Ability To Perform This Job
    Talk About A Time You Made A Suggestion To Improve Business
    Tell Me About A Challenge At Work You Faced (And Overcame) Recently
    Tell Me About A Time You Resolved A Conflict
    Tell Me About The Most Fun You Ever Experienced On The Job
    Tell Me About Yourself
    What Are The Positive Character Traits You Don't Have?
    What Are The Steps You Follow To Study A Problem Before Making A Decision?
    What Are You Looking For In Terms Of Advancement Potenial And Career Growth?
    What Are Your Strengths?
    What Are Your Weaknesses?
    What Computer Programs Are You Familiar With?
    What Did You Do To Prepare For This Interview?
    What Do You Do In Your Spare Time?
    What Do You Know About This Organization?
    What Do You See Yourself Doing In The First 30 Days?
    What Do You Ultimately Want To Become?
    What Experience Do You Have In This Field?
    What Has Disappointed You About A Job?
    What Have You Been Doing Since Your Last Job?
    What Have You Done In The Past Year?
    What Irritates You About Other People And How Do You Deal With It?
    What Is Your Greatest Failure And What Did You Learn From It?
    What Is Your Greatest Fear?
    What Is Your Philosophy Toward Work?
    What Is Your Style Of Leadership?
    What Kind Of Person Will You Refuse To Work With?
    What Kind Of Salary Do You Need / Expect?
    What Kind Of Situation Do You Find Stressful?

    اترك تعليق:

  • yanarcan
    ألف شكر :)

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  • ahmed moustafa
    حياكى الله يا دانى

    اترك تعليق:

  • dany2
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ahmed moustafa
    دانى شكرا وجزاكى الله خيرا على المعلومات دى بس انا عندى سوال ايه هى مهارات الاتصال الى ممكن يسال عنها اثناء الانترفيو -------- وشكرا ليكى
    ال communication skills أو مهارات الاتصال هى الطريقة الى بتتواصل بيها مع الاخرين سواء بالكلام او بلغة الجسم وقدرة على الاستماع ومراقبة التفاصيل وردود افعالك فى مواقف مختلفة كل الحجات دى الشخص الى بيعملك الانترفيو بيركز عليها معاك وانت لازم تدرب نفسك كويس عليها وتطورها وخاصة فى اى مهنه ليها علاقة بخدمة عملاء مباشرة زى الضيافه انت بتتعامل مع ركاب بشكل مباشر وتتواصل معاهم لازم يكون عندك مهارة عاليه فى هذا الاتصال

    اترك تعليق:

  • ahmed moustafa
    دانى شكرا وجزاكى الله خيرا على المعلومات دى بس انا عندى سوال ايه هى مهارات الاتصال الى ممكن يسال عنها اثناء الانترفيو -------- وشكرا ليكى

    اترك تعليق:

  • dany
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alexa
    dany , انا اول مره اتعامل فى موضوع الضيافه فا كنت عايزه اعرف خط طيران قطر اعرف ازاى انو عامل اوبن داى فى مصر او عايز مضيفات ؟؟
    دايما بيعلنوا على موقع الشركة او فى الجرايد الافضل تعملى application على الموقع بتاعهم من هنا User Registration وهما هيبعتولك لو فى فرصه او ممكن يطلبوا منك تعملى مقابله بالفيديو على النت هما مؤخرا بقوا بيعملوا كده

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  • Alexa
    dany , انا اول مره اتعامل فى موضوع الضيافه فا كنت عايزه اعرف خط طيران قطر اعرف ازاى انو عامل اوبن داى فى مصر او عايز مضيفات ؟؟

    اترك تعليق:

  • dany
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Shaimaa.Nagy
    بجد موضوع اكتر م رائع يا dany وانا استفدت جدا منه و ممكن تكمليه لو سمحت؟
    شيماى انا بعتلك كذا رساله مش عارف بيوصلوكى ولا لا فى اعلان نزل لشركة مصر للطيران للخطوط الداخلية اكسبريس اخر معاد للتقديم بعد بكره لازم تكونى ثانويه عامة لغات او مؤهل عالى لغات وتكونى من سكان القاهرة او الجيزة عنوان بطاقتك يبقى مكتوب فيه انك من القاهرة او الجيزة وسنك لا يزيد عن 28 سنه طولك لا يقل عن 155 سم هتاخدى صورتين شخصيتين ليكى 4*6 والسى فى وبطاقة الرقم القومى صوريها صورة وخدى الاصل معاكى وصورة المؤهل الدراسى وصورة شهادة الميلاد و20 جنيه واسترى دمغة من اى مكتب بريد ب 105 قرش ملقتيش مش مشكله هما بيبيعوا هناك هتقدمى فى المبنى الادارى الجنوبى ده ورا وزارة الطيران
    ده لينك الاعلان [إعــلان] مصر للطيران اكسبريس تطلب مضيفات جويات

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  • Alexa
    dany u r amazing thanxx kteeer bgd tamntni :))

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  • dany
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Shaimaa.Nagy
    بجد موضوع اكتر م رائع يا dany وانا استفدت جدا منه و ممكن تكمليه لو سمحت؟
    مرسى ليكى الموضوع مكمل كلنا لازم تشارك لو عندك سؤال شاركينا بيه وهنحاول نفيدك

    اترك تعليق:

  • dany
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alexa
    dany , thanxxxxxxxxx bgd lek bs ana lsa 5arega gdeda w 3mlt mra interview mn bab l etla3 mosh aktr ana l english bta3y kwais n german not bad bs moshkltyy an btwtr awii fi l interveiw so2ali hna , hla ai interview bikon lih as2la mo7dda mo3ina wla la2 !? , w mercii kteeeeeeeeer
    u r welcome
    ,first of all ur english shouldn't be "kwis " it must be perfect
    u should also enhance ur second language as it gonna be an advantage
    look to recover ur worries lazeeem lazeeeem tkawi ur language la2n di awel 7aga hattwasli biha m3 el interviewr flw enti 3ndk lo3'a kawya msh httlaglgi wala ttahthy , wtani 7aga enk tb2i labsa 7aga mrta7a fiha 3ashn mttsh3'lesh bdah fttwatry , kman lma td5oli el interview mtboseesh lel nas 2li m3aki wtbtdi tkarni nfsk bihom wt2oli ana kan mfrod albs kda aw a3ml sha3ri ka=da never never do that concentrate on ur own, kman zakri kwis 3n shirka 2li enti ray7lha mt7fzesh stampa li ay egaba wlw motra t7fzy mtgawbish wk2nk btsam3i act as u r improvising , ask one of ur fiend to be ur interviewer and practice one day before going, sleep well enzly abl m3adk bw2t 3ashn mtt25resh fttwatri , lazm t3rfi enk ray7a 3alshan to be an adding value for the company u r applying for , y3ni homa kman m7taginlk msh ent bas , kwis awi awi enk tro7y interviews kter 3shn ta5di experience ad ma fih interview ro7i 3ashn da hydiki 5braa whyksr el 5of wel rahba bta3et el interview wdi miza enk fresh graduated so garbi interviews w open days ad ma t2dri
    regard to da interview questions , most of them r common in all da interview, m3ada el 2s2la 2li 5asa bi sherka 2li enty m2dmalha y3ni history el fleets el destinations el alliances 2li sherka mondama liha,
    good luck for u all

    اترك تعليق:

  • Alexa
    dany , thanxxxxxxxxx bgd lek bs ana lsa 5arega gdeda w 3mlt mra interview mn bab l etla3 mosh aktr ana l english bta3y kwais n german not bad bs moshkltyy an btwtr awii fi l interveiw so2ali hna , hla ai interview bikon lih as2la mo7dda mo3ina wla la2 !? , w mercii kteeeeeeeeer

    اترك تعليق:

  • Shaimaa.Nagy
    بجد موضوع اكتر م رائع يا dany وانا استفدت جدا منه و ممكن تكمليه لو سمحت؟

    اترك تعليق:

  • chika
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة dany
    بالتأكيد لا يوجد رد ثابت ومحدد على عذا السؤال لان لكل شخص حلم يختلف عن الأخر, فقط حدد حلمك وهدفك المستقبلى وتكلم عنه

    ممكن تقول ايه هو حلمك واحنا نساعدك ازاى تصيغه
    my answer : is to be senior

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  • chika
    to be senior

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  • nonna31
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة dany
    look dear it's all personal questions u should talk about your own features , avoid talking about ur weakness points that affect the job negatively then say that you have already developed it by doing .........." say how u developed it"
    i can help u if u said ur own features we can do it in a proper formula

    ]دانى جزاكى الله كل خير يارب :)))

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  • Alfreedom
    الف الف شطرا اخى على المعلومات القيمه

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  • dany
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة nanno
    why should i hire you

    talk about your own qualification that matching being a flight attendant

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  • dany
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة nanno
    افتكرت اسئلة تانية :)
    tell us about 3 features in you which need to be improved
    3 صفات فيكى عايزة تتحسن او تتغير ؟
    هتكون اية ؟؟
    look dear it's all personal questions u should talk about your own features , avoid talking about ur weakness points that affect the job negatively then say that you have already developed it by doing .........." say how u developed it"
    i can help u if u said ur own features we can do it in a proper formula

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  • nanno
    why should i hire you

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  • nanno
    افتكرت اسئلة تانية :)
    tell us about 3 features in you which need to be improved
    3 صفات فيكى عايزة تتحسن او تتغير ؟
    هتكون اية ؟؟

    اترك تعليق:

  • nanno
    u know these questions as u said is purely personal questions
    but it could be solved by how to attract their attention by answering suitable answers
    i worked as a call center - but in this i dont want to involve this in any flight attendant interview -so all i need is personal actions
    wht stessful situations
    and what difficult thing u see of point of view

    اترك تعليق:

  • dany
    there are no fixed answer for these questions , the answer here depends on your own experience , u should talk about urself as my answer for these questions will be completely different of yours
    just tell me your answer according to ur previous experience and i can help you to Formulate it properly

    for this question : tell me briefly .when you face stressful situation and how did over come ??????

    try to talk about hard situation which is happened during you previous job , if you don't have a work experience talk about a hard situation in ur life as something hard happened to your family or friends and you were a part of the problem and how you deal with the situation

    for this questions: are you flexible person . and how ?

    you must be a flexible person if you intend to be a flight attendant , flexible mean that you are able to work in different atmospheres with different people from different backgrounds which is mean that you are adaptable person
    so if your answer is that you are flexible person, the prove will be that you don't mind working with a group
    of various Mentalities and you respect the differences between people
    you can enhance your answer with an example of your previous work experience

    for this question : tell us about most difficult thing u see in your point of view ?

    this is a purely personal question aims to show how you evaluate things
    so try to talk about something related to the job you applied for, such as the disability of saving someone's life

    hope that i have helped you to answer the questions &good luck

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  • nanno
    ممكن تساعدونى باجابات للاسئلة اللى كتبتها

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  • nanno
    tell us about most difficult thing u see in your point of view ?

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  • nanno
    are you flexible person . and how ?

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  • nanno
    tell me briefly .when you face stressful situation and how did over come ??????

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