السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
اعضــاء خط الطيران الكـرام .. حصرياً و على منتدانا الكريم يسعدنى ان اقدم لكم سينرى فلاى تامبا دبى 2012
FS2004 - FlyTampa - Dubai Rebooted v2.0
For FS2004 Only
FS2004 - FlyTampa - Dubai Rebooted v2.0
For FS2004 Only
FlyDubai-Rebooted 2
- Dubai International (OMDB) airport scenery.
- Finished and Operational Concourse 3.
- Safegate Docking signs at all gates.
- Pre-rendered Self-Shadowing and custom reflection maps.
- Custom Specular and Reflection maps.
- Animated apron vehicles and static objects.
- Dubai city featuring Mesh, Photo and numerous custom buildings.
- 18 landable Heliports throughout the city.
- Dubai International (OMDB) airport scenery.
- Finished and Operational Concourse 3.
- Safegate Docking signs at all gates.
- Pre-rendered Self-Shadowing and custom reflection maps.
- Custom Specular and Reflection maps.
- Animated apron vehicles and static objects.
- Dubai city featuring Mesh, Photo and numerous custom buildings.
- 18 landable Heliports throughout the city.
صور المطار
رابط التحميل
شكراً لتواجدكم و انتظرونا بالمزيد من الحصريات
كل التحية لكم والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
Captain Seif Mostafa ElSebai
كل التحية لكم والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
Captain Seif Mostafa ElSebai