Questions about Etihad Cadet Pilot Program

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  • OmarAbdelmajid
    • 11 - 08 - 2012
    • 460

    Questions about Etihad Cadet Pilot Program

    1- How can apply for Etihad Airways Cadet Pilot Program ?
    2- Which airlines have a cadet pilot program (list of airlines) ? and how I can apply for them ?
  • OmarAbdelmajid
    • 11 - 08 - 2012
    • 460

    Please I want an answer, it's urgent because I must prepare and choose my career.


    • CPT.Golden Sniper
      عضو خط الطيران
      • 07 - 08 - 2013
      • 25

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة OmarAbdelmajid
      1- How can apply for Etihad Airways Cadet Pilot Program ?
      2- Which airlines have a cadet pilot program (list of airlines) ? and how I can apply for them ?
      اهلا اخى
      فيه موضوع فى المنتدى يشرح طريقه التقديم لبرنامج الاتحاد (اسف لا استطيع البحث عنه لضيق الوقت ) ممكن تبحث عنه ولكن البرنامج تقريبا تم اغلاقه
      طيران الإتحاد يفتح باب التقديم لبرنامج الطيارين المتدرين الدوليين::~~
      بيقولو البرنامج ممكن يفتح تانى كمان سنتين ولا حاجه (ياريت) دا غير انو بيحتاج شهاده بكاليريوس عند التقديم
      بالنسبه للكاديت بروجرام لو قيت ابقى قولى


      • OmarAbdelmajid
        • 11 - 08 - 2012
        • 460

        Okay Thank you Sir
        Which airlines other than etihad or qatar have cadet pilot program ?


        • khaled mostafa
          مساعد طيار
          • 28 - 08 - 2011
          • 140

          مشكوووور اخى على اهذا الموضوع وكنت ابحث عنه بصراحه


          • الكابتن الحالم
            PNW - Network Planning Manager

            • 07 - 06 - 2010
            • 814

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة OmarAbdelmajid
            Okay Thank you Sir
            Which airlines other than etihad or qatar have cadet pilot program ?
            عندك Cathy Pacific - Qantas - Jetstar - Aerologic - Virgin Australia وغيرهم

            لكنه غير متاح لجميع الجنسيات , فقط جنسيات محددة وفي الغالب غير عربية .


            • OmarAbdelmajid
              • 11 - 08 - 2012
              • 460

              أريد معلومات عن برنامج cadet pilot program لأي شركة طيران تقبل اجانب


              • pilotqtr
                كابتن طيار
                • 08 - 03 - 2012
                • 403

                bro , you can search by yourself in Google , but in my view there is a little companies which put a foreign people in their cadet program , if you interested in training pilot you can choose the best academy and start your training that's all . in the final our lord, by God willing will not be wasted effort for anyone .. Best Regards


                • OmarAbdelmajid
                  • 11 - 08 - 2012
                  • 460

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة pilotqtr
                  bro , you can search by yourself in Google , but in my view there is a little companies which put a foreign people in their cadet program , if you interested in training pilot you can choose the best academy and start your training that's all . in the final our lord, by God willing will not be wasted effort for anyone .. Best Regards
                  I am going to try, but I know that many pilots don't find job after graduation from Aviation Academy. If you join a Cadet Pilot Program, you will work certainly 100%.
                  I will tell you my problem:

                  I am Egyptian but I live in Lebanon, Beirut. I can't go to an Aviation Academy and then present to work At EgyptAir as First Officer because EgyptAir accept students or pilots with 'Wasta' that's I heard in general. I don't know any important person in Egypt because I don't live there. So, I decided to go to Beirut Airport on Friday (midnight) and waiting for pilots of EgyptAir to tell them about my problem and if they can give me an advice. After that I will decide to choose between aviation Academy or Cadet Pilot Program. But priority to the Cadet Pilot Program (Qatar Airways, Air Arabia, Rex, or any airline that accept foreign students), and if I can't find a solution, I am going to apply to an aviation academy for JAA/EASA licence

                  If someone have something to tell me his opinion or his advice, it's will be very important to me .

                  Thank you.

