الطائرة الواقعية Twin Otter Extended من AeroSoft

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  • احمدعوض
    ][ مشرف قسم ][
    ][الدعم الفني للطيران التشبيهي][

    • 23 - 06 - 2012
    • 2372
    • One day will go the airport as pilot not passenger

    [FSX] الطائرة الواقعية Twin Otter Extended من AeroSoft

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
    اقدم لكم طائرة ال Twin Otter Extended من ايروسفت العملاق للمحاكي اكس

    Product description:

    The Twin Otter is truly the small airliner that does it all. There is no aircraft that can land on tarmac runways, mudflats, water, sand, snow and ice. There is also no aircraft that does regular scheduled flights in both the Polar Regions, to airports at extreme altitude, tropical islands and to a beach in the UK. And it still does all that after decades or service. It is really a remarkable aircraft.

    Do not underestimate the Twin Otter, it is not a large twin engine general aviation aircraft, in complexity it really is a small airliner and the Twin Otter Extended will show the aircraft in its full complexity.
    The version for FSX and P3D that we created is remarkable as well. Not only does it represent the best in modelling (with 2k textures), it also comes with complex systems, the best implementation of turbine engines to date and flight models are as accurate as possible and tested by several Twin Otter pilots. Where FSX default systems are not good enough we complete replace them with our own modules.

    The aircraft comes equipped with skies, tundra tires and floats so there will be no place where the trusty Twin Otter will not be able to take you. With versions for cargo and passengers, 100 and 300 models and different engines we cover the whole range of this amazing aircraft.

    The experienced simulator fan will be able to start the aircraft with all the checks and tested that are needed, but if you like you can also use the advanced interactive checklist to guide you from step to step or even to jump directly into an aircraft ready for take-off. We feel this is an ideal way to make complex aircraft usable for all users.

    If you wonder why we called the project the Twin Otter Extended, it is because this is the third time we are modelling this aircraft for Flight Simulator, but this is the first time we decided to make it a true high end project

    بعض الصور :


    Eleven models (DHC-6 100 and DHC-6 300 with wheels, tundra wheels, skies and floats)
    Easy on framerate
    All models with individual high fidelity flight models
    Detailed simulation of engines (correct indication for torque, RPM, ITT)
    Engine failure modes
    Custom electrical, fuel and hydraulic systems
    Detailed sound environment with dozens of additional sound effects
    Detailed avionics suit with Bendix King transceivers, Collins auto pilot (fully realistic) and Digital Flight Data Recorder (that exports to Google Earth)
    Many additional features; fully featured paint kit, extensive manuals, Fuel planner / cargo loader module

    DHC6-100 Floater Cargo
    DHC6-100 Floater Passenger
    DHC6-100 Wheel
    DHC6-300 Amphibian
    DHC6-300 Float
    DHC6-300 Ski/Wheel
    DHC6-300 Tundra Wheel Cargo
    DHC6-300 Tundra Wheel Passenger
    DHC6-300 Standard Wheel Cargo (3 blade prop)
    DHC6-300 Standard Wheel Cargo (4 blade prop)
    DHC6-300 Standard Wheel Passenger (3 blade prop)
    Flight models:

    Very high end flight models for all version.
    Engines and airframe:

    More realistic engine indications for Torque, RPM and ITT
    Engine anti icing (inertial separator) influence on engine parameters
    Propeller start locks on Float version
    Engine failures due to overtorque, overtemp, engine icing or hotstarts
    Structural icing influence on flight performance
    Functional Fire detection and extinguishing system
    Custom electrical, fuel and hydraulic systems

    Custom coded GPS with Com1 & Nav1 radios (based on the default FSX GPS500)
    United instruments 5506L-S Altitude alerter
    Bendix King KX 155 Com2 and Nav2 radios
    Bendix king KN 64 DME
    Bendix King KR 87 ADF radio
    Bendix King KT 70 transponder
    Bendix King KMA Audio panel
    Collins AP-106 Autopilot with Flight director, manual autopilot mode, IAS hold, altitude capture, Go Around mode, MDA mode, Ded Rec mode as well as hdg, Nav and approach modes.
    Digital Flight data recorder where data can be shown in Google Maps

    Extensive paint kit (separate download)
    Extensive Manuals
    Fuel planner / cargo loader module
    Interactive Checklist
    Livery Manager
    System requirements:
    Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2, Acceleration Pack or Gold Edition) or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V2
    Windows XP, Windows VISTA, Windows 7, Windows 8 (all fully updated) (64 bit version highly recommended)
    3.0 GHz processor (Dual Core processor or equivalent system recommended)
    2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
    Mouse with mouse wheel (please note the controller and mouse with mouse wheel are absolutely needed)
    3D Graphics Card with minimal 512 MB (2 GB recommended)
    Control unit (joystick) with throttle and rudder control
    Download-Size: 450 MB
    Installations-Size: 1.8 GB

    الرابط تورنت
    اضغط هنا

    تقلبوا تحياتي

    احمد عوض
    ************************************************** ****

    الان النسخة رقم 1.21
    رابط تورنت:

    حزمة المهمات من ايروسوفت
    Mission Pack

    حزمة صوت من انتاج
    Sonic Solution

  • Flyingway Captain
    ][ نائب مراقب أقسام ][
    ][الطيران التشبيهي][

    • 20 - 07 - 2009
    • 3818

    بالفعل طائرة ممتازة و تصميمها ثلاثى الابعاد يجعلها شئ فريد
    كنت افضل روابط مباشرة بسبب ان الموقع المذكور محجوب بالمملكة العربية السعودية بالاضافة الى سهولة التحميل و يسرة على الاعضاء
    تثبيت 48 ساعة


    • احمدعوض
      ][ مشرف قسم ][
      ][الدعم الفني للطيران التشبيهي][

      • 23 - 06 - 2012
      • 2372
      • One day will go the airport as pilot not passenger

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Flyingway Captain
      بالفعل طائرة ممتازة و تصميمها ثلاثى الابعاد يجعلها شئ فريد
      كنت افضل روابط مباشرة بسبب ان الموقع المذكور محجوب بالمملكة العربية السعودية بالاضافة الى سهولة التحميل و يسرة على الاعضاء
      تثبيت 48 ساعة
      شكرا على التثبيت
      بس يقدرو يستخدموا hotspot shield


      • beroo
        • 15 - 12 - 2010
        • 26

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        • abdelkader dz
          عضو خط الطيران
          • 13 - 10 - 2013
          • 30

          طائرة واقعية جدا


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            • 116

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            • gob6an
              كابتن طيار اول
              • 11 - 12 - 2008
              • 283
              • sigpic

              تسلم على الطائرة الرائعة

              جاري التحميل والتجربة


              • cindebad

                • 24 - 04 - 2010
                • 3843

                تم اضافة اخر التحديثات وحزمة الصوت والمهمات الرسمية في الموضوع الأصلي


                • boodyw
                  عضو خط الطيران
                  • 24 - 08 - 2013
                  • 48

                  تسلم يا كابتن احمد الطائره اكثر من رائعه وفعلا تتمتع بالواقعيه انا حملتها وجربتها بس هيه ناقصها حاجه واحده

                  وضع cold and dark عشان تكمل الواقعيه ده غير ان مفيش شرح للطائره علي اليوتيوب بغض النظر عن كل ده الف شكر كابتن احمد مره تانيه علي موضوعك الجميل


                  • cindebad

                    • 24 - 04 - 2010
                    • 3843

                    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة boodyw
                    تسلم يا كابتن احمد الطائره اكثر من رائعه وفعلا تتمتع بالواقعيه انا حملتها وجربتها بس هيه ناقصها حاجه واحده

                    وضع cold and dark عشان تكمل الواقعيه ده غير ان مفيش شرح للطائره علي اليوتيوب بغض النظر عن كل ده الف شكر كابتن احمد مره تانيه علي موضوعك الجميل
                    بامكانك تفعيل خاصية الـcold and dark من الـConfigurator الخاص بالطائرة كابتن


                    • aldoori
                      عضو خط الطيران
                      • 29 - 11 - 2013
                      • 13


