S-3B Viking - Beta

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  • abody951
    مساعد طيار
    • 12 - 08 - 2013
    • 116

    [FSX] S-3B Viking - Beta

    السلام عليكم
    اقدم لكم طائره جميله ومنتظره ومجانيه وهي S-3B Viking الطائره تحت التطوير يعني راح نشوف مشاكل
    لديها بانل 3D وعدادات 3D فيها امكانيت قذف صواريخ
    بعض المعلومات من المطورين والمشاكل الي حلوها والي ما قدرو يحلوها
    ( كان في نسخه قبلها بس شالوها لوجود اخطائ كثيره فيها وهذي قائمه بالأخطائ الي صلحوها )

    Given that I will not have much time to work on the Viking during the next few weeks, I have decided to release the S-3B Viking "Beta" version as is.
    This is a testing version only - you are welcome to download it and fly it, but you should expect several malfunctions and issues.

    Please report any bug or issue you find - the preferred way is to leave a comment to this post.
    As per my previous testing campaigns, the bug reports / change requests are color coded (you may want to specify if the problem you found is "green", "yellow" or "red" according to you):
    Green - issue solved, or mitigated to the point is acceptable or not perceived by most users.
    Yellow -issue open, and could be perceived as product defect by many users. Awaiting action or investigation. Or issue open, mitigated to the best of my knowledge but will still be perceived as defect by users. Or issue open but appears easy to fix.
    Red - the issue is severe and spoils the experience significantly for many users; root cause not identified as of today or the problem is beyond my knowledge or impossible or very difficult to solve for me.

    As I said, you are welcome to download the file, fly the Viking and report your impressions, but *PLEASE* stick to the following rules:
    - Report your issues as comments to this post
    - Before reporting an issue, make sure it is not aleady on the list
    - Before reporting an issue please check what are the exact condition in which it happens.
    - Please refrain from "opinions", if possible check against the flight manual (It can be easily found with Google, and can be read online at avialogs)
    - Please understand this will not be a complete rendition of the S-3B Viking. The aicraft is very complex, and I am looking for a "medium" realism version. Specifically, weapon system will be very simplifed.
    - TAKE YOU TIME: I won't be working on the Viking for a week or two. Take your time to test it: there is not hurry, and it is not a competition to report as many bugs as fast as you can. It is much more important to clearly identify the bug. Basically if you have not spent a couple of hours flying the Viking, it is probably too soon to report a bug.
    - Rivet counters beware: I do not like you :-)
    - Please DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE the file. It is a test version: it is not good enough for a wider release.

    Project status (updated on 06-09-2014):

    External model:
    External model is almost complete and I do not envision making many changes in the final version. Please note that exit #2 is mapped to the refuel probe, exit#3 is mapped to the weapon bay doors, exit#4 extends flir, refuel hose and MAD boom. Note that, if a refuel pod is present, SENSO and TACCO and Mad Boom will be removed. If you do not have the Tacpack, external loads can be changed with following weights:

    //STATION 1 and 6 (Underwing pylons)
    //DUMB BOMBS MK84, 1992lbs; MK83, 986lbs;
    //MK82, 558lbs + LAUNCHER 250lbs = 808lbs
    //LAU68, 250lbs + LAUNCHER 250lbs = 500lbs
    //AGM65, 650lbs + LAUNCHER 200lbs = 845lbs
    //MK82, 558lbs; LAU-68, 250lbs.
    //REFUEL POD 843 lbs
    //EXT FUEL TANK 381 lbs
    //AGM-84D 1400 lbs
    //STATION 2 to 5, only MK82, 558lbs

    Open issues:
    EX01 - Mk.46 Torpedos not modeled: CLOSED - Modeled REXTORP and added to external model. 20/6/14
    EX02 - Change animation sequence of refuel hose to make it compatible with multiplayer: OPEN
    EX03 - Refuel tanks are missing the specular maps: CLOSED. Added specular map to fuel tanks. 20/6/14
    EX04 - Beacon light on the tail fin does not follow the fin folding animation: CLOSED - fixed 3D model and hardcoded light into mdl and linked to tailfin animation. Fixed on 9/6/14
    EX05 - Bug in flap animation: CLOSED - Known issue from previous build, flap system not in sync with commanded positions. Error in aicraft.cfg prevented proper link of the animations.
    EX06 - Left aileron animation incorrectly mapped to horizontal stabilized: CLOSED - fixed 3D model. Fixed on 9/6/14
    EX07 - Request to have separate textures for flaps inner surfaces (in order to add Modex digits). FIXED. Upper surface of inner port flaps no more mirrored. Fixed on 25/6/14
    EX08 - AoA indexer light is reversed in the external model. CLOSED. Visibility tags assignment was wrong... Fixed on 25/6/14
    EX09 - Wheels animation is incorrect (only 180°) - Status: CLOSED 27/7
    EX10 - Small gap between bay door and fuselage - Status: CLOSED, not completely solved bit mitigated. 27/7

    Virtual cockpit:
    Modeling of the VC is almost complete too - there are some minor details missing, but it will not change much. Most of the instruments needed to conduct a safe VFR flights are in place and working, but cockpit functionality is not complete.

    Open issues:
    VC01 - ILS not showing on ADI: CLOSED. Added ILS Needles to ADI, both for regular Navaids and Tacpacl carrier. 27/6/14
    VC02 - Armament digital display not working (shows moving map as placeholder): CLOSED - Added basic SMS indications, 27/7
    VC03 - Minor bugs in radio controls: CLOSED. Fixed errors in XML code. 7/7/14
    VC04 - Minor details in COTAC station missing, also station not accessible: CLOSED. Added missing details and point of view. 7/7/2014
    VC05 - Autopilot controls incomplete: OPEN
    VC06 - Missing refuel pod controls: OPEN
    VC07 - Some warning lights stay lit even in power is off: CLOSED. All warning lights now enslaved to battery status. 14/7
    VC08 - Tacpack driven weapon system interface incomplete:CLOSED 28/7
    VC09 - Missing Copilot view. CLOSED (left ouut on purpose on Beta, added to .cfg file). 20/6/14
    VC10 - Red beacon light peeks through VC. Closed (modified strobe light effect). 20/6/14
    VC11 - Missing speed target indication on ADI. Status: CLOSED. Added 26/7
    VC12 - Missing VOR station / Tacpack Tacan indication on HSI: CLOSED. Added ILS in ADI and VOR Bearing in HSI. Also, support for Tacpack-generated navaids added. 28/6
    VC13 - Fix course deviation indicator on HSI: CLOSED. Scale factor fixed. 28/6
    VC14 - Missing mirror reflections in rearview mirrors: CLOSED. Went for regular bitmap 26/7
    VC15 - Backlighting issues in some instruments. CLOSED - fixed backlighting conditions. 14/7
    VC16 - Flight Control System lights peed through upper panel. CLOSED - fixed mdl. 14/7
    VC17 - For consistency, some 2D details in the copilot VC should be turned into 3D. CLOSED 24/7
    VC18 - Copilot EFIS control not working. Status: CLOSED 25/7
    VC19 - Add ECM ready light. Status: CLOSED 28/7
    VC20 - Add STA5 and STA6 missile fire lights. Status: CLOSED 28/7

    Flight modeling:
    The Beta features a "draft" flight model... I have not spent much time in testing the flight model, although generally the behaviour seems acceptable, including carrier landings.

    Open issues:
    FM01 - Takeoff run too short: OPEN - Check against NATOPS
    FM02 - Carrier approach slightly too slow: OPEN - Check against NATOPS
    FM03 - Weird "bouncing" issue before cat-launch (apparently only on Tacpack-driven carriers, a/c can be shot and issues disappears when throttles are at idle...). OPEN - Apparently the fix applied does not work every time...need to think of another solution :-(
    FM04 - Wrong wing station location: fix aicraft.cfg file. CLOSED - wrong fuel external fuel tank location in aicraft.cfg. Fixed on 9/6/14
    FM05 - Missing fuel dump entry in aircraft.cfg. CLOSED - Added missing entry to aircraft.cfg file, 20/6/14
    FM06 - Outdated reference to old DSB Viking effects (remove). CLOSED - Removed entries from aircraft.cfg file, 20/6/14
    FM07 - Minor issues with Landing gear dynamics. To be investigated. CLOSED - Fixed 29/7
    FM08 - Wrong references to HTML files in the checklists. CLOSED - HTML are now poiting to a aicraft limitations information file. 29/7
    FM09 - Automatic retraction of the launch bar fails. CLOSED - Note that this is an expected behaviour for SDK-compliant aicrafts and happens in many other aicrafts. Users still perceive this as a defects, so an XML automatic switch for launch bar was added. 25/6/14
    FM10 - Incorrect wing apex position. Status: CLOSED. Fixed wing position flight dynamics 26/7
    FM11 - Gear retraction too slow. Status: CLOSED. Gear retraction time was the same indicated in the NATOPS but this appeared to be slower than the real thing. 27/7

    Tacpack functionalities:

    This version was not meant to have any Tacpack functionality, but given that some are already in place I left them in. Basically, the weapon configurator should work, and you can fire rockets and dumb bombs. AGM-84 missiles will not work, nor will the refuel pod, chaffs and flares. NOTE: FILES ARE *NOT* SIGNED: will not be possible to fly in multiplayer if the server cheat control is active.

    Open issues:
    TP01 - Internal weapons can be released even if doors are closed: CLOSED. Fixed Tacpack code. 8/7/2014
    TP02 - Radar functionality not implemented: CLOSED. Implemented basic Radar functionalities (controls on Rio Stations)...
    TP03 - Refuel pod functionality not implemented: OPEN
    TP04 - ECM functionality not implemented: CLOSED. Implemented basic ECM functionality (Jammer, flares, chaffs)... 26/7
    TP05 - AGM-84D/H functionality not implemented: CLOSED. Implemented release capability of AGM-84 missiles.
    TP06 - Tacpack-based Navaids will not show on EFIS: CLOSED. ILS now shows on ADI, Tacan pointer shows on the HSI. 28/6
    TP07 - Tacpack IFR functionality not correctly implemented. CLOSED. 26/7

    Miscellaneous issues:

    MI01 - Inclusion of additional repaints: CLOSED. Added repaints received from Antonio Diaz and Russel R. Smith. 7/7/2014
    MI02 - Create new thumbnails for all the liveries: CLOSED - Redone thumbnails. 7/7/2014
    MI03 - Create final installation documentation: OPEN
    MI04 - Create checklists: OPEN
    MI05 - Create product documentatio (either flight manual or reference sheets): OPEN
    MI06 - Missing carrier trap sound: CLOSED. Fixed on 24/7/2014


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    غرفت القياده

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    للمزيد من المعلومات ودعم المطورين والتبليغ عن الأخطاء (!!!Bug!!!)
  • ali photo
    كابتن طيار اول
    • 07 - 03 - 2014
    • 205

    شكرا لك اخي ....لكن للاسف عند اختيار الطائرة يظهر هناك خطأ ويخرج المحاكي
    ياريت لو توضح لنا طريقة تنصيبه ...لاني وجدت مجرد ملفين


    • abody951
      مساعد طيار
      • 12 - 08 - 2013
      • 116

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ali photo
      شكرا لك اخي ....لكن للاسف عند اختيار الطائرة يظهر هناك خطأ ويخرج المحاكي
      ياريت لو توضح لنا طريقة تنصيبه ...لاني وجدت مجرد ملفين
      انسخ الملف
      Effects و SimObjects وضعها في ملف المحاكي

