اخر ما انتجته ايروسوفت لعشاق الطيران الحربي
المقاتلة الاسطورة
الطائرة واقعية جدا وتحتاج الى التعلم خصوصا انه مرفق معها حاملة طائرات والكثير من المهمات والكثير لتكتشفوه بانفسكم
بعض المميزات حسب موقع الشركة:
- Features
Three generations of the A model F-14 as well as the more refined B model
Drive up front or scan the skies from the RIO seat
Payload Manager with Checklists
Payloads can be loaded and jettisoned dynamically in the simulator, changing visual models, weight, and fuel
Automated Checklists for Pre-Start, Start, Post-Start, Taxi, Run-up, Take-off, Approach, and Post-Landing
Approach Rating system which evaluates how well pilots set their aircraft up for a visual approach
Sim Start Options which allow users to set and remember the F-14`s loading state
Visual Systems
HUD - A models: vintage type that is projected on the windscreen
HUD - B model: Sparrow Hawk model with integrated combiner
HUD - Both Models: All Flight and Steering modes have been created, including A/A and A/G with CCIP, shows Carrier TACAN and ILS symbology
VDI (Vertical Display Indicator) - in-the-cockpit aircraft attitude instrument with ground and sky textures
HSD (Horizontal Situation Display) - compass rose and steering symbols (TACAN, CRS, ADF)
DDD (Detailed Data Display) - shows raw radar data in azimuth and range-rate
TID (Tactical Information Display) - presents radar targets in a computer-generated, synthetic, clutter-free format
RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) - shows ground and sea based radar emitters
AWG-9 radar - 8 modes of operation (including STT, RWS, TWS, PLM), adjustable azimuth scan and elevation bar patterns, ranges from 5 to 200nm
All displays have the authentic F-14A type symbology and functionality is programmed according to the NATOPS Manual
Engine Management (TF-30)
Compressor stalls (aero): Poor management of the aircraft will result in random compressor stalls which can induce a dreaded flat spin. Stall algorithm is random; stalls will onset, clear, and engine restarts based on a continuous supply of random numbers, while aircraft state (Altitude, Mach, Angle of Attack, and Sideslip) as well as aircraft configuration increase or decrease the chances of pitfalls and recoveries
Compressor Stalls (throttle): Rapid throttle movements in the IDLE region can saturate the combustion chamber and stall a compressor
Mach Lever: During Air Combat Maneuvering; Engine IDLE RPM is automatically increased at high AoA to increase stall resistance (both types)
Engine Fires: Hot starts and compressor stalls dump fuel into the combustion chamber even though no thrust is being generated. Exceeding a transient temperature limit for critical time or heating beyond an absolute limit will cause the blades to melt and the engine will be lost
Sump Tanks: Turbines are directly supplied by gravity fed sump tanks which only hold a combined 600lbs of fuel. Negative G maneuvers and high thrust settings can starve the engines in a hurry
Flight Systems
Complete wing sweep implementation with all four modes of operation: Auto, Bomb, Manual, and Emergency (with Oversweep). Auto Mode uses two sweep channels with dependencies on Mach and Altitude to determine optimum wing sweep angle
Maneuver Flaps: Both automatic and pilot controlled (separate system from main flaps)
Glove Vanes: Extend with Maneuver Flaps at sweep angles greater than 25° and also at very high Mach
Approach Auto Throttle: The F-14 is a notoriously difficult plane to land, Approach AutoThrottle maintains the aircraft at optimum AoA
Direct Lift Control: Pilots can toggle a partial extension of the inboard spoilers to adjust AoA during approach
Ground Roll AeroBrake: When armed, Inboard and Outboard spoilers fully extend with weight on wheel and throttles at Idle
Speed Brake: Blows shut at speeds greater than 400KIAS or auto-retracts at MIL thrust
MiniHUD: Optional 2D gauge gives access to information which would be readily available in a pilot`s peripheral vision
Auto Flight Control System (AFCS)
Three channel passive Stability Augmentation System (SAS). Pilot inputs and control surface deflection rates are reduced, which allow better control in the normal flight regime
Aileron-Rudder Interconnect designed directly from NASA source documentation
Built from scratch Autopilot with Control Stick Steering in Pitch and Bank Hold Modes
Vector mode follows a loaded flight Plan
Auto Carrier Landing System combines with Auto Throttle for a hands free carrier landing. 2D Alignment gauge for AFCS can be used give precise feedback on ACLS lineup
Flight Mechanics
Thoroughly tested by retried Fleet F-14 pilots and a software engineer involved with a professional F-14 simulation. Performance and control response & stability data were sourced and matched as closely as possible to NATOPS and NASA technical archives
The F-14`s notorious flat spin has been recreated along with the `Hoser` method of spin recovery
Simconnect enabled Axis Manager (AM) precisely sets the aircraft`s lift based on the configuration of six lift devices; Wing Sweep, Primary (outboard) flaps, Auxiliary (inboard) flaps, Slats, Spoilers, and Glove Vanes
(AM) Separate control output for Stabilator and spoilerons; wings swept aft will produce less lift, less roll, and notably increased adverse yaw
(AM) Authentic catapult launch speeds on any carrier as well as a custom trap physics on recovery
AI Scenarios
In-sim menu allows users to spawn randomly generated scenarios anywhere near a carrier TACAN signal
Includes radar Intercept, escort, wandering (civilian) pilot, Random, and a Tanker for when the tanks run empty
Included aircraft that have been generously donated by our collaborators:
KA-6D: Razbam Simulations ( http://www.razbamsims.com)
Su-27 : ALS-Sim ( http://www.als-sim.com)
Tu-95 : Samdim Designs ( http://samdimdesign.free.fr/ )
USS Kitty Hawk CV-63
Built from scratch Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS) which can be applied to any naval aircraft using the Kitty Hawk
11 moving carrier tracks from around the world centered around on historically significant locations. Each track has a corresponding saved flight which allows users to load the simulation directly on a moving carrier.
Moving tracks includes a carrier task force
USS Jarrett and USS Vandegrift by Alberto Garcia
USNS Patuxent by Javier Fernandez
Owners of the Deltasim DDG ( http://deltasimstudio.com/ddg.htm ) will have the option to substitute the destroyer into the Carrier Task Force
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