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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • الطيران العمانـي
    • 19 - 06 - 2013
    • 1184


    Saudi Arabian Airlines A320-214. This is a repaint of Project Airbus A320-200 model in the colors of Saudi Arabian Airlines, registration SV-ASC. All 32 bit textures. Repainted by Mohammed Al-Khalifa.

    Saudi Arabian Airlines A320-214.

    copy & paste the "Project Airbus A320 Saudi Arabian Airlines" folder into your (Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes) directory.

    That's it,Enjoy flying.

    Mohammed Al-Khalifa



    Support: This model has been tested to be used with Microsoft Flight Simulator – A Century of Flight ONLY. As of release there are no plans to make this model compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

    Background Information

    Project Airbus was born in the mist of flight simulation’s golden era, at a time when all add-on production was taking a turn to supreme accuracy and evolved from sheer simplicity to authentic flight recreation.

    In early 2002, Trevor Slack came across Thomas Ruth’s website, while his A300 was still in production. Trevor had the benefit to beta test Thomas’ creation and they constantly exchanged ideas and information, so to end up naming their effort “Project Airbus,” and soon after, with the texturing assistance of Nicholas Wu, the A300 became the first group’s big hit. The number of variables they had managed to incorporate into the model was almost revolutionary and never seen before in the flight simulator scene.

    In the meanwhile, a lot of people were inclined to help the group’s effort and names such as that of Thomas Kwong, Alexander Kvitta, Peter Binamira, Michael Karam, Gianmarco Bettiol or Micheal Theriault were written down PA’s book. The A320 was another success – and the last for quite some time. It also included many new features and was widely regarded as simply the best A320 flight simulator rendition available at that point in time.

    The group went through a rough patch in late 2003 and early 2004 and was commonly decided that there was a break. However, a proposal to revive the group with new blood and projects was welcomed and work on the new version of the A320 began.

    Three years later, the A320 has been finally released and Project Airbus has a lot more up its sleeve for the future!

    For now, we hope you take your time at enjoying our current recreation, as that is the first and foremost stimulus in freeware add-on production.

    Installation Instructions

    Simply extract the ZIP file in your Flight Simulator 9/Aircraft directory and move the contents of the Effects folder to your root Flight Simulator 9/Effects directory.


    The Project Airbus A320 offers a wide range of features, many of which are XML-controlled such as:

    • Pressurisation outflow valve – controls air pressure by letting it out, opens below 30 knots on ground
    • Ground spoilers
    • Pack outlets – open different amounts due to temperature
    • Idle reversers – reversers stay open for a couple of seconds after they have been shut off, open full when only idle reverse thrust is selected
    • Parallel bogies – in the double-bogey model (used by Indian Airlines)
    • Dynamic jetwash – visible only when engines running
    • Dropping surfaces – elevators and ailerons drop when engines are shut off


    • Opening passenger and cargo doors
    • Custom effects – double strobes, navigation and beacon lights, as well as touchdown effects
    • Dynamic shine
    • Wingviews
    • Accurate landing gear extension and retraction

    Doors Operation

    L1 – Select exit (Shift + E)
    L2 + cargo doors – Tail hook up/down (not assigned to a key binding by default)
    R1 + R2 – Wing fold/unfold (not assigned to a key binding by default)
  • ayman777
    كابتن طيار
    • 06 - 01 - 2014
    • 374

    • سبحان الذى سخر لنا هذا

    مع تحياتى


    • الطيران العمانـي
      • 19 - 06 - 2013
      • 1184

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ayman777
      مع تحياتى

      شكراً على هالصورة الرائعه و الجميلة 😍:ebdaa:

      و شكراً لمرورك


      • بوخليفة
        عضو خط الطيران
        • 02 - 01 - 2008
        • 16

        جاري التحميل مع خالص الشكر


        • youleft41
          طيار مستقبلا
          • 28 - 01 - 2015
          • 52


          فين رابط التحميل؟


          • الطيران العمانـي
            • 19 - 06 - 2013
            • 1184

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة youleft41
            فين رابط التحميل؟
            اعتذر عن الخطأ
            سيتم وضع الرابط غداً ان شاء الله


            • الطيران العمانـي
              • 19 - 06 - 2013
              • 1184

              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة youleft41
              فين رابط التحميل؟

              Experience a meticulously repainted Airbus A320-214 bearing the livery of Saudi Arabian Airlines (often referred to locally as Saudia), crafted by Mohammed Al-Khalifa. The repaint, produced in clear 32-bit textures, showcases the distinctive look of the Kingdom’s flag carrier, and it comes paired with the complete Project Airbus A320 base model. Enjoy the reliable short-to-medium range performance of the A320, which has become a benchmark for commercial aviation worldwide. Saudi Arabian Airlines...

