مصطلحات مهمة للمرحل الجوي


رسوم عبور الاجواء والخدمات الملاحية

رسوم عبور الاجواء والخدمات الملاحية:
تطبق معظم دول العالم رسوم لاستخدام أجوائها وعبورها وفقاً للقواعد المقررة من قبل منظمة...

اللائحة النهائية لحقوق الركاب - هيئة الطيران المدني السعودي

إعتمدت هيئة الطيران المدني السعودي بالمشاركة مع شركات الطيران
اللائحة النهائية لحقوق الركاب
ويسر المنتدى أن يكون أول من يعلنها على الروابط أدناه


موضوع لعرض تكاليف تطوير وأنشاء المطارات من المصادر العالمية

أرجو من الاخوة أن كان هناك معلومات موثقة من مصادر حديثه او أخبار ومعلومات عن مطار أتاتورك باسطنبول ، ومطار روما

القواعد الخاصة بالأمتعة في المقصورة

يتوقف وزن الأمتعة المسموح به في مقصورة الركاب عموما على درجة السفر التي تسافر فيها.

يُسمح للمسافرين في الدرجة الأولى ودرجة رجال الأعمال

Metar -- TAF


ميتار Metar وهي أختصار للكلمة الفرنسية (MÉTéorologique) وتعرف على أنها حالة الطقس في منطقة المطار ويتم تحديثها كل ساعة او ساعتين بحسب إمكانيات

فتح ستائر نوافذ الطائرة عند الاقلاع والهبوط ( مواضيع مدموجة )

اكمالا للموضوع السابق :

اطفاء الاضاءه عند الاقلاع والهبوط اليلي

أود أن أسأل لماذا يطلب مضيفي الكبينة من الركاب فتح النوافذ و...

مصطلحات مهمة للمرحل الجوي

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • Dispatcher - Alloy
    عضو خط الطيران
    • 20 - 11 - 2008
    • 9

    مصطلحات مهمة للمرحل الجوي

    مصطلحات مهمة للمرحل الجوي

    (ASDA) — The length of the take-off run available
    plus the length of the stopway, if provided.
    ACROBATIC FLIGHT — Manoeuvres intentionally
    performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change
    in its attitude, an abnormal attitude, or an abnormal
    variation in speed.
    ADEQUATE VIS REF (Adequate Visual Reference)
    — Runway markings or runway lighting that
    provides the pilot with adequate visual reference to
    continuously identify the take-off surface and maintain
    directional control throughout the take-off run.
    ADS AGREEMENT — An ADS reporting plan which
    establishes the conditions of ADS data reporting (i.e.,
    data required by the air traffic services unit and frequency
    of ADS reports which have to be agreed to
    prior to the provision of the ADS services).
    NOTE: The terms of the agreement will be exchanged
    between the ground system and the aircraft bymeans
    of a contract, or a series of contracts.
    ADS-C AGREEMENT — A reporting plan which
    establishes the conditions of ADS-C data reporting
    (i.e. data required by the air traffic services unit and
    frequency of ADS-C reports which have to be agreed
    to prior to using ADS-C in the provision of air traffic
    NOTE: The terms of the agreement will be exchanged
    between the ground system and the aircraft bymeans
    of a contract, or a series of contracts.
    ADS CONTRACT — A means by which the terms
    of an ADS agreement will be exchanged between the
    ground system and the aircraft, specifying under what
    conditions ADS reports would be initiated, and what
    data would be contained in the reports.
    NOTE: The term “ADS contract” is a generic term
    meaning variously, ADS event contract, ADS demand
    contract, ADS periodic contract or an emergency
    mode. Ground forwarding of ADS reports may be
    implemented between ground systems.
    ADVISORY AIRSPACE — An airspace of defined
    dimensions, or designated route, within which air traffic
    advisory service is available.
    ADVISORY ROUTE (ADR) — A designated route
    along which air traffic advisory service is available.
    NOTE: Air traffic control service provides a much
    more complete service than air traffic advisory service;
    advisory areas and routes are therefore not
    established within controlled airspace, but air traffic
    advisory service may be provided below and above
    control areas.
    ADVISORY SERVICE—Advice and information provided
    by a facility to assist pilots in the safe conduct
    of flight and aircraft movement.
    AERODROME — A defined area on land or water
    (including any buildings, installations and equipment)
    intended to be used either wholly or in part for the
    arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.
    NOTE: The term “aerodrome” where used in the provisions
    relating to flight plans and ATS messages is
    intended to cover also sites other than aerodromes
    which may be used by certain types of aircraft; e.g.,
    helicopters or balloons.
    Concise summary of specified meteorological elements
    at an aerodrome, based on statistical data.
    providing statistical data on the observed occurrence
    of one or more meteorological elements at an aerodrome.
    control service for aerodrome traffic.
    AERODROME CONTROL TOWER — A unit established
    to provide air traffic control service to aerodrome
    AERODROME ELEVATION — The elevation of the
    highest point of the landing area.
    (AFIS) — A directed traffic information and operational
    information service provided within an aerodrome
    flight information zone, to all radio equipped
    aircraft, to assist in the safe and efficient conduct of
    office, located at an aerodrome, designated to provide
    meteorological service for international air navigation.
    method for interrelating the numerous specifications
    concerning the characteristics of aerodromes so as
    to provide a series of aerodromes facilities that are
    suitable for the aeroplanes that are intended to operate
    at the aerodrome. The aerodrome reference code
    — code number and letter, which are selected for
    aerodrome planning purposes