شركة اجنبية رائدة في بيع وتأجير الطائرات

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  • alhuthari
    رد: شركة اجنبية رائدة في بيع وتأجير الطائرات

    هل توجد عروض جديده

    اترك تعليق:

  • my dream pilot
    رد: شركة اجنبية رائدة في بيع وتأجير الطائرات

    شكرا لك بارك الله فيك جزاك الله خيرا

    اترك تعليق:

  • شركة اجنبية رائدة في بيع وتأجير الطائرات

    الى جميع شركات الطيران العربية والاجنبية
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    لدينا شركة رائدة في بيع وتأجير الطائرات وتوفير طائرات جديدة من المصنع بأسعار تتراوح من 28٪ الى 47٪ اقل من سعر المصانع العالمية وبخصم يصل حتى 2.0 مليون دولار امريكي

    حاليا يوجد عدة طائرات جديدة وجاهزه للبيع :-

    1x A320-214 new, with 174 Y-class and Sharklets
    4x A350-900
    1x A380-800
    2x Boeing B737-800 delivery 1 October & 1 November
    2x B787-800 Dreamliner
    Other quantities on request

    الاسعار تختلف حسب الموديلات والطلب.

    الى ذلك توفير طاقم خدمات جوية وارضية بالاضافه الى مضيفين جويين حسب الطلب ايضا توفير كباتن طيارين طبقا لمنظمة الطيران JAR وFAA
    ايضا مدربين ومختبرين طيارين،

    للاستفسار التواصل على :-
    [email protected]

    we're able to deliver factory-new and pre-owned airplanes.
    Please understand it is our policy not to distribute prices for any aircraft without a real project behind.

    Our prices are between 28% and 47% lower than the OEM list prices depending on model and quantity and usually include US$ 2.0mio discount or finder’s fee per airplane.

    Right now we are able to deliver immediately the following airplanes:
    1x A320-214 new, with 174 Y-class and Sharklets
    4x A350-900
    1x A380-800
    2x Boeing B737-800 delivery 1 October & 1 November
    2x B787-800 Dreamliner
    Other quantities on request

    we also supply you with flight and ground crews according to your requirements.

    Whether you need our services short or long time, we have the solutions ready.

    Our Captains and First Officers are current under JAR- and as well as FAA regulations.
    Type Rating Instructors (TRI) and Type Rating Examiners (TRE) can be provided at any time when your own crewmembers need their LPC and OPC check flights as required by the authorities.
    Enrichment courses as for example London City airport familiarization course for G150.
    Supervision Captains to monitor and train your new crew until they are ready for check out.

    Other Personnel such as fully qualified technicians who will take care of any maintenance issues.
    Or do you require a flight attendant speaking your business partners’ language?
    We can offer you all the above within the shortest timeframe.

    Sales Condition:
    Letter of Intent backed by an enduser-airline with valid AOC
    Proof of Funds by a AAA bank
    Down-payment of $1.0mio for narrow-bodies and $2.0mio for wide body airplanes

    Our sales procedures and documents you will fin attached.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you think we can cooperate with you on a specific project.

    please feel free and contact me on
    [email protected]
