سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 37 شخصاً

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  • عاشق A380
    .. المراقب العام ..
    سبحان الله وبحمده
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    • 09 - 11 - 2008
    • 14582

    سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 37 شخصاً

    سقوط طائرة b747-400F للشحن ، تابعة لشركة MY CARGO التركية، أثناء هبوطها في بيشكيك عاصمة قيرغيزستان ، وحصيلة الوفيات 20 شخصاً حتى الآن .

    مزيد من الصور من موقع سقوط الطائرة

  • عاشق A380
    .. المراقب العام ..
    سبحان الله وبحمده
    سبحان الله العظيم

    • 09 - 11 - 2008
    • 14582

    رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركية ومقتل 20 شخصاً

    رحم الله المسلمين منهم وألهم ذويهم الصبر و السلوان

    - في انتظار المزيد من التفاصيل عن الحادث


    • عاشق A380
      .. المراقب العام ..
      سبحان الله وبحمده
      سبحان الله العظيم

      • 09 - 11 - 2008
      • 14582

      رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 20 شخصاً

      لقي أكثر من 32 شخصا مصرعهم، اليوم الإثنين، جراء تحطم طائرة شحن تركية بمطار ماناس قرب العاصمة القرغيزية بشكيك، والضحايا هم 3 من أفراد طاقم الطائرة وسكان المباني التي سقطت عليها.

      وذكر متحدث باسم وزارة الطوارئ القرغيزية لوكالة "نوفوستي"، أن 32 شخصا لقوا حتفهم على الأرض، وهم من سكان المباني التي سقطت عليها الطائرة، مشيرا إلى أنه تم تدمير 15 من المباني. ولا تزال حصيلة الضحايا غير نهائية، حيث يستمر التحقق من عددهم.

      وفي وقت سابق أعلنت المتحدثة باسم وزارة الصحة القرغيزية لـ "نوفوستي" عن مصرع 9 بالغين و6 أطفال على الأرض، جراء سقوط الطائرة. وأضافت أنه تم ايضا نقل 5 سكان مصابين بجروح إلى المستشفى، بينهم 3 أطفال. بدوره، أكد مدير مركز إدارة الأزمات بوزارة الطوارئ القرغيزية، محمد سفاروف، في حديث لوكالة "نوفوستي"، أنه "حسب المعلومات الأولية، لقي 3 من أفراد الطاقم مصرعهم، ونجا واحد، ونقلته سيارة إسعاف إلى المستشفى". ولا تزال أعمال إطفاء الحريق في مكان تحطم الطائرة مستمرة. وقد وصل إلى مكان الحادث كل من رئيس وزراء قرغيزستان، سارونباي جاينبيكوف، والنائب الأول لرئيس الوزراء، ووزير النقل والطرق. وأعلن مطار ماناس التوقف عن استقبال وإقلاع الرحلات على خلفية الحادث. هذا، وقد تحطمت بمطار ماناس بضواحي العاصمة القرغيزية، طائرة شحن من نوع "بوينغ 747"، تابعة لشركة الخطوط الجوية التركية، وهي كانت تنفذ رحلة من هونغ كونغ إلى بشكيك. ووقع الحادث أثناء هبوط الطائرة بالمطار وسط ظروف جوية صعبة، وهي سقطت على مجمع سكني قريب من المطار.


      • محمد احمد عسيري
        Flying Way

        • 16 - 03 - 2011
        • 13343

        رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 20 شخصاً

        الخبر توه نزل بموقع the aviation herald
        صورة للطائرة نفسها بمطار هونج كونج الدولي

        Crash: MyCargo B744 at Bishkek on Jan 16th 2017, impacted terrain on final approach

        A MyCargo Boeing 747-400 freighter on behalf of Turkish Airlines, registration TC-MCL performing flight TK-6491 from Hong Kong (China) to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) with 4 crew, was on final approach to Bishkek's runway 26 at 07:18L (01:18z) when the aircraft impacted terrain about 1100 meters/3600 feet past the runway end and went through a couple of houses of a village. All 4 crew on board the 747 as well as 28 people on the ground perished, 8 people on the ground received injuries.

        Boeing reported flight TK-6491 operated by ACT Airlines suffered an accident near Manas Airport in Bishkek and extended condolencens to the families of those perished and best wishes for those injuries. A technical team is on stand by to assist the investigation.

        Turkish Airlines offered their condolences to the families of those perished in the crash of the ACT Airlines aircraft in Kyrgyzstan.

        Kyrgyzstan's Health Minister reported all 4 pilots and 28 people on the ground perished have died, 8 people received injuries and were taken to hospitals.

        Kyrgyzstan's Prime Minister stated the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC, also known as MAK) is going to investigate the crash. The aircraft was about to land for a fuel stop on its flight from Hong Kong to Istanbul and was cleared to land by air traffic control. 11 other aircraft hand landed without incident prior to the accident in the morning hours of Jan 16th.

        Emergency Services reported the aircraft destroyed 30 of 43 houses when it impacted the village of the Aviator Society, debris spreads over an area of 1000 meters.

        UCFM 160300Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0150N FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 160230Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0250N FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 160200Z VRB01MPS 0150 R26/0375N FZFG VV001 M09/M11 Q1024 R26/19//60 TEMPO 0100 FZFG
        UCFM 160130Z VRB01MPS 0150 R26/0550 FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 160100Z VRB01MPS 0050 R26/0300N FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 160030Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV001 M09/M11 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 160000Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0400 FZFG VV002 M09/M10 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 152330Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0450 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 152300Z 00000MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 152230Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 152200Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 152130Z VRB01MPS 0150 R26/0450 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        UCFM 152100Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0400N FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
        Aviation Herald - News, Incidents and Accidents in Aviation

        فيديو للحادث
        Caught on camera Dozens Dead In Turkish Airlines Cargo Plane Crash In Kyrgyzstan VIDEO 1 - YouTube


        • محمد احمد عسيري
          Flying Way

          • 16 - 03 - 2011
          • 13343

          شركة ACT للطيران تؤكد تبعية الطائرة التي تحطمت في قرغيزستان لها

          شركة ACT للطيران تؤكد تبعية الطائرة التي تحطمت في قرغيزستان لها
          أكدت شركة ACT للطيران أن إحدى طائرات الشحن التابعة لها تحطمت، وهي في طريقها من هونج كونج إلى العاصمة القرغيزية بشكك اليوم الاثنين.
          وقالت الشركة، ومقرها تركيا، في بيان، إن سبب الحادثة لم يتحدد بعد وأنها ستعلن أية تفاصيل فور توافرها.
          وكانت الخطوط الجوية التركية أصدرت بيانا أوضحت فيه أن الطائرة وطاقمها لا يتبعون لها.
          أكدت شركة ACT للطيران أن إحدى طائرات الشحن التابعة لها تحطمت، وهي في طريقها من هونج كونج إلى العاصمة القرغيزية بشكك اليوم الاثنين. وقالت الشركة، ومقرها تركيا، في بيان، إن سبب الحادثة لم يتحدد بعد وأنها ستعلن أية تفاصيل فور توافرها. وكانت الخطوط الجوية التركية أصدرت بيانا أوضحت فيه أن الطائرة وطاقمها لا يتبعون لها.


          • محمد احمد عسيري
            Flying Way

            • 16 - 03 - 2011
            • 13343

            رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 20 شخصاً

            صور أخرى من الحادث

            مصدر الصور


            • محمد احمد عسيري
              Flying Way

              • 16 - 03 - 2011
              • 13343

              رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 20 شخصاً

              التحقيقات الأولية للحادث بأنه وقع بسبب (خطأ بشري)

              قتل 37 شخصا على الأقل بينهم ستة أطفال الاثنين في تحطم طائرة شحن فوق عدد من المساكن بالقرب من مطار بشكيك عاصمة قرغيزستان حيث أعلنت الحكومة أن الحادث نجم عن "خطأ في القيادة" حسب النتائج الاولية للتحقيق. وقال نائب رئيس الوزراء القرغيزستاني محمد كالي ابوالغازييف في مؤتمر صحافي بثه التلفزيون "حسب النتائج الاولية للتحقيق، وقع الحادث بسبب خطأ في القيادة". وذكرت وزارة الحالات الطارئة في قرغيزستان ان طائرة بوينغ-747 تحطمت فوق قرية داتشا-سو بالقرب من مطار ماناس عند الساعة 7,40 (01,40 ت غ). وصرح متحدث باسم الوزارة لوكالة فرانس برس ان "37 شخصا على الاقل قتلوا في تحطم" الطائرة.

              وذكرت وزارة الصحة ان معظم الضحايا هم من سكان القرية. واوضحت مصادر طبية ان ستة اطفال واربعة طيارين قتلوا في الحادث.
              قتل 37 شخصا على الأقل بينهم ستة أطفال الاثنين في تحطم طائرة شحن فوق عدد من المساكن بالقرب من مطار بشكيك عاصمة قرغيزستان حيث أعلنت الحكومة أن الحادث نجم عن

              بإنتظار تحقيقات أخرى حول الحادث وسيتم إدراجها بالمنتدى في حينها


              • محمد احمد عسيري
                Flying Way

                • 16 - 03 - 2011
                • 13343

                رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 37 شخصاً

                تحديث لآخر الأخبار حول الحادث

                Crash: MyCargo B744 at Bishkek on Jan 16th 2017, impacted terrain on go around

                By Simon Hradecky, created Monday, Jan 16th 2017 07:29Z, last updated Monday, Jan 23rd 2017 14:42Z

                A MyCargo Airlines Boeing 747-400 freighter on behalf of Turkish Airlines, registration TC-MCL performing flight TK-6491 from Hong Kong (China) to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) with 4 crew, was on final approach to Bishkek's runway 26 at 07:18L (01:18z) when the aircraft went around from very low height but did not climb out to safety, impacted terrain about 1100 meters/3600 feet past the runway end and went through a couple of houses of a village. All 4 crew on board the 747 as well as 34 people on the ground perished, 8 people on the ground received injuries and were taken to hospitals.

                Boeing reported flight TK-6491 operated by ACT Airlines suffered an accident near Manas Airport in Bishkek and extended condolencens to the families of those perished and best wishes for those injuries. A technical team is on stand by to assist the investigation.

                Turkish Airlines offered their condolences to the families of those perished in the crash of the ACT Airlines aircraft in Kyrgyzstan.

                Kyrgyzstan's Health Minister reported all 4 pilots and 28 people on the ground have died, 8 people received injuries and were taken to hospitals.

                Kyrgyzstan's Prime Minister stated the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC, also known as MAK) is going to investigate the crash. The aircraft was about to land for a fuel stop on its flight from Hong Kong to Istanbul and was cleared to land by air traffic control. 11 other aircraft had landed without incident prior to the accident in the morning hours of Jan 16th.

                Emergency Services reported the aircraft destroyed 30 of 43 houses when it impacted the village of the Aviator Society, debris spreads over an area of 1000 meters.

                Kyrgyzstan's Ministry of Transport reported the aircraft was on approach from the east to west when the aircraft went around but impacted the airport fence and subsequently fell onto the housing estate.

                On Jan 17th 2017 MyCargo Airlines reported according to their first information 33 people on the ground and the 4 crew on board of the aircraft were killed in the accident. The captain of the flight had a total of 10,821 flight hours, thereof 833 hours in command on type, the first officer had a total of 5,910 flights hours and 1,771 hours on type. The aircraft, built in 2003, joined MyCargo in 2015, had no open faults in the tech log prior to departure from Hong Kong, and was carrying 85,618kg of general cargo (maximum capacity 116,462kg). The crew was complemented by a loadmaster and an engineer. The crew had rested 69 hours in Hong Kong. The airline is cooperating with Kyrgyz Authorities, Turkey's Ministry of Transport as well as the Accident Investigation Commission. First findings suggest, that the crash was not related to technical or loading related factors.

                Kyrgyzstan's Government announced on Jan 17th 2017, that 34 people on the ground and 4 crew have been killed in the accident. First fragments of a black box were located on Jan 16th 2017, on Jan 17th 2017 the cockpit voice recorder was recovered. The search for the flight data recorder is still on going.

                On Jan 18th 2017 Kyrgyzstan's Government announced that the second black box (the flight data recorder) was recovered from the crash site on Jan 18th. Both recorders are now being forwarded to the MAK for read out and analysis.

                The MAK announced they are going to investigate the crash stating there were 32 fatalities (including the crew and victims on the ground) when the aircraft crashed into the residential area. Accident Investigators from the NTSB/USA (representing the designer and manufacturer of aircraft and engines) as well as from Turkey (representing the operator's state and registry state of the aircraft) are going to join the investigation.

                On Jan 20th 2017 the MAK reported that both black boxes have arrived at their facilities, however, show considerable mechanical damage and evidence of high temperatures. A download has not been possible the conventional way. The MAK is cooperating with Turkish, US and Kyrgyz Authorities to remove the memory from the protected storage, then restore the recordings. This work was already completed on the flight data recorder, preliminary analysis suggests the accident data are present. Work on the cockpit voice recorder is still on going.

                MyCargo Airlines were formerly known as ACT Airlines.

                UCFM 160300Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0150N FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 160230Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0250N FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 160200Z VRB01MPS 0150 R26/0375N FZFG VV001 M09/M11 Q1024 R26/19//60 TEMPO 0100 FZFG
                UCFM 160130Z VRB01MPS 0150 R26/0550 FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 160100Z VRB01MPS 0050 R26/0300N FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 160030Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV001 M09/M11 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 160000Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0400 FZFG VV002 M09/M10 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 152330Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0450 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 152300Z 00000MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1023 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 152230Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 152200Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0375 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 152130Z VRB01MPS 0150 R26/0450 FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG
                UCFM 152100Z VRB01MPS 0100 R26/0400N FZFG VV002 M08/M09 Q1024 R26/19//60 NOSIG

                The black boxes arrived at the MAK

                ILS/2 NDB runway 26 approach Chart

                Aviation Herald - News, Incidents and Accidents in Aviation


                • محمد احمد عسيري
                  Flying Way

                  • 16 - 03 - 2011
                  • 13343

                  تحديث: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 37 شخصاً

                  آخر الأخبار حول الحادثة

                  On Feb 3rd 2017 Russia's Civil Aviation Authority Rosaviatsia reported the aircraft conducted a CATII ILS approach to Bishkek's runway 26 in night and adverse weather conditions (winds from 060 degrees at 2 knots, visibility at the threshold 100 meters (RVR 400 meters), mid point 100 meters (RVR 350 meters), runway end 100 meters (RVR 400 meters) with a vertical visibility of 50 meters. According to preliminary information the aircraft crossed the runway threshold 26 significantly higher than required, continued to descend while overflying the entire runway and touched down 900 meters past the runway end. The aircraft collided with a concrete airport fence and rolled into the village about 1000 meters past the runway end breaking up in the process. Fuel was spilled causing a fire. Three occupants were killed on the spot, a fourth occupant died on the way to a hospital, 38 houses were destroyed and 35 villagers killed, the aircraft was completely destroyed. The captain of the flight was 59 years of age and had accumulated 10,821 hours total flight experience and 833 hours in command on type. Rosaviatsia issued following immediate safety recommendations:

                  1) Draw the attention of flight crew to verify all checking points (distance, altitude, height) while conducting ILS approaches, in particular also CAT II/III ILS approaches

                  2) Draw the attention of flight crew to initiate a go around immediately when on decision height insufficient required visual references are available

                  3) Air traffic control, whenever technically possible, should alert the crew of substantial deviation from approach trajectories
                  4) Air Traffic Control, in particular in Kyrgyzstan, have to inform flight crew of significant deviation from expected approach trajectories when low visibility procedures are in effect

                  Aviation Herald - News, Incidents and Accidents in Aviation


                  • محمد احمد عسيري
                    Flying Way

                    • 16 - 03 - 2011
                    • 13343

                    رد: سقوط طائرة 747 شحن تركيةقبل هبوطها في عاصمة قيرغيزستان ومقتل 37 شخصاً

                    آخر الأخبار والتحليلات
                    On Feb 8th 2017 information sent out to Russian Flight Crew (see the attached graphics of the flight trajectory below) became known stating, that the aircraft was conducting a CATII ILS Approach to Bishkek's runway 26, the crew however did not monitor their altitude, the aircraft passed the final approach fix 650 feet above the glideslope, therefore no glideslope capture occurred and the aircraft continued to descend to 3400 feet at 200 KIAS and levelled off at 3400 feet (Autopilot Modes: LOC CAP and ALT HOLD), the glideslope deviation indicator showed a full scale down deflection. About 0.8nm before the runway threshold the aircraft passed through the false glideslope (9 degrees) resulting in valid glideslope deviation indications for about one second, the autopilot changed to G/S CAP (Capture) mode and the aircraft began to descend, the glideslope deviation indicator returned to a full scale down deflection. The crew did not detect that it was not possible to descend to the runway from 3400 feet (runway elevation at 2055 feet) within 0.8nm, did not cross check their approach trajectory nor did the crew notice the full scale down deflection of the glideslope deviation indicator. The aircraft thus descended parallel to and above the actual glideslope. At 100 feet radio altitude the captain called for a go-around due to lack of visual references, TOGA was activated at 52 feet radio altitude, the aircraft however touched down 900 meters past the runway end and 60 meters to the right of the extended runway center line, broke through a concrete fence, bounced and fell into the village about 1000 meters past the runway end, following the impact at the concrete wall the aircraft began to break up and spilled fuel which resulted in a fire. All crew and 37 people in the village lost their lifes, 8 villagers were seriously injured.

                    Aviation Herald - News, Incidents and Accidents in Aviation

