رد: بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
Any new updates about this academy and is it better than Egnatia ??
Thank you all
بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
رد: بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
الاكاديمية معروفة بس حاليا عدد طلابها كبير جدا مقارنة بعدد الطائرات ,, يعني صعب جدا تخلص طيران لدرجة انه الاكاديمية تفرض على الطالب يخلص الـ 14 مادة النظرية قبل لا يبدا حتى ساعة طيران وحده!
هذا الموضوع مخالف لقوانين منظمة الاتحاد الاوروبي اصلا ! ويعرض الطالب لسحب رخصته ولو انه غلطة الاكاديمية ولكن القانون قانوناترك تعليق:
رد: بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
وانا ايضا افكر فيها وفي ايجتا ال في اليونان ممكن ترسلني الانستا mo_taha01اترك تعليق:
رد: بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
شكرا لك. اتمنى ان تفيدنا بخصوص مصاريف الدراسةاترك تعليق:
رد: بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
السلام عليكم أخي ، هل التحقت بهالمدرسة ؟اترك تعليق:
بالنسبة لاكاديمبة global aviation باليونان (معلومات عنها)
شباب انا بفكر التحق ب global aviation تقريبا كل الي تخرجوا منها بيشتغلوا ....وهيا باليونان ..كلمتهم وراسلوني بعتلوي الرساله دي بس مش فاهم المميزات من العيوب تقريبا الي فهمته انهم هيدوني 200 ساعه وادي الرسالة
Dear Sir,
First of all, thank you for your interest. Global Aviation is the oldest professional pilot academy in Greece, an international aviation organization with more than 20 years of experience in professional pilot training. Global Aviation is based in the Civil Aviation Airport of Pachi (LGMG), Athens, Greece and is approved by EASA to offer commercial airplane pilot training courses such as the ATPL Integrated, ATPL Modular, CPL, IR, MEP and MCC. As exclusive distributor of Piper Aircrafts in Greece and the Balkans, since 1997, Global Aviation uses a modern fleet of 8 single, 2 multi-engine training airplanes and 2 FNPT II flight simulators (including MCC) that are based in the Civil Aviation Airport of Pachi in Athens Greece. All theoretical and flight training takes place in Athens, Greece, where the weather allows us to fly around 350 days per year. Moreover, Global Aviation is an EASA approved maintenance centre and the only certified Piper Service Centre in the region.
Global Aviation has been the market leader in pilot training in Greece having a domestic market share of over 60% since 1997. Furthermore, our international student program has been very successful, having trained students from the Middle East, Europe and China. As a long-standing corporate member of the Greek-Arab Chamber of Commerce we have excellent business relations with various organizations in the Arab world. Our base of operations in Athens, Greece’ business and aviation centre, our fleet of Piper aircrafts, our in-house maintenance, our affiliations with hotels near the airport and most importantly our team of highly experienced instructors and managers, enable us to offer top quality, tailor-made, professional pilot training packages for international students.
Below there is a brief presentation of the ATPL Integrated course. For further details, follow the link: ATPL INTEGRATED
ATPL (A) Integrated is a single course where the student begins without any flight experience directly to the commercial training. The student will do a 7-month residential commercial theoretical training (ATPL Residential Ground School) while in the meantime he/she begins the flight training. The total duration of the course is on average 14 months.
The ATPL Integrated course begins every September, January and May.
Pre-entry Requirements:
ü At least 18 years old
ü Sufficient Knowledge of English language (no diploma required)
ü Copy of High School Diploma (or higher)
ü Medical Certificate Class 1
ü Copy of Passport
ü Type D (Student) Visa (for non EU students only)
The ATPL theoretical knowledge course (ground school) comprises of 14 subjects and includes 800 hrs of classroom training, Bristol GS approved inter-active video training, slide presentation, progress tests and sample exams. The duration of the course is 7 months. The 14 ATPL subjects are: (010) Air Law, (021) Aircraft General Knowledge, (022) Instruments & Electronics, (031) Flight Performance and Planning - Mass and Balance, (032) Performance, (033) Flight Planning & Monitoring, (040) Human Performance & Limitations, (050) Meteorology, (061) General Navigation, (062) Radio Navigation, (070) Operational Procedures, (081) Principles of Flight, (091) VFR Communications, and (092) IFR Communications.
The flight training course comprises of a total of 205 hrs. Of those 134 are conducted on single engine piston airplanes (SEP), 11 hrs on multi engine piston airplanes (MEP) and 60 hrs on FNPT II flight simulators, including 20 hrs on an FNPT II MCC flight simulator for the Multi Crew Cooperation Course (MCC). At the end of the course the student pilot will have completed at least 133 dual & 72 pilot in command (PIC) hrs and 85 VFR & 120 IFR hrs. During the first three phases the student will complete visual flight rules (VFR) training and be trained in SEP aircrafts. During phase four the student will complete the instrument flight rules (IFR) and MEP training. During phase five the student will complete the MCC training, whose aim is to become proficient in order to operate safely multi pilot multi engine airplanes under IFR. The student may begin the flight training after the period of 3,5 months from the beginning of the theoretical training.
Medical Examination
You need an Aviation Medical Centre to examine you for class 1 initial medical. For information about Medical Certificate Examination follow the link to our website: Medical | Global Aviation SA - Pilot Training Courses
There are two medical certificates you are required to obtain, the Aviation Medical Certificate (which can only be obtained in an EASA country such as Greece, and you need it before your enrolment) and the Visa Medical Certificate (which can only be obtained in your country, and it is required before your visa issuance).
Global Aviation provides Accommodation Options for its international students according to their needs. Estimate a cost of €300 to €500 per month for most apartments.
Visa issuance
The procedure for the visa application is simple. You send us your passport, so as to send you an Invitation Letter for your appointment with the Greek Embassy (or Consulate) in your country and you start the procedure of visa issuance. The visa issuance procedure may take up to 6 months (the duration is depending on the security checks your application will go though by Greek authorities). If you require assistance with visa issuance process follow the link to our website: International | Global Aviation SA - Pilot Training Courses
For further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kindest Regards,
Tomy Liota
Marketing Manager
Global Aviation SA
Civil Aviation Airport Pachi
Megara, 19100, Greece
Tel: +30 22960 81154
Fax: +30 22960 25459
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.globalaviationsa.com
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