09DEC / 18z - 22z [CH,AT] Zurich-Wien Password Event

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  • Flyingway Captain
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    • 20 - 07 - 2009
    • 3818

    [إعــلان] 09DEC / 18z - 22z [CH,AT] Zurich-Wien Password Event

    Banner by Léa Rouiller, CH-PRC

    Event Date: Sunday, 09th of December
    Event Time: 18z-22z
    Divisions: CH, AT
    Airports: Zurich (LSZH), Wien (LOWW)

    Event Description

    The Switzerland and Austrian divisions will finish this nice year with a special event: A password event!

    The main task is to fly from Zurich to Wien and/or from Wien to Zurich and answer a question during the final approach to test your theoretical knowledge about the local procedures , for exemple: "what is the ILS frequency of the runway 28 at LSZH?" .
    If you give the good answer, you wil receive your landing clearence. In case of wrong answer, you will perform a go around.

    All pilots are kindly requested to :

    > Make sure you have valid AIRACs !
    > Be prepared - have access to charts.
    > Note the SID altitude restrictions and STAR speed restrictions.
    > Be ready - you may be asked to enter holds, fly headings and speeds.
    > Remember - Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.

    For this event, it's better to have some basic knowledges of the local procedures for LSZH and LOWW. But no worry, the main goal of the event is to have a good time with a litle bit of challenge, so the questions are not too complicated.

    We suggests all pilots to use a freeware or a payware scenery as default sceneries in the flight simulators are out of date or airport does not exist.

    Zurich sceneries are available here

    FSX & P3D V3/V4

    FSX & P3D V3/V4
    X-Plane 10/11

    A good pilot would never fly without charts!

    Switzerland Sceneries
    Zurich Charts
    Switzerland Lower Airspace
    Switzerland Upper Airspace

    You can also click here for the latest official documents. Free Registration is required.

    Austria Charts
    Wien charts
    Austria Lower Airspace
    Austria Upper Airspace

    This airbridge is eligible for the CH and AT Pilot and ATC Event Awards. One point can be earned for every completed flight or control session between Zurich and Wien within the time frame of the event.

    - Each participant will receive one point in our Pilot Event system (of 10 required) to obtain the Pilot Event Award.
    Please send your PIREP in thereporting system to receive your point for the Pilot Event Award.

    - Each participant will receive one point in our ATC Event system (of 10 required) to obtain the ATC Event Award.
    Please send your PIREP in the reporting system to receive your point for the ATC Event Award.

    We're looking forward to seeing you there!

    copied from IVAO Switzerland
