متطلبات الامتحان الشفوي للخطوط السعوديه لخريجي ( A&P (OK-AMT License Knowledge Requirements

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  • ykoheel

    • 16 - 02 - 2008
    • 424

    متطلبات الامتحان الشفوي للخطوط السعوديه لخريجي ( A&P (OK-AMT License Knowledge Requirements

    لاحظ ان الامتحان باللغه الانجليزيه وهو شرط لا نقاش فيه

    OOK - AMT License Holders Knowledge Requirements

    :AMT graduates must be able to

    Read and explain the contents of a technical paragraph from the General/Airframe/Powerplant text book in English language

    Explain the theory of lift using basic physics, aircraft axes, primary & secondary flight controls and their use to control aircraft movements around its axes

    Explain major forces acting on aircraft during flight

    Explain basic electrical circuit's components and description

    Explain aircraft motors, generators and batteries composition and basic operation

    Demonstrate in-depth understanding of technical drawings types and applications including lines identification

    General understanding of aircraft weight and balance principles as to why, when and how it's done

    Demonstrate high level of understanding aircraft structure metallic / none metallic materials types and their applications, also aircraft hard wears types and usage on basic sheet metal repairs

    Identify all hand tools, measuring tools and equipment types and their usage

    Identify NDT methods and at least explain one also identify corrosion types and how to treat corrosion

    Describe aircraft ground handling procedures such as marshalling anti fueling

    Identify classes of fires and fire extinguishers types and their use

    Identify maintenance publications and manuals including FARs and aircraft documents

    Identify aircraft major assemblies and components replacement & rigging procedures, including fuselage types

    Identify aircraft processes such as welding. painting, composite repairs

    Describe aircraft systems composition and basic operations such as hydraulic., pneumatic, electrical, ice and rain, fuel, and fire protection systems

    Explain types of aircraft engines, their types, composition and basic operation for both turbine and reciprocating engines

    Describe engine systems composition and basic operation such as induction, exhaust lubrication, starting and ignition and cooling systems

    Identify propeller types and basic principle of operation Identify aircraft and Powerplant inspection types

    بالتوفيق للجميع
  • بو وليد
    عضو خط الطيران
    • 29 - 05 - 2008
    • 42

    رد: متطلبات الامتحان الشفوي للخطوط السعوديه لخريجي ( A&P (OK-AMT License Knowledge Requirements

    يعطيك الف عافيه كابتن ويحفظك ربي

    لا هنت


    • mechanic
      .. عضو مجلس الادارة ..

      .. مراقب هندسة وصيانة الطائرات ..

      • 15 - 10 - 2005
      • 2529

      رد: متطلبات الامتحان الشفوي للخطوط السعوديه لخريجي ( A&P (OK-AMT License Knowledge Requirements

      يسلموو كابتن ويعطيك الف عافية

