بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إخواني الكرام أعضاء ورواد منتدانا الغالي خط الطيران
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اقدم لكم اليوم طائرة مميزة جدا
وهي طائرة وكالة ناسا الفضائية ذات المحرك الصاروخي
X-15-2/3 من إنتاج شركة Xtremeprototypes
طائرة متقنة ومميزة جدا

قصة الطائرة الحقيقية
The X-15-2 (serial number AF56-6671) became the first X-15 aircraft to test the million-horsepower XLR-99 rocket engine in flight. The X-15-2 was delivered to Edwards Air Force Base in April 1959 and completed 31 flights (9 with the interim XLR-11 engines) before it was damaged during an emergency landing in November 1962, and eventually repaired and modified to become the "advanced" X-15A-2.
The X-15-3 (serial number AF56-6672) was delivered to Edwards in the summer of 1959. The aircraft was seriously damaged in June 1960 when its ammonia and hydrogen peroxide tanks exploded while testing the new XLR-99 engine on the ground. Pilot Scott Crossfield was uninjured and the aircraft was rebuilt. In August 1963, NASA pilot Joe Walker set an altitude record of 354,200 feet in the No. 3 aircraft, the highest flight of the X-15 research program.
The X-15-3 completed 65 flights between December 1961 and November 1967. Sadly, the airplane was lost during a tragic accident in November 1967 that took the life of Air Force pilot Michael Adams.
وهنا بعض المعلومات عن نسختنا هذة
X-15-2/3 for Flight Simulator Key Features
Custom X-15 flight model to simulate rocket-powered high-speed and high-altitude flight in FS2004 and FSX:
Supersonic flight up to Mach 4.65 in FS2004 and FSX
High-altitude flight up to 354,200 feet in FSX (100,000 feet in FS2004)
NEW! Compatible with FSX Acceleration Expansion Pack
NEW! Autopilot (X-15-3 only)
Can be launched either from a high altitude like the real X-15 or take off from an airport runway like other Flight Simulator aircraft
Good maneuvrability at supersonic speeds and excellent gliding capabilities
Highly detailed 3D models with more than 300 parts, 60 animations, reflective textures and unique markings, based on archive material
Fully functional instrument panels with 200 custom gauges and systems to simulate almost every step and procedure required in a typical X-15 mission
NEW! Fully functional 3D virtual cockpits with over 900 parts and nearly 200 animated gauges, switches, levers, light indicators and flight instruments
NEW! New VC switches, control sticks, handles and levers
NEW! Multiple side views for the main 2D panel
NEW! An automatic ignition sequence to start the X-15 engine at the touch of a single “magic” red button
NEW! New cockpit spotlights (VC and exterior model)
NEW! Ten camera definitions or views (FSX only), some of them corresponding to the real-world X-15 external bug-eye cameras
NEW! New X-15 custom sound sets for FSX and FS2004
NEW! New “invisible” canopy mode to fly the X-15 without her clamshell-type canopy on for more visibility and a spectacular view from the VC
NEW! Basic autopilot modes (MH-96 adaptive flight control system, X-15-3 only) - X-15-3 now has basic autopilot functions (attitude and heading hold modes) with control switches located on the MH-96 main and side control panels
NEW! Twelve saved flights based on X-15 historical missions to simulate a high-altitude launch from a carrier aircraft or a takeoff from the ground
Spectacular visual effects including rocket engine flames, APU exhaust and propellant jettison effects
Uses a custom fuel management system with three different types of propellants (ammonia, liquid oxygen and hydrogen peroxide) and pressurized helium, like in the real-world X-15 rocket plane
Includes a comprehensive 100-page user manual inspired from the original X-15 utility flight manuals, in a printable PDF format (English and French language versions are included with the software)
NEW! A comprehensive 100-page user manual and a 20-page VC manual inspired from the original X-15 utility flight manuals, in a printable PDF format (English and French language versions are included with the software)
والآن أترككم مع صور الطائرة

الطائرة مرفوعة على سيرفر المنتدي وحجمها 200 ميجا تقريبا مقسمة لثلاث روابط
الجزء الأول
الجزء لثاني
الجزء الثالث
التنصيب إعتيادي والسيريال مرفق
فيديو كامل لطريقة التشغيل
أتمنى أن يكون الموضوع قد نال إعجابكم
وإلى لقاء جديد إن شاء الله مع مواضيع حصرية أخرى فقط لكم وفقط على خط الطيران
كل التحية لكم والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
أبو يوسف
إخواني الكرام أعضاء ورواد منتدانا الغالي خط الطيران
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اقدم لكم اليوم طائرة مميزة جدا
وهي طائرة وكالة ناسا الفضائية ذات المحرك الصاروخي
X-15-2/3 من إنتاج شركة Xtremeprototypes
طائرة متقنة ومميزة جدا

قصة الطائرة الحقيقية
The X-15-2 (serial number AF56-6671) became the first X-15 aircraft to test the million-horsepower XLR-99 rocket engine in flight. The X-15-2 was delivered to Edwards Air Force Base in April 1959 and completed 31 flights (9 with the interim XLR-11 engines) before it was damaged during an emergency landing in November 1962, and eventually repaired and modified to become the "advanced" X-15A-2.
The X-15-3 (serial number AF56-6672) was delivered to Edwards in the summer of 1959. The aircraft was seriously damaged in June 1960 when its ammonia and hydrogen peroxide tanks exploded while testing the new XLR-99 engine on the ground. Pilot Scott Crossfield was uninjured and the aircraft was rebuilt. In August 1963, NASA pilot Joe Walker set an altitude record of 354,200 feet in the No. 3 aircraft, the highest flight of the X-15 research program.
The X-15-3 completed 65 flights between December 1961 and November 1967. Sadly, the airplane was lost during a tragic accident in November 1967 that took the life of Air Force pilot Michael Adams.
وهنا بعض المعلومات عن نسختنا هذة
X-15-2/3 for Flight Simulator Key Features
Custom X-15 flight model to simulate rocket-powered high-speed and high-altitude flight in FS2004 and FSX:
Supersonic flight up to Mach 4.65 in FS2004 and FSX
High-altitude flight up to 354,200 feet in FSX (100,000 feet in FS2004)
NEW! Compatible with FSX Acceleration Expansion Pack
NEW! Autopilot (X-15-3 only)
Can be launched either from a high altitude like the real X-15 or take off from an airport runway like other Flight Simulator aircraft
Good maneuvrability at supersonic speeds and excellent gliding capabilities
Highly detailed 3D models with more than 300 parts, 60 animations, reflective textures and unique markings, based on archive material
Fully functional instrument panels with 200 custom gauges and systems to simulate almost every step and procedure required in a typical X-15 mission
NEW! Fully functional 3D virtual cockpits with over 900 parts and nearly 200 animated gauges, switches, levers, light indicators and flight instruments
NEW! New VC switches, control sticks, handles and levers
NEW! Multiple side views for the main 2D panel
NEW! An automatic ignition sequence to start the X-15 engine at the touch of a single “magic” red button
NEW! New cockpit spotlights (VC and exterior model)
NEW! Ten camera definitions or views (FSX only), some of them corresponding to the real-world X-15 external bug-eye cameras
NEW! New X-15 custom sound sets for FSX and FS2004
NEW! New “invisible” canopy mode to fly the X-15 without her clamshell-type canopy on for more visibility and a spectacular view from the VC
NEW! Basic autopilot modes (MH-96 adaptive flight control system, X-15-3 only) - X-15-3 now has basic autopilot functions (attitude and heading hold modes) with control switches located on the MH-96 main and side control panels
NEW! Twelve saved flights based on X-15 historical missions to simulate a high-altitude launch from a carrier aircraft or a takeoff from the ground
Spectacular visual effects including rocket engine flames, APU exhaust and propellant jettison effects
Uses a custom fuel management system with three different types of propellants (ammonia, liquid oxygen and hydrogen peroxide) and pressurized helium, like in the real-world X-15 rocket plane
Includes a comprehensive 100-page user manual inspired from the original X-15 utility flight manuals, in a printable PDF format (English and French language versions are included with the software)
NEW! A comprehensive 100-page user manual and a 20-page VC manual inspired from the original X-15 utility flight manuals, in a printable PDF format (English and French language versions are included with the software)
والآن أترككم مع صور الطائرة

الطائرة مرفوعة على سيرفر المنتدي وحجمها 200 ميجا تقريبا مقسمة لثلاث روابط
الجزء الأول
الجزء لثاني
الجزء الثالث
التنصيب إعتيادي والسيريال مرفق
فيديو كامل لطريقة التشغيل
أتمنى أن يكون الموضوع قد نال إعجابكم
وإلى لقاء جديد إن شاء الله مع مواضيع حصرية أخرى فقط لكم وفقط على خط الطيران
كل التحية لكم والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
أبو يوسف