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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • tawfeek
    عضو خط الطيران
    • 15 - 10 - 2008
    • 24


    for serious people only

    Year 2006
    Manufacturer CESSNA

    Location Ronkonkoma, New Y
    Condition USED
    Serial Number 560-5622
    Registration Number N561MK
    Total Time 1196 Hours
    Number Of Seats 9

    General Information
    Airframe and avionics under warranty balance 5 yrs/5000 hrs from 4.30.06, Engines and APU bal 5 yrs/2500 hrs

    Detailed Description

    1195.5 Hours 859 Landings

    Engine Specs:
    Pratt & Whitney PW545B Balance of Warranty 5 years or 2500 Hours.
    Left: 1195.5 Hours 859 Cycles,
    Right: 1195.5 Hours 859 Cycles


    Panel Layout 560XLS CS-04
    Honeywell P-1000 CDS EFIS System with Integrated Flight Director, Autopilot & LCD displays
    Dual Digital AHRS
    Honeywell Primus II Integrated Radio System with dual DME & single ADF
    Honeywell WU-880 Radar
    Honeywell KHG-1050 High Frequency Transceiver (provisions only)
    Universal UNS-1Esp Flight Management System (single with provisions for a 2nd UNS-1Esp)
    Permanent Data Transfer Unit – Universal
    Honeywell TCAS II (with Software Change 7)
    Honeywell Mark V EGPWS
    Standby Electronic Flight Display
    Standby Mechanical HIS
    Locator Beacon – Artex C406-2 with navigation interface (three-frequency)
    Angle of Attack System (including indexer)
    Radio Altimeter
    Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder – L3 Communications FA2100
    Honeywell HF-1050 with Coltech CSD-714 SELCAL
    ST3100 Phone System with one handset in cockpit and one handset in cabin.
    One RS-322 Data Port in Cockpit. No Intercom

    Additional Equipment:

    Tail flood lights
    Pulselite system
    76 cu. Ft. oxygen system
    Quick donning oxygen masks
    Remote cabin temperature control
    Cockpit speaker mute switch
    Dispatch ground power for FMS 1, Comm 1, Audio 1 and Audio 2 using ships power
    Lead acid battery (Exchange) – Concorde
    Crew headset jacks in cockpit to support Bose model Generation X headsets
    LH/RH three-book navigation chart cases
    Monorail sun visors


    Overall Matterhorn White with Cypress Blue and CS Platinum trim.
    Nine passenger configuration features a forward two-place belted divan opposite entryway, four seats in the center club followed by two forward facing aft seats and a LH aft side-facing belted seat and RH potty with external service. Video system with DVD player includes six (6) window line LCD monitors. Main executive and aft slim line tables have leather inserts. The aft cabin dividers have a mirror/veneer and sliding privacy doors. Manual pleated cabin window shades. Three (3) 110 VAC outlets.

    Inspection Status:

    Phase 5 Inspection C/W 11/08. Balance of manufacturer’s original warranty in effect to 5 yrs/5000 hours on Manufacturer’s airframe components and Honeywell Avionics from date 4-30-06. On CESCOM.