Gas Turbine Engine

  • الوقت
  • عرض
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  • طالب هندسة
    عضو خط الطيران
    • 24 - 10 - 2008
    • 11

    Gas Turbine Engine

    السلام عليكم ..عندي اسايمنت وياريت حد يساعدني

    هذي الاسئله

    اتمنى القى الجواب

    describe the basic principles of aircraft propulsion using simple equations..?

    describe the purpose of three sections of a Gas Turbine Engine..?

    Explain the working cycle of Gas Turbine engine and the realationship between pressure,and velocity and volume and temperature..?

  • libyan-ame
    ][ مشرف قسم هندسة ][
    وصيانة الطائرات

    • 26 - 04 - 2008
    • 2871

    رد: Gas Turbine Engine

    describe the basic principles of aircraft propulsion using simple equations

    the propulsion depends on the mass flow rate and the air velocity, where we can say

    P= m (Vo - Vi), where
    m= the mass flow rate
    Vo= the velocity of exhoust
    Vi= the velocity of inlet


    • libyan-ame
      ][ مشرف قسم هندسة ][
      وصيانة الطائرات

      • 26 - 04 - 2008
      • 2871

      رد: Gas Turbine Engine

      describe the purpose of three sections of a Gas Turbine Engine

      the compressor
      It is used to compress the air, which increases the inlet air pressure through the compressor stages, it is known as a cold section

      the Compustion chamber
      Where the fuel-air mixture is burned and paeesd to the turbine

      the turbine
      It is used to preduce a high velocity exit


      • libyan-ame
        ][ مشرف قسم هندسة ][
        وصيانة الطائرات

        • 26 - 04 - 2008
        • 2871

        رد: Gas Turbine Engine

        Explain the working cycle of Gas Turbine engine and the realationship between pressure,and velocity and volume and temperature

        in compressor
        P inlet less then P comp
        V inlet higher than V comp
        with P increase in the Compressor T increase / V decrease

        in CC
        P & V constant
        T increase with increase in Volume

        P & T decrease
        V increase


        • طالب هندسة
          عضو خط الطيران
          • 24 - 10 - 2008
          • 11

          رد: Gas Turbine Engine

          مشكوووووور والله الغالي على الاجوبه وماتقصر يزاك الله الف خير


          • libyan-ame
            ][ مشرف قسم هندسة ][
            وصيانة الطائرات

            • 26 - 04 - 2008
            • 2871

            رد: Gas Turbine Engine

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