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  • Ahmed_mes79
    كابتن طيار اول
    • 23 - 08 - 2008
    • 257


    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    هناك اكتر من اضافة لسنرى بلاد العالم ومن ابرزها المملكة المتحدة وما يمزها أنها صور فوتوغرافية ، وهذه بعض الصور من موقع الشركة مع وصف الاضافة :
    About VFR Generation X Version 2.0:

    VFR Generation X Version 2.0 includes content provided in Version 1.0 (aerial photography & terrain data), as well as night-scenery, interactive inland water body updates, a new terrain mesh, and a number of other goodies that we think you'll like (see below).
    About VFR Photographic Scenery Generation X:

    Using real aerial photography for scenery means that the views you see from your virtual cockpit are literally transformed into the real thing - you see exactly what the pilots of the survey aircraft saw when they acquired the aerial photography.

    The original VFR Photographic Scenery, created by Visual Flight and the team that evolved into Horizon Simulation, for the first time put the real world into Microsoft Flight Simulator. Horizon has again joined forces with the UK's leading aerial photography and terrain data suppliers, (Getmapping PLC and Intermap Technologies, Inc.) to bring you the next generation of this landmark scenery.
    Explore the UK, go sight-seeing, rehearse flights, practice VFR navigation techniques (using real aeronautical charts), or simply enjoy spectacular views from your virtual cockpit.

    Available as a series of 3 volumes, you can now enjoy unsurpassed detail from the White Cliffs of Dover to the Scottish border in this astonishing photographic scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
    The resolution and accuracy of the aerial photography and terrain data alone make VFR Generation X the most detailed and accurate flight simulation scenery ever released commercially for a flight simulator - including those sceneries used by civilian and military flight training institutions that costs thousands of times the price.
    VFR Sceneries are currently being used by thousands of private pilots across the globe, and by commercial and military pilots from some of the world's most revered flying institutions.
    VFR Generation X is comprised of 3 Volumes, each containing 3 dual layer DVDs, plus a number of downloadable enhancements. Features out of the box in Version 2.0 include:
    High Definition Photographic Scenery

    The imagery of choice for the world's leading defence contractors and simulation professionals, Getmapping's aerial photography is second to none for simulation applications. This imagery is included in VFR Generation X at 16 times the detail of that used in the original Award Winning VFR Photographic Scenery for Microsoft FS2002/4.

    Unparalleled Terrain Detail (5m Terrain Mesh)

    Generated from Intermap Technologies phenomenal NEXTMap Britain™ (the most detailed and accurate terrain survey ever undertaken for the UK), VFR Generation X gives users minute topographic detail that shows every lump and bump in England & Wales. Never before has such a terrain mesh been released for Microsoft Flight Simulator on a national scale.

    Custom Night Scenery:

    Using new night lighting software and techniques created by Horizon, VFR Generation X gives users incredible scenery to enjoy even at night - you can now practice VFR Navigation at any hour.

    Real Water Textures (Exclusive to VFR Generation X):

    Flight Simulator X now provides very much more realistic water effects and allows considerably more freedom in the way that such scenery is created. Gone are the days of Caribbean blue water in UK scenery - VFR Generation X water bodies will give you very realistic water colours (individual to each water body), will provide a moving, reflective surface, will allow float aircraft operations, and will even let you see through to sub-surface features like sand bars and underwater channels. No other scenery for FSX provides this.
    Enhanced Performance

    Smooth frame rates with crisp, sharp photographic scenery - VFR Generation X has been specifically designed to optimise performance and reduce the effects of blurry scenery

    textures even on lower spec systems.3D Objects Demo (Snowdonia & North West Wales)

    Fly amongst buildings, trees, vehicles, and thousands of other accurately placed 3D objects. (Full product currently under development. Further details to be follow.)

    FSX 3D London Demo

    FSX London is a complete 3D model of the whole of London - 120km2 to be exact. It includes every building (c. 10,000 objects), lots of vegetation (30,000 plus trees), and a

    great deal of other cultural data that brings the city to life.VFR Airfields: Volume 1 Demo

    The perfect complement to VFR Generation X, VFR Airfields is an airport scenery upgrade that replaces the default, generic airports with very realistic virtual models of the actual

    Available for download following the initial release of VFR Generation X (FREE to VFR Generation X customers), Horizon will also be providing:
    Ultra-High Resolution Towns & Cities:

    Up to 30 towns and cities throughout England & Wales will be provided at 4 times more detail than that included on the disks (60cm/pixel). With an estimated flying altitude of 3-400 ft (AGL), these inserts will provide a base for 3D sceneries that are currently in

    development by Horizon and our partners.Landmarks and Bridges:

    Upto 30 Landmarks and Bridges in the UK will be provided to give pilots additional navigation references and to give the young at heart a challenge to fly under (or even

    Software:Microsoft FSXMicrosoft FSXOperating System:Windows XP(SP2)/VistaWindows XP(SP2)Processor:1.5 GHz2.0+ GHzRAM:512 MB(XP)/1024 MB(Vista)1024 MBGraphics Card:64 MB128+ MBHard Disk Space:6 GB (for 2.4m/pix scenery)22 GB (for 1.2m/pix scenery)Graphics Drivers:DirectX 9.0cDirectX 9.0c (Shader Model 2.0)Multimedia Drive:DVDDVD
    Please Note:

    * Minimum System Specifications refers to those specifications required to display the photographic scenery at its most basic level of detail. Users with systems at or around this specification will need to pay special attention to the User Manual in order to tune system settings to optimise performance. Limitations on flying altitude, speed, and visibility may be required to maintain frame rates.

    ** Recommended System Specifications refers to those specifications required to display the photographic scenery at its most detailed. Whilst less tuning will be required than for a system at or near the Minimum Specifications, users will still need to pay attention to recommendations in the User Manual in order to achieve optimal performance.
    Getmapping PLC

    The photographic scenery in this product is generated from aerial photography provided by Getmapping PLC, the UK's leading supplier of aerial photography.
    Currently in use by Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, QinetiQ (formerly DERA), British Airways, the RAF (and many more) Getmapping's photography is the imagery of choice for the world's leading professional simulation companies, defence contractors, and flight training institutions.Intermap Technologies, Inc.

    The terrain mesh in this product is generated from the most detailed and accurate countrywide terrain survey ever undertaken - NEXTMap Britain™ from Intermap Technologies, Inc. Intermap's elevation data is so accuracte that it is used by the UK's leading insurance companies to determine the flood risk to individual properties throughout the UK. Nothing else comes close.

    وهذا الرابط هو فيديو للاضافة http://www.horizonsimulation.info/vi...-DemoVideo.wmv
    ارجو أن تكو الاضافة اعجبتكم لأنها كبيرة نسبياً
    وهى عبارة عن ثلاثة ملفات تورنت حجم الملف حوالى 28 جيجا (أى حوالى 85 جيجا)

    اذا اعجبك الموضوع لاتبخل بالرد
  • hatem623
    ][ مراقب أقسام ][
    ][الطيران التشبيهي][

    • 16 - 12 - 2007
    • 6021
    • نحن منكم وإليكم

    رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

    اخي العزيز كابتن أحمد تسلم يديك على الموضوع الجميل
    والله يعين اللي حيحمل هالاضافة لان الحجم مرعب جدا هههههههههه
    يثبت لمدة 48 ساعة
    كل التحية لك


    • ahmedhakim
      • 04 - 05 - 2008
      • 417
      • لا اله الا انت سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين

      رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

      هى بصراحة اضافة رائعة وجميلة جدا بس عيبها ان حجمها كبير جدا ياكاااااابتن
      انا هاردى كله على بعضه 80 جيجا
      يالا مليش حظ انى احمل الاضافة دى بس بجد اضافة روووووووعة وتسلم ايدك ياكابتن

      اخوك حكييييييييييييييم


      • waj2000
        الدرجة الاولى
        • 04 - 02 - 2007
        • 519
        • sigpic

        رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

        والله إضافة بالفعل جميلة وفي قمة الروعة
        تسلم يالغالي
        بس عندي طلب بسيط ياريت ياكبتن رابط ثاني على الزي شير لأن موقع الميديا فاير محجوب عندنا
        وشكرا مقدما


        • Ahmed_mes79
          كابتن طيار اول
          • 23 - 08 - 2008
          • 257

          رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

          اخي العزيز كابتن أحمد تسلم يديك على الموضوع الجميل
          والله يعين اللي حيحمل هالاضافة لان الحجم مرعب جدا هههههههههه
          يثبت لمدة 48 ساعة
          كل التحية لك
          اخى العزيز كابتن ابو يوسف مشكور على مرورك الطيب الغالى علي جداً وكل التحية والتقدير لك

          هى بصراحة اضافة رائعة وجميلة جدا بس عيبها ان حجمها كبير جدا ياكاااااابتن
          انا هاردى كله على بعضه 80 جيجا
          يالا مليش حظ انى احمل الاضافة دى بس بجد اضافة روووووووعة وتسلم ايدك ياكابتن

          اخوك حكييييييييييييييم

          مشكور اخى حكيم على مرورك الطيب وكلامك الجميل وعلى فكرة الشركة دية عاملة كذا دولة زى سويسرا والمانيا وشغالين لسة يعنى الواحد عايز هارد تيرا بايت يعنى الف جيجا تقبل تحياتى

          والله إضافة بالفعل جميلة وفي قمة الروعة
          تسلم يالغالي
          بس عندي طلب بسيط ياريت ياكبتن رابط ثاني على الزي شير لأن موقع الميديا فاير محجوب عندنا
          وشكرا مقدما

          اخى waj2000 مشكور على مرورك الطيب وتفضل رابط على zshare


          • مبدع الطيران
            ][ عضو الطيران ONLINE ][

            • 22 - 09 - 2006
            • 1770

            رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

            إضافة جميلة جدا أخ أحمد
            وأعتقد أنها لمحبي الطيران VER بالطائرات الخفيفة وتصوير أفلام هبوط الطائرات
            5 نجوم ياباشا ووتستحق التقييم على المشاركة الممتازه وإلى الأمام


            • Ahmed_mes79
              كابتن طيار اول
              • 23 - 08 - 2008
              • 257

              رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

              مشكور كابتن مبدع الطيران على هذا الكلام الجمبل جزاك الله خيراً


              • B737-800
                عضو خط الطيران
                • 01 - 12 - 2007
                • 49

                رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

                رااائع والله يعطيك العافيه


                • Ahmed_mes79
                  كابتن طيار اول
                  • 23 - 08 - 2008
                  • 257

                  رد: اضافة ENGLAND & SOUTH WALES

                  مشكور اخى B737-800 على مرورك الكريم والله يعطيك العافية


                  • سـكـر
                    عضو خط الطيران
                    • 30 - 09 - 2011
                    • 16

                    مشكور بس الرابط الاول ملغي ليش ما ادري

