Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

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  • Renegado
    عضو خط الطيران
    • 26 - 10 - 2008
    • 0

    [FSX] Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

    BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1 By Renegado

    About The BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1:
    The Hawk T Mk1 is a British, all-metal, low-wing, tandem seat fast-jet flight and weapons training aircraft. First flown in 1974 and designed to replace the Folland Gnat, the Hawk quickly became the RAF's favoured fast-jet pilot training aircraft. Most famous as the mount of the Red Arrows, the aircraft is still in production and ready to be used in combat at a moment's notice - there really is no better fast jet in which to scorch through the valleys of the Lake District and Snowdonia!
    To be a Red Arrow is the pinnacle of any RAF fast jet pilot’s career; something achieved only after years of dedicated training and experience. Now, thanks to the latest release from add-on software developer Skysim, owners of Microsoft FSX can simulate the thrill of flying this exciting aircraft, without having to endure the arduous training and selection procedure required by the RAF.

    The Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T Mk.1 has been created exclusively for FSX by one of the world’s most respected aircraft developers, Rick Piper. By incorporating all the advanced features available to aircraft designers within the latest Microsoft simulator, Rick has created possibly one of the most advanced models ever seen in the history of this hobby.
    Rick's legendary attention to detail will be appreciated by dedicated ‘by the book’ pilots and the fact that this model was designed for FSX from the ‘ground up’ means these stunning details are available without sacrificing your computer’s performance. The guys from the Red Arrows were so impressed by this model it is the only flight simulation product to be granted an official license from the Ministry of Defence (MOD), quite an endorsement of its quality.
  • wing2sky
    الدرجة الاولى
    • 15 - 04 - 2008
    • 600

    رد: Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

    مشكور كابتن على الأضافة الرائعة تمنياتي بالنجاح دائما وباتظار جديدك الرائع..


    • hamod
      Pro Simi Pilot
      • 16 - 08 - 2007
      • 452

      رد: Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

      مشكور على الجهد المبذول وجزاك ربي الخير دنيا واخره..تقبل تحياتي


      • جناح الحريه
        ][.. كبار الشخصيات ..][

        • 18 - 10 - 2007
        • 2847

        رد: Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

        شكرا يا كابتن على الطائرة الجميلة وبداية موفقة ان شاء الله......


        • Cpt.M.M
          .. FreeWing ..

          • 08 - 03 - 2007
          • 2215

          رد: Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

          طائره رائعه جدا
          وتستطيع ايضا التحكم في تحميل الصواريخ عن طريق
          aircraft fuel and payload
          فقط في payload
          ضع نفي الرقم الذي تراه بالمربع اللذي امامه وسيظهر الداعم والصاروخ
          طائره تستحق خمسة نجوم


          • مبدع الطيران
            ][ عضو الطيران ONLINE ][

            • 22 - 09 - 2006
            • 1770

            رد: Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

            شكرا لك على هذا الجهد المبذول وبالتوفيق لك


            • ابو فيصل 2010
              الدرجة الاولى
              • 06 - 06 - 2007
              • 698
              • sigpic

              رد: Horizon -BAE Systems Red Arrows Hawk T1[Installer By Renegado]

              مشكورررررررررررر يالغالي

