الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • Cpt.Ahmad

    ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
    Advisory Flight Academy

    • 12 - 10 - 2007
    • 1669
    • Advisory Flight Academy
      Pilot Training Development
      Ahmad Al-hamdan

    رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

    وعليكم السلام والله ياطيب انا ماعطيتك نسبه محدده ,وكل شخص بيختلف عن الاخر من حيث استعابه للامور ,والميزانيه يلي حاططها للدراسة ,وعوامل كتير وظروف الشخص ,ولكن يفضل التنويع من اجل الخبره ,فشوف حالك انت كم بتقدر تدفع للغلاس كوكبيت اضافي ,اذا ظروفك بتسمح ولا لا وبعدها بتقدر تطالب الاكاديمية ببرنامج محدد انت حضرته بتفضله ,أرجو انو تكون الفكره وضحت ,بلتوفيق.


    • شفت خلي
      مساعد طيار
      • 14 - 12 - 2008
      • 182

      رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

      اخي انت ذكرت بالموضوع انو الطالب اذا خلص دراسه يقدر يتوظف بشركة طيران صغيره

      لحتى يزيد عدد ساعات الطيران

      ياليت تعطيني شركه من هاذي الشركات لو كانت موجوده بالسعوديه او بدول الخليج



      • مشاري الدوسري
        عضو خط الطيران
        • 25 - 05 - 2009
        • 40

        رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

        يعطيك العافيه مشرفنا الغالي ماقصرت حبيبي

        بنسبه لك اخوي شفت خلي بعطيك بعض الشركات الي اعرف كتالي :
        شركة ناس في السعوديه
        شركة سما قسي السعوديه
        شركة الخياله في السعوديه
        شركة الجزيره في الكويت على ماظن
        شركة العربيه في الامارات

        هذي الشركات الي اعرف


        • مشاري الدوسري
          عضو خط الطيران
          • 25 - 05 - 2009
          • 40

          رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

          عفوا اخوووي god,s lion

          مادري كم تعطي الاكادميه هذي من ساعه على السعر هذاء ؟

          الاكاديمية التاني هي :SKY WING
          أكاديمية مشهورة جدا وكتير ممتازه ولكن للاسف ماردوا عليه
          وطبعا بصراحه انا بعد ماعرفت موقهعا ماكتير رغبت لها لانو تقع بلارياف يعني تقريبا منعزله جدا بس للعلم الاكاديمية هاذي فيها كورس دبلوم طيران اكاديمية جدا معروفه
          الاسعار فيها : PPL :7500 CPL:10000
          طبعا اسعارهم هاذي من ال 2007 فمابعرف ان اكيد في تعديل السكن فيها يعني هي بماانو بلأرياف فهي رخيصه يعني حوالي 500 دولار شهريا.
          تقع في مدينة ردي دير


          • شفت خلي
            مساعد طيار
            • 14 - 12 - 2008
            • 182

            رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

            مشكور ياولد العم على ردك بس انا قصدي شركة طيران للطائرات الصغيره

            للشحن او لغير الشحن


            • Cpt.Ahmad

              ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
              Advisory Flight Academy

              • 12 - 10 - 2007
              • 1669
              • Advisory Flight Academy
                Pilot Training Development
                Ahmad Al-hamdan

              رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة مشاري الدوسري
              عفوا اخوووي god,s lion

              مادري كم تعطي الاكادميه هذي من ساعه على السعر هذاء ؟

              الاكاديمية التاني هي :SKY WING
              أكاديمية مشهورة جدا وكتير ممتازه ولكن للاسف ماردوا عليه
              وطبعا بصراحه انا بعد ماعرفت موقهعا ماكتير رغبت لها لانو تقع بلارياف يعني تقريبا منعزله جدا بس للعلم الاكاديمية هاذي فيها كورس دبلوم طيران اكاديمية جدا معروفه
              الاسعار فيها : PPL :7500 CPL:10000
              طبعا اسعارهم هاذي من ال 2007 فمابعرف ان اكيد في تعديل السكن فيها يعني هي بماانو بلأرياف فهي رخيصه يعني حوالي 500 دولار شهريا. تقع في مدينة ردي دير
              هاذي الاكاديمية ,راسلتها كتير ولكن للاسف ماحد رد تفضل شوف موقعها


              • Cpt.Ahmad

                ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
                Advisory Flight Academy

                • 12 - 10 - 2007
                • 1669
                • Advisory Flight Academy
                  Pilot Training Development
                  Ahmad Al-hamdan

                رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة شفت خلي
                مشكور ياولد العم على ردك بس انا قصدي شركة طيران للطائرات الصغيره

                للشحن او لغير الشحن
                اهلا اخي ,والله للاسف كان عندي رابط لشركة بتقبل الطيارين الجدد بكندا بس للاسف انحذف عن طريق الخطأ,اغلب هاذه الشركات موجود بكندا وامريكا واستراليا ,اما بلخليج العربي فلفرصه قليله نوعا ما موفق.


                • شفت خلي
                  مساعد طيار
                  • 14 - 12 - 2008
                  • 182

                  رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة god,s lion
                  اهلا اخي ,والله للاسف كان عندي رابط لشركة بتقبل الطيارين الجدد بكندا بس للاسف انحذف عن طريق الخطأ,اغلب هاذه الشركات موجود بكندا وامريكا واستراليا ,اما بلخليج العربي فلفرصه قليله نوعا ما موفق.
                  الف شكر لك على الرد

                  وبكون شاكر لك لو تدور الرابط وترسله لي

                  لانو دراستي مرتبطه بالرابط هذا اذا كان موجود بدرس في كندا او امريكا



                  • Cpt.Ahmad

                    ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
                    Advisory Flight Academy

                    • 12 - 10 - 2007
                    • 1669
                    • Advisory Flight Academy
                      Pilot Training Development
                      Ahmad Al-hamdan

                    رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة شفت خلي
                    الف شكر لك على الرد

                    وبكون شاكر لك لو تدور الرابط وترسله لي

                    لانو دراستي مرتبطه بالرابط هذا اذا كان موجود بدرس في كندا او امريكا

                    هلا ياطيب ,والله اذا كانت دراستك مرتبطه بلعمل ,تفضل شوف هلرابط
                    Canadian Flight Academy | Toronto Airways Inc. has a long history offering flight training services beginning in 1963. In 1998 Toronto Airways Inc. purchased Canadian Flight Academy. Moving into a new facility at Oshawa in November 2016.

                    هاذا موقع مدرسه بكندا تضمن لك مقابله عمل بعد التخرج ,وملزمه بهلشرط راسلها وبتتاكد, وان شاء الله اذا سافرت لكندا او امريكا ان شاء الله بتلاقي كتير ناس تساعدك بلحصول على العمل اذا حابب طبعا تشتغل هناك ,وبأمريكيا اغلب الاكاديميات يلي بتضمن لك مقابلات عمل هي بفلوريدا واي شي بقدر فيدك فيه انا جاهز كل الود .


                    • Eng.Noor
                      درجة الضيافة
                      • 26 - 04 - 2009
                      • 99

                      رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                      كلمة وحدة بقولها لصاحب الموضوع
                      الله يوفقك دنيا وأخره ويخليك ويسخر لك الناس الطيبة *_*

                      وكلمتي الثانية اقولها للجميع
                      عسى الله يوفقكم يارب جد استمتعت بردودكم لبعض
                      واغلب الردود اشوفها بضمير بالمساعدة *_*

                      موفقين يارب جميعا :)


                      • شفت خلي
                        مساعد طيار
                        • 14 - 12 - 2008
                        • 182

                        رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة god,s lion
                        هلا ياطيب ,والله اذا كانت دراستك مرتبطه بلعمل ,تفضل شوف هلرابط
                        Canadian Flight Academy | Toronto Airways Inc. has a long history offering flight training services beginning in 1963. In 1998 Toronto Airways Inc. purchased Canadian Flight Academy. Moving into a new facility at Oshawa in November 2016.

                        هاذا موقع مدرسه بكندا تضمن لك مقابله عمل بعد التخرج ,وملزمه بهلشرط راسلها وبتتاكد, وان شاء الله اذا سافرت لكندا او امريكا ان شاء الله بتلاقي كتير ناس تساعدك بلحصول على العمل اذا حابب طبعا تشتغل هناك ,وبأمريكيا اغلب الاكاديميات يلي بتضمن لك مقابلات عمل هي بفلوريدا واي شي بقدر فيدك فيه انا جاهز كل الود .
                        مشكور اخوي وماقصرت

                        بس ابي اعرف الاسعار والشروط وان شاء الله ,, الله يسهل الامور

                        مشكور وماقصرت لك احترامي وتقديري


                        • الطيار الشايب
                          مساعد طيار
                          • 30 - 05 - 2009
                          • 148
                          • سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

                          رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                          السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
                          بصراحة الموضوع مره جميل والله يوفقكم
                          شباب انا من مواليد 1978 اش رايكم ادرس طيران ولا اشيل الفكره من راسي علما اني مهندس كمبيوتر لا وفي مجال الطيران المدني
                          بس في زماني كانت دراسة الطيران مره مكلفه مش مثل الان
                          وبصراحة كنت اتمنى اسير طيار انا الان ما افكر في الماده قدر ما افكر اني اصبح طيار وش رايكم


                          • busara1
                            درجة الضيافة
                            • 01 - 05 - 2009
                            • 51

                            رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                            السلام عليكم اخي طيار شايب بنسبة الي عمرك مافي مشكلة شركات طيران يقبلون لغاية 40سنه لأنة انا من مواليد 1978 مفكر في دراسة طيران سألت شركة طيران خليج قالو ما في مشكله ادرس توكل على الله,الله يوفقك ان شاء الله


                            • busara1
                              درجة الضيافة
                              • 01 - 05 - 2009
                              • 51

                              رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة god,s lion
                              السلام عليكم
                              تحياتي أخي busara1طمني عنك وشو صار معاك ؟؟
                              اذا اعتمدت على أكاديمية هارف اير فلازم تشوف كذا نقطه :أهمها الجو للمكان الموجوده فيه المدرسه .
                              وبرأي الشخصي اذا بتسجل عندهم فقط ال ppl وبتطلب منهم المده سنه تقريبا لحتى تطلع وتشوف الجو وتتأكد من امكانيات الاكاديمية فبكون شي جيد وبتقدر تجدد الفيزا من هناك ان شاء الله موفق وطمنا عن اخبارك .
                              السلام عليكم اخي god,s lion الحمد الله انا عملت فحص طبي حق طيران الحمد الله كل شي تمام كم مده ppl بس انا كلمتهم بتلفون قلتلهم ابي الكورس كامل قالو اوكي قالو طرش 200 دولار حق تسجيل انا لحين ماطرشت لهم هل اطرش اسجل عندهم او اغير اروح مونتكون والله موعارف شنو اسوي انت شنو رايك اخي أكاديمية هارف اير ارخص من مونتكون ودراسه تقريباَ تسعة شهور مونتكون دراسه تقريباَ سنة او اكثر انت شنو رايك ممكن تفيدني جزك الله خير


                              • Cpt.Ahmad

                                ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
                                Advisory Flight Academy

                                • 12 - 10 - 2007
                                • 1669
                                • Advisory Flight Academy
                                  Pilot Training Development
                                  Ahmad Al-hamdan

                                رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                هلا اخي busara1 ,
                                ياحيا الله مشان موضوع المدرسة مابعرف شو بدي قلك ,ولكن مشان السعر انا نزلت موضوع
                                هل أنت مع إنشاء مجموعات لدراسة الطيران ؟

                                اذا قدرنا نساوي مجموعه ,ان شاء الله منقدر ننزل سعر الدراسة كتير ,شوف الموضوع وصوت اذا بتحب تدرس بكندا او امريكا وان شاء الله منساوي غروب بقل سعر الدراسة هيك بأي مكان تحياتي .


                                • مشاري الدوسري
                                  عضو خط الطيران
                                  • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                  • 40

                                  رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                  السسلام عليكم ورحمت الله

                                  مساء وصبااح الخير للجميع
                                  هلابك اخوووي المشرف الغالي god,s lion

                                  حبيت اخوووي اسئلك كم ساعه تعطي الاكادميات الي انت ذكرت بسعر هذاء وكم سعر الساعه فيها الاكادميات هي :
                                  1_toronto airways ltd
                                  2_EDMNTON FLIGHT CLUB

                                  3_ spring air training

                                  *وكم سعر ال ir و me في هذي الاكادميات ؟

                                  اتمنى من اي احد من الاخوان يعرف اكادميه في كنداء في المقام الاول او امريكا والفلبين في المقام الثاني يكون اسطولها من G1000 يعطينا اسمها وموقعها اكون له شاكر.

                                  بنسبه لترتيب الرخص لازم اكون اخذ الخاص في الاول PPL بعدين ال IR بعدين CPL او اقدر اخذ PPL و CPL في اكادميه معينه, بعدين اخذ IR و ME في اكادميه ثانيه .


                                  • مشاري الدوسري
                                    عضو خط الطيران
                                    • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                    • 40

                                    رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                    وينكم ياجماعه


                                    • Cpt.Ahmad

                                      ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
                                      Advisory Flight Academy

                                      • 12 - 10 - 2007
                                      • 1669
                                      • Advisory Flight Academy
                                        Pilot Training Development
                                        Ahmad Al-hamdan

                                      رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                      اهلا اخي مشاري ,عذرا لاتواخذني لاتاخري بلرد وذلك بسب الامتحانات ,بلنسبة للاكاديميات يلي زكرتهم حضرتك ,تورنتو اير ويز بلنسبة للجو جوها جيد ومعتدل وباقي المدرستين المزكورين مابنصحك غير اذا حابب تدرس الطيران على سنتين او تلات لانو البرتا جوها جدا بارد معظم السنه ,شوف هلرابط مشان مدرسة تورنتو http://training.torontoairways.com/f...ms-private.php

                                      بلنسبة لاكاديمية فيها غلاس كوكبيت فشوف اكاديمية ايبك فيها تدريب على الغلاس كوكبيت
                                      هـــــــــــــام..التسجيل الرسمي لأول مجموعة راغبة بالدراسة معا بعرض اكاديميةEPICتحت اشراف Gods,lion &Medo_zone

                                      بلنسبة لترتيب الرخص بتقدر تاخد ال ppl+ir+cpl+me
                                      واذا بتحب بتقدر ppl+cpl+ir +me
                                      كلا الشكلين وارد ارجو انو كون جاوبتك على اسئلتك تحياتي .


                                      • مشاري الدوسري
                                        عضو خط الطيران
                                        • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                        • 40

                                        رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                        يعطيك العافيه اخووي ومشكور ماقصرت
                                        واتمنى لك التوفيق في امتحانك

                                        تسسسسسسسسسسسلم حبيبي


                                        • busara1
                                          درجة الضيافة
                                          • 01 - 05 - 2009
                                          • 51

                                          رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                          السلام عليكم شباب هذي مدرسة في كندا اسعارة حلوة

                                          Educational Requirements
                                          There is no educational requirements to get a Canadian Licence. Depending on your country, and if you are planning to convert upon your return, you may need to contact the licencing body to find out what is required from them. A TOFEL or IETLS test is not required; however, a phone call to check the English is. Students must be able to read, write, and speak English to a high standard.
                                          Student Application Process
                                          Harv’s Air Service will accept 6-8 students for the first day of each Month. During the months of June and July, we will take a more limited number of new students.

                                          Ifi you are accepted and have received confirmation of the same, then you need to send the $200 fee and the letter will be sent to you within one week from the fee payment. Prior to us sending the letter, you will get an e-mail confirmation of the letter to verify that all of the information is correct. If you do not respond to this e-mail, the letter will not be sent.

                                          The application process will be as follows (please follow closely to ensure your application is considered):
                                          Prospective students are to submit the application form found on the website:

                                          To move the application forward we require the following 5 items:
                                          1. A copy of your passport picture via e-mail or fax (204 326 4182)
                                          2. A Resume of your work and school experience.
                                          3. References from a teacher or employer—no family members please.
                                          4. Call us. Please call (204)326 2434 and speak with Adam or Jordan. This call can be made from 8 AM to 5PM central standard time. You will need to have Canada’s country code in front of the number.

                                          Please do not send any money until you received confirmation of your acceptance.

                                          5. $200 CAD fee. This fee is non-refundable. This fee covers the cost to send the letter of acceptance and the first portion of the online ground school. When you send this fee, please also refer to the reference number you are given. If you send the money and you are not accepted, it is not refundable.

                                          Along with these 2 items, we would also like you to:
                                          1. Describe your aspirations in aviation and your plan for flight training. Will you be returning home after your training, or staying in Canada? Also describe any work experience and your academic qualifications.
                                          2. Complete the first section of our online ground school. This is done to allow us to see that you are serious about flight training. It also allows us to evaluate the learning rate and English skills. This will allow you to accelerate your training as you will have completed the first 1/3 of ground school and will shorten your time on course.

                                          The application/visa process is anticipated to take a time frame of 2-3 months. If you cannot meet this time frame—such as need to get a loan, or difficulties in this process, or other extenuating circumstances—then a different start date should be requested. The available time slots will be filled based on the letter being sent, and further confirmation by you, not on the time of initial contact. Therefore, if you want to start at a specific start date, be diligent in the application/visa process so as to keep your spot secured. If you do not communicate with Harv’s Air about your progress, you will loose your starting slot. The starting dates are based on a first come, first serve basis. Once the application is received, you will be considered for the next available start time.

                                          Upon submission of application and sending of fees, if acceptance is approved, the Letter of Acceptance will be issued with a specific start date. Once the letter is received, you are given one (1) month from the letter being sent to confirm that the Visa application process has begun. During the second month, you are expected to be continuing the visa process. One month prior to the start date, you are required to notify Harv’s Air to confirm arrival accompanied by the Airline flight details. If confirmation is not received or this time frame cannot be met, then the prospective student will loose their spot and be moved to the next available date.

                                          The fee can be paid via wire transfer, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, or bank check. This fee is not refundable. For the details of the wire transfer process, see below.

                                          COURSE DESCRIPTION AND COSTS

                                          Our Professional Pilot Course is the most intensive course to get you to your aviation goals. It includes the Private Licence, night rating, time building, multi rating, Instrument Rating, and Commercial Licence. Upon completion of this course, you would have what is required to start a career in aviation.

                                          The approximate time to complete the course is 6-9 months. This time period depends on work ethic, stamina, and ability of the individual student. The longer a student takes to complete the training, the more the cost. Students are expected to fly a minimum of 20 hours per calendarmonth.

                                          The following is the basic order of how the course will progress:

                                          1. Private Pilot Licence
                                          This is the beginning. This licence requires a minimum of 45 hours of flight training and 40 hours of ground school. Upon completion of this course, you would have a licence to fly single engine, land airplanes, with passengers (as many as the aircraft can accommodate). Involved within the private training is the exams for the student pilot permit and radio operators certificate; in the flying there is the basics of flying, airwork, take offs, landings, cross countries, instrument flying, precautionary landings, and forced approaches. The flying is done both with an instructor and solo. At the completion of this training there is a written exam and a flight test and upon passing, you are issued a private pilot licence. Please note that the average time to complete the private licence is 60-85 hours, slightly higher then the Transport Canada minimum of 45 hours. This is because 45 hours are the requirement, but you also must meet the standard set out by Transport Canada via a flight test. So in our experience over the past several years, this is the average time that we have observed.

                                          2. Night Rating
                                          The night rating is 15 hours of flight training. There is another 5 hours instrument flying, 5 hours dual night flying, and 5 hours solo night flying. There is also a cross country night flight. Upon completion of the time and satisfactory flying, the night rating can be issued.

                                          3. Time Building
                                          Time building is between the private and commercial licences as the commercial requires a total 200 hours with 100 hours of pilot in command time (solo flying). The night rating is included in the time building. During this time, you can do check outs on other aircraft (learning to fly other aircraft), do cross country flights, and achieve other ratings such as the Multi Rating or Instrument rating.

                                          4. Multi Rating
                                          This rating allows you to fly aircraft with more then one engine. There is no specific time requirement for this rating. The standard must be met and a flight test passed.

                                          5. Instrument Rating
                                          This can be done on a single engine aircraft or a multi engine aircraft. The multi will cost more because the cost for that aircraft is more. This rating will give you the privileges of flying in Instrument Conditions which means in cloud. Some of this training is done on a simulator to learn the procedures; the rest is in the aircraft. There is a written exam for this and a flight test in order to get this rating.

                                          6. Commercial Licence
                                          The Commercial Licence allows you to fly for hire which means that you can now make money when flying. The training is similar to that of a private, but there is now a higher standard to be met. The ground school requirement is 80 hours. To hold a commercial licence, the standards and requirements have to be met, along with passing the written exam and the flight test.

                                          The following is a breakdown of the hour requirements plus some of the other fees associated with the training. Please note that these are based on minimum requirements and do not include time/money for re-testing, additional flight test fees, and additional training required to meet the standard (i.e. higher time to solo, additional dual review flights).

                                          100 hours Dual Airplane, 20 hours Dual simulator

                                          20 hours dual Cessna 172


                                          65 hours dual Cessna 152


                                          15 hours dual Twin engine


                                          20 hours dual Flight Training Device


                                          100 hour Pilot in Command

                                          20 hours solo Cessna 172


                                          80 hours solo Cessna 152


                                          Ground School and Pilot Supplies

                                          Private Pilot Ground School Course


                                          Private Pilot Kit (books, supplies, etc)


                                          Commercial Pilot Ground School Course


                                          Commercial Pilot Kit (books, supplies, etc)


                                          Multi Engine Ground School Course


                                          Multi Engine Pilot Kit (books, supplies, etc)


                                          Instrument Rating Ground School Course


                                          Instrument Pilot Kit (books, supplies, etc)


                                          40 hours preflight briefings @$34/hour


                                          Flight test*, Written Exam**, Licence Fees***


                                          Tax (some refundable at end of course)


                                          TOTALall fees in Canadian dollars. For exchange, go to www.xe.com


                                          It is best to add 5-10% onto the prices given above to give an accurate representation of the cost that will be involved with the entire course. The reason for this is that the above prices are based on MINIMUM requirements. To give you an accurate estimate of cost, based on averages, please plan for approximately $40,632 to $42,567. The letter of acceptance will read $45,000. The price is for the flight training and accommodations.

                                          * Flight Test Fees. All flight tests cost $275 plus the rental of the aircraft.
                                          **Written Exam fees. These range in price from $35 to $120 depending on the written exam that you are writing.
                                          ***Licencing Fees. These also range from $30 to $80 depending on the licence/rating.
                                          **These fees are non-negotiable as they are set by Transport Canada**
                                          Duration of the Course
                                          The course, on average, takes 6-9 months. If you work very hard, you could get it done in 6 months. This time frame takes dedication, good work ethic, and self motivation.

                                          Additional Costs
                                          • If you choose to do the Multi Instrument rating, add $3000
                                          • For EFIS training (highly recommended) in Diamond Star (DA-40) add $1500
                                          • For 2 crew course, add $1000 (15 hours simulator)
                                          • Medical Fees. There is a fee to do the medical with a price range from $70 to $100. There is also a processing fee for the medical from Transport Canada of $55.
                                          • You will be required to pay a Student Health Insurance which costs about $40/month. Details can be obtained from http://www.kinginsurance.com/ Medical insurance may be purchased before you arrive in Canada.
                                          • Fuel Prices may have a surcharge during the summer months. If you are training at this time, please be aware that these may be present and costs will have to be adjusted accordingly as we cannot control the cost of fuel.
                                          • Flight training in any of the other aircraft we offer. In the above chart, we list the costs based on flying Cessna 152 and 172, if you choose to do some training in the Warrior or Citabria, the costs will change based on the rates of those planes. If you are interested in this, please let us know and we can give you the rate for those aircraft.
                                          Cost of Living
                                          The embassy allows for $10,000/year or $833/month for living expenses. These include accommodations, food, clothing, transportation, and any other costs involved with living. The range for student’s cost of living is from $250-$500/month but this ultimately depends on how you live.
                                          The approximate cost of living for our students for one year is estimated at $7000.

                                          Ground School
                                          Ground school is mandatory for all full time students. There are 2 options for ground school and they are Online Ground School or Classroom ground school. Attendance is mandatory.
                                          Prior to arrival, the Online Ground School www.pilottraining.ca will be started so that you are better prepared upon arrival.

                                          Medical Requirements
                                          It is a requirement that all applicants must have passed a Class 1 Aviation Medical with an Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) approved by Transport Canada.
                                          A list of approved CAME’s are found at:
                                          It should be noted that all students must have passed a Canadian Aviation Medical Examination, conducted by a Transport Canada approved doctor, whether carried out in India or Canada, before he/she may attempt their first solo flight. We can make arrangements for the medical immediately after arriving in Canada.
                                          Harv’s Air offers accommodations to students. The cost is $375/month for a single room and $275/month for a shared room. Single rooms are given on a first come, first serve basis.
                                          The cost for accommodations for a year is approximately $4500. There is a housekeeper who comes to clean the accommodations every 2 weeks; however, you still must keep them clean.
                                          All meals are self-provided. The restaurant in St. Andrews has a meal plan if you choose to do that.
                                          You are responsible for your own bedding (for twin beds), hygiene products, laundry detergent, clock and food. The trailers bedrooms have a twin bed, desk, dresser, and closet. The kitchen has the required kitchen supplies and is a full kitchen (fridge, stove, microwave).
                                          The following are rules that apply to those in the accommodations:
                                          · Local calling is included in the cost. Any long distance calling will be done using a calling card.
                                          · You are expected to clean up after yourself both in your room and in the common areas (kitchen, living room). You are responsible for your own cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
                                          · Respect for other student’s and their belongings residing in the accommodations. Also, the quiet times is 11 PM to 7 AM, but during other times, keep the noise level down as well.
                                          · Only students actively flying—minimum 20 hours a month—are eligible to stay in the accommodations. If you do not achieve this minimum hour requirement, there is an additional charge of $75 to be paid for the accommodations.
                                          · Students are not allowed to work off campus if they are in Harv’s Air accommodations.
                                          · There is no smoking, drinking, or drugs allowed in the accommodations.
                                          · You are responsible for any damage—paying for the repair and the parts required making the repair.
                                          · When you move out of the accommodations, they must be in the same condition as when you moved in.
                                          · There are no pets allowed in the accommodations.
                                          · Only 2 visitors per person allowed at one time; no parties. All visitors must leave by 11 PM.
                                          Non-compliance with the rules of the accommodations will result in dismissal from the school’s accommodations and you will have to find your own accommodations.

                                          Students who live on the airport property can walk to school. When students need essentials they can rent one of the student cars and drive to Steinbach or Winnipeg. Cost to rent the car is .40 kilometer including fuel. Car rental is for “essential requirements only”. Students who want the car in the evening or overnight will be advised to rent from a rental agency. To drive in Canada, your Indian driver’s licence is valid for 3 months. If you have an international drivers licence, it is valid for 1 year. You cannot rent a school car or a car from a rental agency if your licence is no longer valid. If you get into an accident, you are responsible for paying the deductible and going to the proper authorities and the school about it.

                                          If you are requiring pick up/drop off at Winnipeg International, the following applies.
                                          · We will provide pick up from 9AM to 10PM
                                          · If you are arriving at other times then this, then you must wait until the times that we can pick you up (in a hotel if applies)
                                          · You must call from your last departure point (either a connecting airport, or the departure if Winnipeg is next). If you do not call, we will not be there to pick you up. Please call 1 800 HARV AIR to confirm your arrival details.

                                          Grounds for Dismissal
                                          We will give you every opportunity to complete your training and do our utmost to help you complete it; however, certain standards are to be met to continue your training. The following will result in dismissal from the school:
                                          · The use of alcohol or drugs while you are training will result in an automatic dismissal.
                                          · Solo time. If the first solo flight has not happen by 30 hours, there will be a review with a senior instructor. If more review is needed, a maximum of 5 hours will be flown, and if the solo flight has not occurred, then dismissal from the school will take place.

                                          Payment of Fees
                                          The course fees are made by installments every 2 months during the course duration, which on average is 9 months for the Professional Pilot Course. These payment details also apply for how to pay application fee.
                                          The first payment is required before starting training program. This schedule may need to be sped up if the student is fast tracking their program.
                                          Commencement of program: $10,000
                                          Start of 3rd month: $10,000
                                          Start of 5th month: $10,000
                                          Start of 7th month: remaining funds
                                          Based on the costs mentioned above (training, accommodations, and living expenses), with approximately 5% added on, an estimate for the cost of the course is $45,000 Canadian funds.

                                          During flight training, if there is any money owing to the school, the flight training will be stopped. There are no exceptions to this rule. The money must be here for training to resume—this includes if the money has been wired and is in transit—the training is ceased until the funds arrive.
                                          Payment may be made by wire transfer, western union, credit card, certified check, bank cards.
                                          Please note that an international certified cheque can take 2-3 weeks to clear.
                                          Unless you are familiar with the process or have legal help it is strongly recommended that the CEC (Canadian Education Centre) reviews your application before applying for the student visa.
                                          Processing a student visa takes up to 2-8 weeks from receiving the letter of acceptance. It takes us a few days to write and send the letter of acceptance. We will email you a copy for your records and verification that it’s correct before sending. You will be given the tracking number of the package and it usually takes 3-5 days en route.
                                          In your application package you should include a copy of our school certificate and some newspaper or magazine articles describing the large demand for pilots in India.
                                          The following website has ESSENTIAL information for obtaining a student visa. READ THEM ALL!!! Refusal of a visa will cost you hundreds of dollars and 2-3 months minimum. TAKE THE TIME. Many of the refusals are for silly mistakes. The information is well presented on this site.

                                          For full details on how to obtain a student visa start with our page: http://www.harvsair.com/site/information/student-visa.html
                                          Please, please read it all.

                                          Frequently Asked Questions
                                          Does Harv's Air guarantee a job placement at the end of training?
                                          Canadian aviation qualifications are well recognized and respected around the world, especially when gained from a renowned and reputable organization such as Harv's Air; however, we cannot guarantee a job placement at the end of training. We offer all our students assistance and direction, where possible, to assist them in finding suitable employment. Gaining employment in general aviation or the airlines is up to the individual graduate. Considering the current shortfall in Indian pilots at the present time, employment in aviation looks promising in the region.
                                          Can I work in Canada after completing the course?
                                          Your student visa will expire at the end of your course, so in order to work in Canada you would need to apply to the Department of Immigration to see if you can obtain a work visa. Without a work visa you are unable to be employed in Canada after your course is finished.

                                          When can I start?
                                          You can begin your training at the next available time that we have. Generally, there is a 2-3 month time period from initial contact to the time we have room for you to start. Generally, start dates or for the 1st day of the month. If we do have room prior to this, and you have your paperwork (visa, passport, etc) completed, then you could come earlier.

                                          What is the daily life like?
                                          Students are expected to be active in their studies. Students will fly at least 2-3 hours a day. To fly an hour students are expected to prepare for at least 2 hours to maximize the benefit of the training flight. Students are expected to study for at least 4 hours for every hour in the classroom. Learning to fly is an intensive, emotional endeavor. It is not simply a physical manipulation of the controls. To stay on schedule, we book 6-7 days a week expecting to lose at least 1 day of the week to weather. Ground School is conducted in the evenings so that the daylight hours are for flying.
                                          Can Harv's Air offer part-time employment to its students?
                                          Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with part-time employment for all of students; however, it is possible to find part-time employment in and around the area surrounding the schools. Working even part time will delay the training significantly. Working and paying for the training at the same time does not work.
                                          Does Harv's Air offer assistance with a loan for course fees and/or accommodation and living expenses?
                                          Harv's Air does not have the facility to offer bank loans for course fees, nor do we have any kind of scholarship entry into the course.
                                          What's the weather like?
                                          For flying, it's excellent, certainly the best in Canada. We fly visually at least 310 days a year. Instrument training can be conducted about 330 days a year. We get winter November to February. Don't let this scare you off. We have the technology to deal with the temperature. We have warm airplanes, cars, buildings, and clothing. It's an excellent experience for Indian students as you can expect in your future aviation career to have to deal with winter, so it's best to experience it early in your career. Winter flying offers clear air, smooth flying, and excellent aircraft performance. At worst we lose 4 days for each month in winter.
                                          Harv’s Air tradition of flight training excellence:
                                          Our flight training standards are high. Do not expect an easy course. Flying is a serous business requiring hard work and dedication. The right attitude is essential. Safety is above all. Students have to do the work themselves and are expected to be self motivated. Parents are not here, nor will we baby sit you. You have to get yourself out of bed and be on time for your bookings.
                                          We believe in high quality flight training with no short cuts. We are not just issuing a piece of paper that says you have pilot licence, but a professional pilot who has the skill to fly for a major airline using the most modern teaching techniques. We have tremendous resources to train pilots quickly and efficiently. Students are expected to work VERY HARD and be professionals. An airline career starts with flight school on day one. We do not suffer fools kindly, nor does any airline. About 10% of students are removed from the program due to poor aptitude, attitude, and work ethic. The students who graduate are highly desirable to the industry.

                                          What are the common errors students make?
                                          · Running out of money. Flying is expensive. Don’t cut corners just to save some money—be dedicated to doing a good job for yourself.
                                          · Lack of preparation before flight. This will result in a longer training time and ultimately higher cost. No studying, no reading, no video, no nothing.“The instructor will teach me everything”. Teaching does not mean spoon feeding. We expect you to do your part. One on one ground briefings can quickly get expensive. Show your instructor that you know your stuff and you’ll save ground time.
                                          · Getting distracted by life. This can easily happen. You are far away from home with no one looking over your shoulder. You are here to learn how to fly—not have a social life. If this happens, your training will suffer resulting in more money and longer time period to finish the course.
                                          · Comparing yourself to other students. Do not focus on how other students are doing or how many hours they take. This does not matter. Focus on your flight training and not someone else’s. Every student responds differently to flying and if you are brand new to it, it may take longer for you to get accustomed to it. Do not be concerned about “saving face”. Focus on your performance, not how someone else is doing. We will not compare you to other students, and you should not do the same to yourself. We will be honest with your progress and we expect you to do the same for yourself.

                                          How can I save money during my flight training?
                                          · Be Prepared! Do your reading, watch videos, study, follow the syllabus, ask questions. Approach each lesson prepared, knowing your procedures, having completed the assignment. Do not depend on your instructor to do it for you.
                                          · Focus on your flight training. Keep your training going at a good pace. Long breaks from training will result in more review being required, thus higher cost.
                                          · Get sleep. Being well rested will make a big difference in how you are learning. We understand that for you to call home it could be very late at night, but try to arrange them so that you get good rest and are prepared for lessons.
                                          · Make a serious effort and have a good attitude.


                                          • مشاري الدوسري
                                            عضو خط الطيران
                                            • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                            • 40

                                            رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                            حبيبي مشكوور على المدرسه بس والله مو فاهمين شي

                                            ياليت توضح لنا بالعربي كم تكلفتها وكم تكلفة السكن ؟ واين موقع المدرسه يعني عطنى المعلومات كامله بالعربي . وهل اسطولها من G1000 ولا اسطولها من كبائن عاديه

                                            تسلم حبيبي ماقصرت اخوووووي


                                            • busara1
                                              درجة الضيافة
                                              • 01 - 05 - 2009
                                              • 51

                                              رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة مشاري الدوسري
                                              حبيبي مشكوور على المدرسه بس والله مو فاهمين شي

                                              ياليت توضح لنا بالعربي كم تكلفتها وكم تكلفة السكن ؟ واين موقع المدرسه يعني عطنى المعلومات كامله بالعربي . وهل اسطولها من G1000 ولا اسطولها من كبائن عاديه

                                              تسلم حبيبي ماقصرت اخوووووي
                                              السلام عليكم حبيبي تكلفة الدراسة مع سكن تقريباَ 45الف دولار كندي شاملة سكن مدة الدورة من 6شهور الي 9 على حسب مجهودك بنسبه الي اسطول ماعندي فكرة موقع المدرسه في وينبيج مونتابا وسكن 375كندي دولار في شهر حق مفرد ومشترك يكون275 في شهر والجو على كلامهم يقولون ممتاز انا ماعندي فكرة عن الجو


                                              • مشاري الدوسري
                                                عضو خط الطيران
                                                • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                                • 40

                                                رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                يعطيك العافيه اخوووي ماقصرت يالغالي


                                                • busara1
                                                  درجة الضيافة
                                                  • 01 - 05 - 2009
                                                  • 51

                                                  رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة مشاري الدوسري
                                                  يعطيك العافيه اخوووي ماقصرت يالغالي
                                                  السلام عليكم اخوي انا سألت عن اسطول قالو عندهم G1000+كبائن عادية اليوم ردو


                                                  • مشاري الدوسري
                                                    عضو خط الطيران
                                                    • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                                    • 40

                                                    رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                    تسلم حبيبي ماقصرت على مجهودك

                                                    بنسبه لسعر الي هو 45 الاف دولار كندي هو سعر الاسطول G1000 ولا هذاء سعر السكن مع الطائرات الكبائن العاديه ؟

                                                    مشكور اخوووي وماقصرت حبيبي


                                                    • مشاري الدوسري
                                                      عضو خط الطيران
                                                      • 25 - 05 - 2009
                                                      • 40

                                                      رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                      بالاضافه الى كم ساعه يعطون بسعر هذاء


                                                      • busara1
                                                        درجة الضيافة
                                                        • 01 - 05 - 2009
                                                        • 51

                                                        رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                        انا سألت هم هذي رد
                                                        please regarding the professionl pilot program cost 43000 it's for glass cockpit G1000 or Regular guages.
                                                        That cost is for the aircraft with regular instruments. You can do training in the aircraft with the G1000 (we only have 1) and it's dual rate is $236/hour and the solo rate is $188/hour so the cost would be more. If you chose to do the entire training in that aircraft, the cost would go up considerably. The cost in the letter reflects the cost in the information package you had received.


                                                        • busara1
                                                          درجة الضيافة
                                                          • 01 - 05 - 2009
                                                          • 51

                                                          رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة busara1
                                                          انا سألت هم هذي رد
                                                          please regarding the professionl pilot program cost 43000 it's for glass cockpit G1000 or Regular guages.
                                                          That cost is for the aircraft with regular instruments. You can do training in the aircraft with the G1000 (we only have 1) and it's dual rate is $236/hour and the solo rate is $188/hour so the cost would be more. If you chose to do the entire training in that aircraft, the cost would go up considerably. The cost in the letter reflects the cost in the information package you had received.
                                                          يعطون 200 ساعة


                                                          • ايمن العجيلي نصر
                                                            طيار المستقبل
                                                            • 12 - 06 - 2009
                                                            • 3

                                                            رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                            شكرا علي شرح الطيب انت اعطيت كل ما يلزم لكن عندي سؤال لو سمحت انا ادرس في اكديمية شمل افريقيا في ليبيا وعمري 22 سنة وادرس ppl يمكني ان انكمل ادرس في اكاديمية في كندا cpl وشكرا


                                                            • Cpt.Ahmad

                                                              ..مراقب قسم الاكاديميات..
                                                              Advisory Flight Academy

                                                              • 12 - 10 - 2007
                                                              • 1669
                                                              • Advisory Flight Academy
                                                                Pilot Training Development
                                                                Ahmad Al-hamdan

                                                              رد: الدراسة في كندا والاستفسارات حول الدراسة في كندا

                                                              السلام عليكم نعم أخي يمكنك بعد تعديل رخصتك رح تساويه ,ان شاء الله خلال أسبوعين رح ننزل ابلكيشن بلمنتدى لاي شخص بحب يدرس طيران عن طريق المنتدى بعبيه وان شاء الله منساعده في باقي الامور ,انتظر لمده اسبوعين وبعدها ان شاء الله بتقدر تكفي دراستك بكندا أو امريكا .
                                                              تحياتي .

