أعــــزائي الســــاده الأعضـــــــاء
كل عام و انتم بخير بمناسبه عيد الأضحي المبارك أعاده الله عليكم و علينا بالخير و السعاده
أصدرت أمس شركه ولكو رائعتها الجديده,و اليوم موجوده عندنا بالمنتدي,
هذه الطائره الرائعه تجسد عبقريه غير مسبوقه لشركه الطائرات العالميه
تستطيع الطائره التحليق علي ارتفاعات طائرات التربوبروب العاديه و سرعتها, و بنقله واحده تستطيع الهبوط و الاقلاع كأي طائره هلكوبتر ..
فتجمع بين السرعه و الارتفاع و الاقتصاد للطائره العاديه,
و عمليه الطائره الهلكوبتر, اقلع كهليكوبتر و اهبط علي مدرج كأي طائره,
هذه هي العبقريه في التصميم,الطائره الحقيقيه مازالت في طور التجربه,و من المتوقع أن يتم منح ترخيص انتاجها رسميا العام القادم,
استطاعت شركه ويلكو الشهيره بخبرتها الكبيره نقل هذه العبقريه و تجسيد جمال الطائره في المحاكي الي المحاكي بصوره طبق الأصل من الطائره الحقيقيه,
الصراحه, أكثر ما عجبني بها هو محركاتها الضخمه :iconloli:
فمراوح الطائره عرضها 7.5 متر, و عند دورانها يكون شكلها كأنها طواحين هواء طائره

و هذا فيديو للطائره الاضافه
و هذه فيديوهات للطائره الحقيقيه

- Revolutionary Tilt Rotor aircraft with unique VTOL, VSTOL and hovering capabilities, developed specifically for this model.
- Unique ground-handling attributes allow for ease of manoeuvring around airports and within restricted spaces. The Tilt Rotor can be “parked” like a car!
- Seven distinct aircraft variants with ten liveries
- Advanced FSX missions take advantage of this incredible machine’s capablilities and test your flying skills and nerve!
- Video introduction to the aircraft, VSTOL and VTOL operations and a complete flight tutorial is included.
- Unique levels of interior detail including passenger, patient and medic (air ambulance) fully animated, military and civilian style pilots, male and female.
- Highly detailed replicas of the Bell/Agusta BA609
- Compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004
- Multiple 2D control panels, including overhead, pedestal and “glass cockpit” arrays
- 3D Interactive “Glass cockpit” Virtual Cockpit with 3D fully clickable knobs and buttons, collective and stick controls, fully functional overhead panels and more (some features unavailable to FS2004 versions)
- Outstanding VC cabin for Luxury VIP/Executive and Medical services (Medical FSX only)
- Genuine and highly accurate VSTOL (Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing), VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) and full hovering capabilities !
- Unique flight dynamics have been developed for this series to enable realistic and demanding missions to be made.
- Specific FSX camera point of views for functional and recreational use
- Luggage and fuel trucks connection animations (FSX only)
- Animated pilots, passengers and feature details such as fluttering warning flags, chocks and strobe light safety cones when on ground (some features limited in FS2004)
- Seven FSX aircraft variants : Civilian Executive, ShortHaul airline, Search & Rescue CoastGuard, Medi-Vac, Police, Military Ground support attack machine (fictional), prototype
- Three FS2004 aircraft variants : Civilian Executive, ShortHaual airliner, Prototype
- Five civilian liveries : Executive schemes, ShortHaul Airline, Bell/Agusta livery
- Three Search & Rescue and MediVac liveries : MediVac, Police, CoastGuard (FSX only)
- Military liveries : European, US Army (FSX), European military prototype
- Frame-rate friendly
- Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own liveries (PhotoShop required)
- Unique flight characteristics developed to extend the possibilities and enjoyment of FSX and FS2004 ! This simulation is challenging to fly even for seasoned Flight Sim pilots.
- Tilt Rotor can land on a 30° slope, land on oil rigs and buildings and operate from the deck of a moving carrier !
- Realistic Turbo-prop sound effects
- Realistic switchable operating variable position rotor heads in VTOL mode (FS2004 only)
- Smooth and realistic animations : tilt-rotors, nacelles, flaperons, pilots, automatic windshield wipers (turn on and off with rain or can be operated from the VC), suspension, flaps, gears, doors and much more (some features not available to FS2004)
- Working Winch/Hoist/Slinghook in some versions, clickable from VC (FSX only)
- High resolution reflective and chrome textures, dynamic shine, night lighting, bump-mapped detail (FSX only)
- Exterior cones around the plane placed for security reasons while parked and details such as wheel chocks and animated warning flags,... (limited features in FS2004)
- Modern-style animated door/steps, passenger and cargo doors, winches and other equipment
- “Firable” “Hellfires” in Military mode (FSX missions specific)
- New generation glass cockpit with ultra-modern electronic instrument displays controlled in the VC using 3D buttons and knobs.
- Back-up GPS unit and minor gauges
- GPS navigational display (Flight Simulator GPS database)
- Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays. Resizable and detachable gauges for any additional monitor use
- Unique nacelle tilt and radar altimeter gauge
- Button controlled winch gear (FSX only)
- Numerous warnings and caution messages
- 3D AutoPilot control panel and radio unit.
- Selectable checklists for pre-flight, takeoff , approach and landing.
- Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
- APU startup/shutdown sequences simulated, with the corresponding EICAS messages
- Full compliment of functional switches and levers in overhead panels (some functions limited in FS2004)
- Seat belts and no smoking signs switches with audio
- Repeater MFD in passenger cabin (executive only).

الطائره حجمها 99 م.ب مرفوعه سيرفر المنتدي

التنصيب اعتيادي بسريال مرفق

و لنا لقاء أخر مع اضافات جديده ان شاء الله
عيد سعيد و تحياتي للجميع
و اذا كان الموضوع أعجبك,لا تبخل عليه بالتقييم
أخوكم مروان حامد