اليوم 30-12-2008
كان في طائرة تابعة للخطوط الكويتيه تعرضت لمشكلة في المحرك الخاص بها
و عادت لمطار القاهرة بعد الاقلاع منه
مفيش تفاصيل علي اي موقع اونلاين للاسف مفيش غير مدونه قام احد الاشخاص اللي كانوا علي متن الطائرة بارسال لصاحب المدونه بيقوله فيها عن الموضوع
و انا سمعت جزء من المحادثة بين الطيار و المراقب علي موجة الاقتراب و التاور و نزل الطيار بسلام
الرحلة كانت KAC542
متوجهه لمطار الكويت من مطار القاهرة
و تصادف في نفس الوقت ان كان في طيارة علي الاستاند A7
عليها راكب مصاب بأزمة قلبيه
و تم تحويل الطائرات للهبوط علي المدرج 5 شمال بدلا من 5 يمين لحوالي 15 دقيقة قبل ان تنتظم حركة المراقبة الجوية مرة اخري
الطائرة غالبا من نوع بوينج 777
يا ريت اللي عنده معلومات اكثر يوافينا بيها و ده رابط التوبيك اللي باعته صاحب المدونه بيقول فيه ان الطائرة بعد ما كانت اتأخر اقلعها طلعوها تاني
كان في طائرة تابعة للخطوط الكويتيه تعرضت لمشكلة في المحرك الخاص بها
و عادت لمطار القاهرة بعد الاقلاع منه
مفيش تفاصيل علي اي موقع اونلاين للاسف مفيش غير مدونه قام احد الاشخاص اللي كانوا علي متن الطائرة بارسال لصاحب المدونه بيقوله فيها عن الموضوع
و انا سمعت جزء من المحادثة بين الطيار و المراقب علي موجة الاقتراب و التاور و نزل الطيار بسلام
الرحلة كانت KAC542
متوجهه لمطار الكويت من مطار القاهرة
و تصادف في نفس الوقت ان كان في طيارة علي الاستاند A7
عليها راكب مصاب بأزمة قلبيه
و تم تحويل الطائرات للهبوط علي المدرج 5 شمال بدلا من 5 يمين لحوالي 15 دقيقة قبل ان تنتظم حركة المراقبة الجوية مرة اخري
الطائرة غالبا من نوع بوينج 777
يا ريت اللي عنده معلومات اكثر يوافينا بيها و ده رابط التوبيك اللي باعته صاحب المدونه بيقول فيه ان الطائرة بعد ما كانت اتأخر اقلعها طلعوها تاني
Hey Mark -
I wanted to contact you for a [potentially] new post you might want to write. First off, what I’m gonna write about isn’t in the news yet but it will almost definitely be in the morning, so you get the insights before they do.
I was on Kuwait Airways flight 542 from Cairo to Kuwait today with my family. Basically, after the plane left the gates and was on the runway, we stopped and the crews opened up the doors claiming there was an apparently major technical problem with one of the engines. About a half hour later, they said it was fine and we could be on our way. Plane taxis once again, but I noticed that the ride was strangely bumpy.
We took off, and about 20 seconds after take off with the plane going up rapidly, the right engine exploded. The plane shook hard, another explosion went off with another hard shake, and then one final boom and the plane dipped. Passengers in the back started screaming that fire was coming out of the engine and the plane began to lose altitude freakishly quickly. People were screaming, panicking, praying and getting out of their seats. I was flying first, but even from there, I managed to see flames and smoke billowing out of the engine. Mix all that together, and voilà, a scene from Hell. I thought it was all over, and clearly, so did the 200+ others on that nightmare flight.
Lucky for us, after thirty minutes or so spinning around in the air, the pilot managed to stabilize the plane and we made an emergency landing at Cairo International again, complete with fire trucks and ambulances. The plane stops just off the runway, they offload everyone and the airline offered to set us up in a hotel. Things got a bit messy on the ground when a passenger blacked out and collapsed on the runway, but I hope he’ll be fine.
Definitely adds to Kuwait Airways’ stellar reputation lately, don’t you think?
I’m on the next Kuwait Airways flight out of Cairo in an hour or so. Wish me luck.
I hope to hear back from you.
- Khaled
Thats really freaky, I am never going to fly Kuwait Airways again. I just checked the Kuwait Airport website and it’s showing the plane as currently being delayed. This is crazy!
I wanted to contact you for a [potentially] new post you might want to write. First off, what I’m gonna write about isn’t in the news yet but it will almost definitely be in the morning, so you get the insights before they do.
I was on Kuwait Airways flight 542 from Cairo to Kuwait today with my family. Basically, after the plane left the gates and was on the runway, we stopped and the crews opened up the doors claiming there was an apparently major technical problem with one of the engines. About a half hour later, they said it was fine and we could be on our way. Plane taxis once again, but I noticed that the ride was strangely bumpy.
We took off, and about 20 seconds after take off with the plane going up rapidly, the right engine exploded. The plane shook hard, another explosion went off with another hard shake, and then one final boom and the plane dipped. Passengers in the back started screaming that fire was coming out of the engine and the plane began to lose altitude freakishly quickly. People were screaming, panicking, praying and getting out of their seats. I was flying first, but even from there, I managed to see flames and smoke billowing out of the engine. Mix all that together, and voilà, a scene from Hell. I thought it was all over, and clearly, so did the 200+ others on that nightmare flight.
Lucky for us, after thirty minutes or so spinning around in the air, the pilot managed to stabilize the plane and we made an emergency landing at Cairo International again, complete with fire trucks and ambulances. The plane stops just off the runway, they offload everyone and the airline offered to set us up in a hotel. Things got a bit messy on the ground when a passenger blacked out and collapsed on the runway, but I hope he’ll be fine.
Definitely adds to Kuwait Airways’ stellar reputation lately, don’t you think?
I’m on the next Kuwait Airways flight out of Cairo in an hour or so. Wish me luck.
I hope to hear back from you.
- Khaled