السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة .....
اقدم لكم اليوم العديد من الطائرات بصبغة
الخطوط الجوية العربية السعودية
والتى عليها اقبال شديد من الاعضاء و ها هى اليوم موجودة بين ايديكم لاكثر من 11 طائرة
و نبدا الان
1- طائرة البوينج B747-268F للشحن
معلومات الملف :-
Moving flaperon's, spoileron's, aileron's, elevator's, rudder, and fan blade's,flashing beacon's. Transparent cockpit windshield with 3-D pilot's. Designed By Mitsushi Yutaka , Hiroshi Igami repainting in Saudia Cargo livery by Faisal Al-Asiri especially for SVV .
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2- طائرة البوينح B747 -400 احدى ابداعات اخونا عبد الله الغامدي بالشعار القديم .
معلومات الملف :-
The Great POSKY Boeing 747-400 RR in the old color of saudi arabian airlines
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3- طائرة البوينج B747 -300 بالشعار الجديد
معلومات الملف :-
FSpainter's repaint of Saudia Airlines new colour scheme for B747-300RR. Textures are in extended 32 bit format with dynamic shine also using mipmaps, sorry no non-mipmapped textures to preserve frame rates and smoother colour graduation.
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4- طائرة البوينج B737 -200 واحدى روائع اخونا محمد قربان بشعار الخطوط السعودية القديم والجديد .
معلومات الملف :-
Repaint for the beautiful Kittyhawk B737-200 with Saudia New and Old liveries. Soo to be phased out of service Thanks to Alex Siu for his textures and Eric Eantu for the great model Textures only, requires Kittyhawk 737-200 model by Eric Cantu
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5- طائرة البوينج B777 -200 وابداع اخر لاخونا محمد قربان
معلومات الملف :-
This is my repaint of PSS 777-200 with Saudia colors. Textures only
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6- طائرة البوينج B707 بالشعار القديم
معلومات الملف :-
FS2004 Boeing 707-368C in the livery of Saudia HZ-HM2 circa 1985. A repaint of the Captain Sim 707. This aircraft was used by the King of Saudia Arabia and other members of the Saudi government. It is wearing the early paint scheme and represents the #2 aircraft of three that were custom built by Boeing. All three aircraft had luxurious cabin furnishings, along with many other items "Fit For a King". TCE Compliant. Textures only. Enjoy!
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7- مفاجأة , طائرة الكونكورد للخطوط الجوية السعودية بشعارها القديم
معلومات الملف :-
This is a repaint for the Mach2 Concorde from fsfrance in a fictitious old Saudia Airlines Livery. (I always wondered what would of happend if King Fisal or Kahled had purchased a few Concordes for Saudi Arabian Airlines...) These are !Textures Only!. You need to download the base model from http://fsfrance.free.fr/Mach2/Main_eng.htm to use these textures.
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8- طائرة اللوكهيد L1011 -500 بالشعار الجديد .
معلومات الملف :-
This package contains 32bit reflective day/nighttextures only in a Saudia livery for Charles Dayhuff's excellent L1011-500 model for AI Traffic cdai_l1011500f.zip
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9- طائرة اللوكهيد L100 Herclus بشعار الطيران السعودي القديم
معلومات الملف :-
Lockheed L-100 Hercules painted in Saudia Airlines (old colors) livery, utilizing Mike Stone's C-130H aircraft; and painted in 32-bit textures. This is a delight to fly, and is polygon-low enough to work nicely as an AI aircraft. Textures only, requires base pack available here on AVSIM or Mike Stone's website. Aircraft repaint by Michael Pearson
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10-طائرة MD 11 بشعار الطيران السعودي الجديد .
معلومات الملف :-
Saudia, FS2002 repaint for the FSpainter's MD11pw. It is all in dxt3 format with 32bit colour depth for smooth graduation in colours. MOdel is also included in this archive. Since the repaint uses dxt3 format it shows reflections on the fuselage and the mipmaps are also applied for better frame rates. Any comments, please write me back at 15,March.2004.
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11- طائرة الايرباص A340-368 بالشعار الجديد .
معلومات الملف :-
Airbus A340-368 in Saudi Arabian Airlines livery (fictitious), registration HZ-AZA; using Aerodesign's excellent A340-300 model. SVA leased an A340 from Kuwait for Hadj flights some time back, and I wanted to see what this wonderful aircraft would look like in Saudia's beautiful livery. This aircraft has maximum animation and detail, to totally satisfy your flying experience. Model and base textures from AeroDesigns, livery repaint by Michael Pearson
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12- - طائرة الايرباص الايرباص A300- 600 بالشعار الجديد
معلومات الملف :-
Saudi Arabian A300-600R, registration HZ-AJF. This aircraft features full moving parts, dynamic shine, reflective textures, virtual cockpit, virtual cabin with animated reclining passenger seats and "animated" inbuilt scenery which includes ground support vehicles. Including model by Ali Mujtaba's (www.flightsimpakistan.com) and Saudi Arabian texture.
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13- طائرة الايرباص A300-600 بالشعار القديم
معلومات الملف :-
Saudi A300-600 in two colour,old livery and current livery of saudi airlines.
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14- طائرة Tristar 100 بشعار الخطوط السعودية القديم
معلومات الملف :-
You need the "Classic Airlines 2" by AeroSim for this repaint. Although Saudia mainly used the 200 model, I thought it would be great to use the 100 model for this repaint.
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15- و اخيرا طائرة MD 90 بشعار الخطوط السعودية الجديد
معلومات الملف
FS2002 textures for Saudia's MD90 in new colour scheme. No mipmaps are used and night textures are in 32 bit extended format for smooth light shades at night time. I have worked hard to find photographic textures with correct colours. These textures match the colours of Saudia's B772 & B744 by Digitalex for Arnaud & therefore are not too brown or yellow. Please write back at this address for any suggestions or requests.
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و فى الختام
اتمنى ان تكونوا قد استمعتم مع الاسطول السعودي , مع الوعد بتقديم كل ما هو جديد ان شاء الله
و طيران سعيد
فى انتظار التقييم
تحياتى للجميع
AbdelrahmaN 666