Private Pilot (PPL) 10 Weeks 45 Flying hours
Commercial Pilot & Inst, Rating (CPL/IR/MCC) 22 Months 250 Flying/Simlulator hours
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Single Engine 4 Weeks 8 Flying hours
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Multi Engine 4 Weeks 8 Flying hours
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) 8 Weeks 25 Flying hours
Instrument Flight Instructor (CFIII) 6 Weeks 15 Flying hours
Pilot's Refresher Courses - As required
Flight Dispatcher 3 Months As required
Advanced Ground Instructor 5 Weeks As required
Instrument Groiund Instructor 5 Weeks As required
Multi Crew Co-operation 4 Weeks 52 Simulator Hours
High school certificate acceptable by JCARC.
Acceptable level of English Language.
1st Class Medical Certificate for all Cadet Pilots.
Privileges enjoyed by all students during the course:
Free transportation within Amman city.
Full medical and life Insurance.
Publications needed for all courses.
Official uniform.
Four months of English language and Aviation Terminology.
Multi–Crew Cooperation (MCC)
Multi-Crew Cooperation course is an essential phase integrated in the professional pilot training program which focuses on providing junior pilots the skills required to operate a Multi Pilot Aircraft (MPA).
Today the MCC course fosters a significant advantage prior undertaking any Aircraft Type-Rating and is required by most airlines.
The aim of the course is to become proficient in Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) in order to efficiently and safely operate a modern airliner with multi-crew under Instrument Meteorological Conditions, and acquire the technical and non-technical skills applicable to working in a multi-crew environment.

او كلمني 00962788635940
الكابتن ناجح جهماني
مدرب طيران و مدير العمليات الجوية
و اتمنى للجميع التوفيق
Commercial Pilot & Inst, Rating (CPL/IR/MCC) 22 Months 250 Flying/Simlulator hours
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Single Engine 4 Weeks 8 Flying hours
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Multi Engine 4 Weeks 8 Flying hours
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) 8 Weeks 25 Flying hours
Instrument Flight Instructor (CFIII) 6 Weeks 15 Flying hours
Pilot's Refresher Courses - As required
Flight Dispatcher 3 Months As required
Advanced Ground Instructor 5 Weeks As required
Instrument Groiund Instructor 5 Weeks As required
Multi Crew Co-operation 4 Weeks 52 Simulator Hours
High school certificate acceptable by JCARC.
Acceptable level of English Language.
1st Class Medical Certificate for all Cadet Pilots.
Privileges enjoyed by all students during the course:
Free transportation within Amman city.
Full medical and life Insurance.
Publications needed for all courses.
Official uniform.
Four months of English language and Aviation Terminology.
Multi–Crew Cooperation (MCC)
Multi-Crew Cooperation course is an essential phase integrated in the professional pilot training program which focuses on providing junior pilots the skills required to operate a Multi Pilot Aircraft (MPA).
Today the MCC course fosters a significant advantage prior undertaking any Aircraft Type-Rating and is required by most airlines.
The aim of the course is to become proficient in Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) in order to efficiently and safely operate a modern airliner with multi-crew under Instrument Meteorological Conditions, and acquire the technical and non-technical skills applicable to working in a multi-crew environment.

او كلمني 00962788635940
الكابتن ناجح جهماني
مدرب طيران و مدير العمليات الجوية
و اتمنى للجميع التوفيق