اخواني اليوم أقدم لكم قيادة القطارات من صنع شركة مايكروسوفت
Microsoft Train Simulator

معلومات عن اللعبه :
تحتوي اللعبه على 6 خطوط قطارات عالميه ،،، تأخذك اللعبه في رحله حول العالم عبر خطوط القطارات المشهوره عالميا
عبر مؤثرات ثلالثيه الابعاد اقرب الى الواقع
Train Simulator takes the obsessive realism of Microsoft's best-of-breed Flight Simulator games down to earth. Six real-world rail lines are included from throughout history, including the Flying Scotsman line of 1920s England and the modern Odakyu Electric Rail commuter line in Tokyo. Attendees at the National Model Railroad Association's August 2000 convention marveled at the game's painstaking attention to detail. But this game is not a model railroad game; it simulates the real thing. The game's developers traveled across the world with cameras and microphones in order to authentically capture the trains in their natural habitats. Train Simulator lets you experience the world's greatest trains in all their glory.
Train aficionados can drive the train, run the rail yard, or dive in with the terrain editor and create the rail lines of their dreams. Or you can just sit back, relax, and admire the beautiful scenery and dreamy click-clack of the tracks.


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(200mb files)
Microsoft Train Simulator

معلومات عن اللعبه :
تحتوي اللعبه على 6 خطوط قطارات عالميه ،،، تأخذك اللعبه في رحله حول العالم عبر خطوط القطارات المشهوره عالميا
عبر مؤثرات ثلالثيه الابعاد اقرب الى الواقع
Train Simulator takes the obsessive realism of Microsoft's best-of-breed Flight Simulator games down to earth. Six real-world rail lines are included from throughout history, including the Flying Scotsman line of 1920s England and the modern Odakyu Electric Rail commuter line in Tokyo. Attendees at the National Model Railroad Association's August 2000 convention marveled at the game's painstaking attention to detail. But this game is not a model railroad game; it simulates the real thing. The game's developers traveled across the world with cameras and microphones in order to authentically capture the trains in their natural habitats. Train Simulator lets you experience the world's greatest trains in all their glory.
Train aficionados can drive the train, run the rail yard, or dive in with the terrain editor and create the rail lines of their dreams. Or you can just sit back, relax, and admire the beautiful scenery and dreamy click-clack of the tracks.


RapidShare & Hotfile links are interchangeable
(200mb files)
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=yellowgreen]http://hotfile.com/dl/10964844/9abaa...part1.rar.html[/COLOR][/B]<div align="center">
[CENTER][B][COLOR=yellowgreen]no password[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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