تحميل برنامج Google Chrome OS VMDK.2009 المتصفح الشهير


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تحميل برنامج Google Chrome OS VMDK.2009 المتصفح الشهير

  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • محـ_ـمد
    عضو خط الطيران
    • 27 - 11 - 2009
    • 11

    تحميل برنامج Google Chrome OS VMDK.2009 المتصفح الشهير

    تحميل برنامج
    Google chrome OS VMDK.2009
    المتصفح الشهير


    Google chrome OS is an open source operating system designed by Google
    to work exclusively with *** applications. Announced on July 7, 2009,
    Chrome OS is set to have a publicly available stable release during the
    second half of 2010. The operating system is ****d on Linux and targets
    specifically designed hardware. The user interface takes a minimalist
    approach, resembling that of the chrome *** browser. Because the
    browser will be the only application residing on the device, Google
    Chrome OS is aimed at users who spend most of their computer time on
    the Internet

    Install Notes:

    Install and open vmdk file and run.

    login user****:chronos

    pass:BLANK[no pass]

    alternate login user****:markchromes

    alternate login pass:markchromes

    This also works with "VirtualBox-3.0.12-54655-Win". Just load image to
    hard drive and start machine. Set OS as Linux. This OS is almost
    instant on, very fast. VirtualBox is free, can be found all over the
    ***. Go ahead and title the OS whatever you?d like. For the operating
    system, choose Linux, with Ubuntu as the version (other setups could
    potentially work, but this is the only one we?ve gotten working).
    Choose how much memory to allocate to this virtual machine. This will
    be dependent on how much memory you have in your computer. The more,
    the better, but if you choose too much your real computer will become
    unstable/very slow. Here?s the tricky part (fortunately it isn?t very
    tricky). You don?t want to create a new hard disk, instead, you want to
    use an existing hard disk. Don?t choose one from the drop down menu
    either ? you?re going to want to hit the folder icon just to the right
    of that to enter the ?virtual media manager?. Hit the ?Add? button. Now
    you have to find the chrome OS image you downloaded earlier. This is
    probably on your desktop or in your downloads folder. Once you?ve found
    it, hit ?Open?. Hit ?Select? once you reach the next ******** Almost
    there. Make sure ?use existing hard disk? is checked. Hit next. Hit
    ?Finish?. You?re done! Hit Start. Hopefully the screen will go black,
    but only for a little while (this could be anywhere from 10 seconds to
    a minute or so, depending on how fast your computer is). Once you?re
    in, you?ll see a splash screen for ?Chromium? (which is what Google
    calls dev builds of Chrome). To login, you?ll need to enter a valid
    Google Account ID. Your standard Gmail account should work, but as we
    said before, this build of ChromeOS came from bittorrent, so you may
    want to use a throw away account. You?re in. Now time to explore. To be
    honest, everything looks quite similar to Google?s chrome browser, but
    there are a few key differences. Note the battery life indicator and
    options menu in the far upper right. Also try playing around with the
    ?New ******? functions ? you?ll find that it?s difficult (if not
    impossible) to navigate between multiple ******s. And be wary of the
    Bookmarks manager. As far as I can tell, there?s no easy way to get out
    of it ? you?ll have to manually create a new bookmark, which will kick
    you back into the browser mode once you click it. To use Sudo or
    similar functions you'll have to use one of the listed above shared
    user passwords.


    For Downloading


    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3
