اول شي أرحب بالاخوه أعضاء وزوار هاذ المنتدى الراقي و أتمنا لهم دوام الصحه و الموفقيه...اليوم ذهبت الى زيارة احدى الكليات الموجوده بالقرب من مكان تواجدي في أمريكا و بالتحديد ولاية أيوا (دافنبورت) و أسم الكليه مكون من ثلاث كليات متحده !! ميوسكاتين+سكوت+كلينتو . وعندما سألت عن السبب قالو لي هاذي ثلاث كليات كبار تشاركو وفتحو معهد يقدمون فيه العديد من الدراسات البسيطه و المهنيه كـ تعليم الحام والفنون و بعض الاعمال الفنيه و بـ أسعار نسبيه للتقليل من الضرائب السنويه عليهم لكني لم أسأل ما أذا كانت للامريكان فقط أم لا لاني أنشغلت في موضوع الطيران و أخذ المعلومات عنه و قام الموضف بالشرح بعض التفاصيل و قال لي التفاصيل كلها موجوده على الموقع الالكتروني و أّأ أحتجت أي أستفسار أنا حاضر و بدأت بـ قرائة بعض المعلومات و حبيت أنقلها لكم لتكونو فكره عن هاذي الكليه....
سألته طيب هل الطيران موجود هنا قال لا ولكن سكوت كوميونتي كولج فيها و نستطيع تحويلك عليها أذا كنت حاب تلتحق...أخذت منه العنوان و ذهب أليها لانها قريبه جداً من مكان المعهد و فوجئت بـ جمالها و موقعها على نهر مسسبي مباشرتاً و عدد الطلبه الهائل المتواجدين بـ شتى التخصصات
ذهبت مباشرتا على موضف الاستقبال و بدأت أسأله عن الطيران و مكان التدريب و قال لي التدريب النضري هنا و العملي في المطار يبعد تقريبا ربع ساعه في السياره السياره..و بدأ بـ طباعة الاوراق الي فيها المعلومات و أعطاني أياها و بعد قرائتها وجت أنها نفس الموجوده في الموقع لذالك حبيت أرفعها على المنتدى لتعم الفائده
بالنسبه للرخص و الشهادات فهي تعطي شهادة الاسوسييتد دكريي +الرخص البرايفت و الكوميرشل و الاي أر
ولكن لم أدرس بالتفصيل عن باقي المعلومات و قررت نتشارك الاراء مع بعض

و الان أترككم مع المعلومات من الموقع
Clinton, Muscatine and Scott Community Colleges
Program Description
Students enrolled in this Associate in Arts Degree program will receive flight training at the Davenport Municipal Airport north of Davenport.
Upon completion of the program, students will be Commercial Pilots, licensed to fly small commercial jets, commuter planes and private jets for business and industry. When you graduate, you'll be trained and ready for a job, or you many transfer credits to a four-year
Students enrolled in this Associate in Arts Degree program will receive flight training at the Davenport Municipal Airport north of Davenport.
Upon completion of the program, students will be Commercial Pilots, licensed to fly small commercial jets, commuter planes and private jets for business and industry. When you graduate, you'll be trained and ready for a job, or you many transfer credits to a four-year
أما عن الـ بي دي أف الموجود في الاسفل
Program Description
Do you want to become a professional pilot and make a career out of aviation by getting
your Commercial Pilots License, or do you just want your Private Pilot's License so you can
do some recreational flying on the weekends? With the aviation program through EICCD,
you can achieve either goal. Along the way through the program you can obtain other
ratings which include an Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine Rating and Instructors License.
You are able to receive credit for each one of these ratings as well.
After completing the program, you will have a commercial pilot’s license. A commercial
license can be a good starting point for earning an airline pilot’s transport license.
Flight training is provided at the Davenport Municipal Airport in Davenport near Mount
Joy, Iowa.
Award Options
Associate in Arts Degree
Job Outlook
In 2006 there were 107,000 professional pilots outside of the military. 79,000 of them
worked for airlines and the rest were pilots who taught others to fly(flight instructors), or
flew cargo or passengers in their own airplanes.
Employment is projected to grow 13 percent in the coming years, about as fast as the
average for all occupations. Regional airlines and low-cost carriers can offer the best
opportunities as they grow in popularity among consumers. Former military pilots may have
an advantage among other applicants, particularly large carriers for which there is strong
competition. Job opportunities are expected to continue to be better with the regional
airlines and low-cost carriers, which are growing faster than the major airlines.
Opportunities with air cargo carriers also should arise because of increasing security
requirements for shipping freight on passenger airlines, growth in electronic commerce, and
increased demand for global freight. Business, corporate, and on-demand air taxi travel also
should provide some new jobs for pilots.
In 2006 the median annual earnings for pilots was $141,900. The median annual income
for pilots not in the airlines is $57,480. The middle 50% earned between $40, 780 and
Program Description
Do you want to become a professional pilot and make a career out of aviation by getting
your Commercial Pilots License, or do you just want your Private Pilot's License so you can
do some recreational flying on the weekends? With the aviation program through EICCD,
you can achieve either goal. Along the way through the program you can obtain other
ratings which include an Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine Rating and Instructors License.
You are able to receive credit for each one of these ratings as well.
After completing the program, you will have a commercial pilot’s license. A commercial
license can be a good starting point for earning an airline pilot’s transport license.
Flight training is provided at the Davenport Municipal Airport in Davenport near Mount
Joy, Iowa.
Award Options
Associate in Arts Degree
Job Outlook
In 2006 there were 107,000 professional pilots outside of the military. 79,000 of them
worked for airlines and the rest were pilots who taught others to fly(flight instructors), or
flew cargo or passengers in their own airplanes.
Employment is projected to grow 13 percent in the coming years, about as fast as the
average for all occupations. Regional airlines and low-cost carriers can offer the best
opportunities as they grow in popularity among consumers. Former military pilots may have
an advantage among other applicants, particularly large carriers for which there is strong
competition. Job opportunities are expected to continue to be better with the regional
airlines and low-cost carriers, which are growing faster than the major airlines.
Opportunities with air cargo carriers also should arise because of increasing security
requirements for shipping freight on passenger airlines, growth in electronic commerce, and
increased demand for global freight. Business, corporate, and on-demand air taxi travel also
should provide some new jobs for pilots.
In 2006 the median annual earnings for pilots was $141,900. The median annual income
for pilots not in the airlines is $57,480. The middle 50% earned between $40, 780 and
(((Carver Aero, Inc)))
Janet Lewis
800-232-2354 or
Community College
Robin Jennings
Community College
Jeanine Ingelson
General Education Requirements
Choose from the General Education Curriculum listed in the current EICCD course
catalog* according to your goals and interests and the requirements of your intended
transfer institution. The recommended General Education courses for this
concentration include the following:
SPC:112 Public Speaking 3
Social Sciences:
ECN:130 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Natural Sciences:
PHY:162 College Physics I 4
PHS:166 Meteorology, Weather and Climate 4
PHY:110 Survey of Physics 3
Concentration Electives
To complete an Associate Degree with this concentration, choose courses from the list
of Electives below for a minimum of 62 credit hours. Consult with an academic
advisor to determine the best selection of courses.
Recommended Electives
AVI:130 Private Pilot Ground School 3
AVI:172 Private Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:210 Instrument Ground School 2
AVI:235 Instrument Flight Training 2
AVI:260 Commercial Pilot Ground School 2
AVI:244 Commercial Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:305 Advanced Rating Ground School 4
AVI:306 Advanced Rating Flight Training 1
* Course catalog can be found online at www.eicc.edu/catalog
The Eastern Iowa Community College District endorses the principle of equal educational opportunities for all people
regardless of race, color, creed, marital status, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry, age, or non-job
related handicap or disability in the educational programs or activities it operates. Persons having inquiries concerning the
district’s accommodation for or compliance with Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act and
the Age Discrimination Act may contact: Affirmative Action Officer, 306 West River Drive, Davenport, IA 52801-1221 or
call (563) 336-3300.
Janet Lewis
800-232-2354 or
Community College
Robin Jennings
Community College
Jeanine Ingelson
General Education Requirements
Choose from the General Education Curriculum listed in the current EICCD course
catalog* according to your goals and interests and the requirements of your intended
transfer institution. The recommended General Education courses for this
concentration include the following:
SPC:112 Public Speaking 3
Social Sciences:
ECN:130 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Natural Sciences:
PHY:162 College Physics I 4
PHS:166 Meteorology, Weather and Climate 4
PHY:110 Survey of Physics 3
Concentration Electives
To complete an Associate Degree with this concentration, choose courses from the list
of Electives below for a minimum of 62 credit hours. Consult with an academic
advisor to determine the best selection of courses.
Recommended Electives
AVI:130 Private Pilot Ground School 3
AVI:172 Private Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:210 Instrument Ground School 2
AVI:235 Instrument Flight Training 2
AVI:260 Commercial Pilot Ground School 2
AVI:244 Commercial Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:305 Advanced Rating Ground School 4
AVI:306 Advanced Rating Flight Training 1
* Course catalog can be found online at www.eicc.edu/catalog
The Eastern Iowa Community College District endorses the principle of equal educational opportunities for all people
regardless of race, color, creed, marital status, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry, age, or non-job
related handicap or disability in the educational programs or activities it operates. Persons having inquiries concerning the
district’s accommodation for or compliance with Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act and
the Age Discrimination Act may contact: Affirmative Action Officer, 306 West River Drive, Davenport, IA 52801-1221 or
call (563) 336-3300.
7/09 AG
Concentration Electives
To complete an Associate Degree with this concentration,
choose courses from the list of Electives below for a
minimum of 62 credit hours. Consult with an academic
advisor to determine the best selection of courses.
Recommended Electives
AVI:130 Private Pilot Ground School 3
AVI:172 Private Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:210 Instrument Ground School 2
AVI:235 Instrument Flight Training 2
AVI:244 Commercial Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:260 Commercial Pilot Ground School 2
AVI:305 Advanced Rating Ground School 4
To complete an Associate Degree with this concentration,
choose courses from the list of Electives below for a
minimum of 62 credit hours. Consult with an academic
advisor to determine the best selection of courses.
Recommended Electives
AVI:130 Private Pilot Ground School 3
AVI:172 Private Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:210 Instrument Ground School 2
AVI:235 Instrument Flight Training 2
AVI:244 Commercial Pilot Flight Training 2
AVI:260 Commercial Pilot Ground School 2
AVI:305 Advanced Rating Ground School 4
AVI:306 Advanced Rating Flight Training 1
General Education Requirements
Choose from the General Education Curriculum listed on
pages 27-28 according to your goals and interests and the
requirements of your intended transfer institution. The
recommended General Education courses for this
concentration include the following:
SPC:112 Public Speaking 3
Social Sciences:
ECN:130 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Natural Sciences:
PHY:162 College Physics I 4
PHS:166 Meteorology, Weather and Climate 4
ENV:111 Environmental Science 4Choose from the General Education Curriculum listed on
pages 27-28 according to your goals and interests and the
requirements of your intended transfer institution. The
recommended General Education courses for this
concentration include the following:
SPC:112 Public Speaking 3
Social Sciences:
ECN:130 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Natural Sciences:
PHY:162 College Physics I 4
PHS:166 Meteorology, Weather and Climate 4
بالنسبه لهاذي الاكاديميه المذكوره Carver Aero, Inc فقد أعطاني الموضف كتالوج خاص فيها و قررت أصوره و أرفعه كما هوه لكن سامحوني ماعندي أسكنر و أضطريت أني أصوره عن طريق موبايلي
طبعاً هاذ أذا حاب تدرس في هاذي الاكاديميه بشكل مباشر (كنت حاب أرفعها في موضوع منفصل لكني قررت أضعها علشان شي يكمل شي)
أترككم أعزائي مع الصور

الوجه الاول
أهم شي (الاسعار)
النقطه المهمه الاخرى (الطائرات)
و هاذ الوجه بشكل عام للكاتالوج
أذا أحتجتو أي معلومات أنا مستعد أتصل فيهم و أستفسر أكثر ...سوف أقوم بـ زيارتهم في الايام المقبله لكي أرا بنفسي و أخذ معاي الكاميرا علشان الصور
تقبلوا تحياتي

تقبلوا تحياتي
