FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

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  • AboAbdulla

    • 23 - 12 - 2004
    • 5061

    • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
      إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

      اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
      واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت

    FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

    هذه الأختبارات المخصصة لأختبارات FAA للحصول على رخص PPL و CPL و ATPL يمكن تحميلها مباشرة من الروابط التالية:

    جميع هذه الملفات بصيغة pdf

    أضغط بالزر الأيمن وأختر حفظ الهدف بإسم

    أيضاً يمكن زيارة الرابط التالي لبقية الأختبارات لجميع أنواع الرخص المعتمدة من Federal Aviation Administration بحسب ما يتضمه كتاب FAR لـ Federal Aviation Regulations المخصص لـ Code of Federal Regulations تحت الأقسام CFR 14 من الرابط التالي :

    FAA Written Exam Test Preparation for Pilots
  • AboAbdulla

    • 23 - 12 - 2004
    • 5061

    • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
      إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

      اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
      واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت

    Gyroplane questions – from Rotorcraft Private Bank

    Gyroplane questions – from Rotorcraft Private Bank

      [B][U][COLOR=blue][FONT=Arial]Gyroplane questions – from Rotorcraft Private Bank[/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B]
      [B][I][COLOR=teal][FONT=Arial] (From Rotorcraft questions that obviously are either gyroplane or not helicopter)[/FONT][/COLOR][/I][/B]
      [B][COLOR=blue][FONT=Arial]"[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=blue][FONT=Arial]X[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=blue][FONT=Arial]" in front of the answer indicates the likely correct answer.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Note: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#339966][FONT=Arial]For associated Figures click[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][FONT=Arial] [URL="http://air.flyingway.com/faa_exam/heli/gyroplane_test_figures.pdf"]here[/URL][/FONT]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: B09[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]No person may begin a flight in a rotorcraft under VFR unless there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed, to fly thereafter for at least[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. 20 minutes. [/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 30 minutes.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. 1 hour.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H70[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Angle of attack is defined as the angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. rotor plane of rotation.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. pitch angle of an airfoil.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X C. direction of the relative wind.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H71[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 10 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 10.) During flight, if cyclic control pressure is applied which results in a maximum increase in pitch angle of the rotor blade at position A, the rotor disc will tilt[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. forward.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. left.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. aft.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H71[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The lift differential that exists between the advancing main rotor blade and the retreating main rotor blade is known as[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. hunting tendency.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. dissymmetry of lift.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. transverse flow effect.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H71[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]During forward cruising flight at constant airspeed and altitude, the individual rotor blades, when compared to each other, are operating[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. with a decreasing angle of attack on the advancing blade.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. at unequal airspeed, unequal angles of attack, and equal lift moment.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. with increased lift on the retreating blade.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H71[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The upward bending of the rotor blades resulting from the combined forces of lift and centrifugal force is known as[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. blade slapping.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. coning.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. inertia.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H71[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]When a blade flaps up, the CG moves closer to its axis of rotation giving that blade a tendency to[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. accelerate.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. stabilize its rotational velocity.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. decelerate.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H71[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Which is a result of the phenomenon of ground effect?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. The lift vector becomes more horizontal.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. The induced angle of attack of each rotor blade is increased.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X C. The angle of attack generating lift is increased.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H78[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]High airspeeds, particularly in turbulent air, should be avoided primarily because of the possibility of[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. a low-frequency vibration developing.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. retreating blade stall.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. an abrupt pitchup.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H78[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]When operating at high forward airspeeds, retreating blade stalls are more likely to occur under which[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial] condition?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. Steep turns in turbulent air.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. High RPM and low density altitude.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. Low gross weight and low density altitude.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H78[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Ground resonance is most likely to develop when[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. on the ground and harmonic vibrations develop between the main and tail rotors.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. a series of shocks causes the rotor system to become unbalanced.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. there is a combination of a decrease in the angle of attack on the advancing blade and an increase in the angle of attack on the retreating blade.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H78[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The principal reason the shaded area of a Height vs. Velocity Chart should be avoided is[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. turbulence near the surface can dephase the blade dampers.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. insufficient airspeed would be available to ensure a safe landing in case of an engine failure.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. rotor RPM may decay before ground contact is made if an engine failure should occur.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H766[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]What precaution should be taken while taxiing a gyroplane?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. The cyclic stick should be held slightly aft of neutral at all times.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. Avoid abrupt control movements when blades are turning.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. The cyclic stick should be held in the neutral position at all times.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H317[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 40 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 40.) Determine the total landing distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle in a gyroplane. The[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]outside air temperature (OAT) is 75°F and the pressure altitude at the airport is 2,500 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. 521 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. 525 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. 529 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H317[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 40 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 40.) Approximately how much additional landing distance will be required for a gyroplane to clear a 50-foot obstacle with an increase in temperature from 40 to 60 °F at 3,200 feet pressure altitude?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. 8 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 12 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X C. 4 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H317[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 40 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 40.) Determine the total landing distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle in a gyroplane. The outside air temperature (OAT) is 80 °F and the pressure altitude is 3,500 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. 521 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 526 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X C. 531 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H317[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 40 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 40.) Determine the total takeoff distance required for a gyroplane to clear a 50-foot obstacle if the temperature is 95 °F and the pressure altitude is 1,700 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. 2,030 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 1,910 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. 1,825 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H317[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 40 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 40.) Determine the total takeoff distance required for a gyroplane to clear a 50-foot obstacle if the temperature is standard at sea level pressure altitude.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. 1,200 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 1,090 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. 950 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H317[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 40 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figure 40.) Approximately how much additional takeoff distance will be required for a gyroplane to clear a 50-foot obstacle if the temperature increases from 75 to 90 °F at a pressure altitude of 2,300 feet?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. 160 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 2,020 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. 200 feet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H76[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 45 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 46 for this question[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figures 45 and 46.) What is the new CG of the gyroplane after a 10-gallon fuel burn if the original weight was 1,450 pounds and the MOM/1000 was 108 pound- inches?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. Within limits near the forward limit.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. Out of limits forward.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. Out of limits aft.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H76[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figures 45 and 46.) What is the condition of the weight and balance of the gyroplane as loaded? [/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]WEIGHT (LB) MOMENT (1000)[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Empty weight 1,074 85.6[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Oil, 6 qt --- 1.0[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Pilot and passenger 247 ---[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Fuel, 12 gal --- ---[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Baggage 95 ---[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. Overweight.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X B. Within limits.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. Out of limits aft.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H76[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial](Refer to figures 45 and 46.) Approximately how much baggage, if any, may be carried in the gyroplane, without exceeding weight and balance limits? [/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]WEIGHT (LB) MOMENT (1000)[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Empty weight 1,074 85.6[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Oil, 6 qt --- 1.0[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Fuel, Full --- ---[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Pilot (FWD) 224 ---[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]A. None, overweight.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. 100 pounds.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X C. 70 pounds.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H81[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Which action would be appropriate for confined area operations?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. Plan the flight path over areas suitable for a forced landing.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. Takeoffs and landings must be made into the wind.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. A very steep angle of descent should be used to land on the selected spot.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]FAA Knowledge Code: H81[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Which is a correct general rule for pinnacle and ridgeline operations?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]X A. A climb to a pinnacle or ridgeline should be performed on the upwind side.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]B. Gaining altitude on takeoff is more important than gaining airspeed.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
      [B][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]C. The approach path to a ridgeline is usually perpendicular to the ridge.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]


    • AboAbdulla

      • 23 - 12 - 2004
      • 5061

      • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
        إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

        اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
        واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت

      Gyroplane questions – from Rotorcraft Commercial Bank

      Gyroplane questions – from Rotorcraft Commercial Bank

      [B][U][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]Gyroplane questions – from Rotorcraft Commercial Bank[/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B][FONT=Arial]
      [/FONT][B][COLOR=green][FONT=Arial](From Rotorcraft questions that obviously are either gyroplane or not helicopter)
      [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=blue][FONT=Arial]"[B]X[/B]" in front of the answer indicates the likely correct answer.
      [/FONT][B][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Note: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#339966][FONT=Arial]For associated Figures click[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][FONT=Arial] [URL="http://air.flyingway.com/faa_exam/heli/gyroplane_test_figures.pdf"]here[/URL][/FONT]
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: B09
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]To begin a flight in a rotorcraft under VFR, there must be enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruise speed, to fly thereafter for at least
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. 30 minutes.
      B. 45 minutes.
      X C. 20 minutes.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: B07
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]When operating a U.S.-registered civil aircraft, which document is required by regulation to be available in[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial] the aircraft?
      A. An Owner's Manual.
      B. A manufacturer's Operations Manual.
      X C. A current, approved Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: B11
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Approved flotation gear, readily available to each occupant, is required on each helicopter if it is being flown for hire over water,
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. more than 50 statute miles from shore.
      B. in amphibious aircraft beyond 50 NM from shore.
      X C. beyond power-off gliding distance from shore.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: B11
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]What transponder equipment is required for helicopter operations within Class B airspace? A transponder
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. with 4096 code and Mode C capability.
      B. is required for helicopter operations when visibility is less than 3 miles.
      C. with 4096 code capability is required except when operating at or below 1,000 feet AGL under the terms of a letter of agreement.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H307
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]For gyroplanes with constant-speed propellers, the first indication of carburetor icing is usually
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. engine roughness followed by a decrease in engine RPM.
      B. a decrease in engine RPM.
      X C. a decrease in manifold pressure.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H70
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]When the angle of attack of a symmetrical airfoil is increased, the center of pressure will
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. move aft along the airfoil surface.
      B. remain unaffected.
      X C. have very limited movement.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H71
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Coning is caused by the combined forces of
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. lift and centrifugal force.
      B. flapping and centrifugal force.
      C. drag, weight, and translational lift.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H71
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The forward speed of a rotorcraft is restricted primarily by
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. transverse flow effect.
      B. high-frequency vibrations.
      X C. dissymmetry of lift.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H71
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The purpose of lead-lag (drag) hing[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]es in a three-bladed, fully articulated helicopter rotor system is to compensate for
      A. blade flapping tendency.
      B. dissymmetry of lift.
      X C. Coriolis effect.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H71
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The unequal lift across the rotor disc that occurs in horizontal flight as a result of the difference in velocity of the air over the advancing half of the disc area and the air passing over the retreating half of the disc area is known as
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. dissymmetry of lift.
      B. disc loading.
      C. coning.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H71
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The lift differential that exists between the advancing blade and the retreating blade is known as
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. Coriolis effect.
      B. translational lift.
      X C. dissymmetry of lift.
      [FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H72
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]When a rotorcraft transitions from straight-and-level flight into a 30° bank while maintaining a constant altitude, the total lift force must
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. increase and the load factor will decrease.
      X B. increase and the load factor will increase.
      C. remain constant and the load factor will decrease.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H73
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Cyclic control pressure is applied during flight that results in a maximum increase in main rotor blade pitch angle at the "three o'clock'' position. Which way will the rotor disc tilt?
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. Aft.
      B. Left.
      C. Right.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H73
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Cyclic control pressure is applied during flight that results in a maximum decrease in pitch angle of the rotor blades at the "12 o'clock'' position. Which way will the rotor disc tilt?
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. Aft.
      X B. Left.
      C. Forward.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H74
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The main rotor blades of a fully-articulated rotor system can
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. feather independently, but cannot flap or drag.
      X B. flap, drag, and feather independently.
      C. flap and feather collectively.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H74
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The main rotor blades of a semirigid rotor system can
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. flap, drag, and feather independently.
      B. feather independently, but cannot flap or drag.
      X C. flap and feather as a unit.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H77
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Rotorcraft climb performance is most adversely affected by
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. higher than standard temperature and low relative humidity.
      B. lower than standard temperature and high relative humidity.
      X C. higher than standard temperature and high relative humidity.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H77
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The most unfavorable combination of conditions for rotorcraft performance is
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. low density altitude, low gross weight, and calm wind.
      X B. high density altitude, high gross weight, and calm wind.
      C. high density altitude, high gross weight, and strong wind.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H77
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]How does high density altitude affect rotorcraft performance?
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. Engine and rotor efficiency is increased.
      X B. Engine and rotor efficiency is reduced.
      C. It increases rotor drag, which requires more power for normal flight.
      [FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H130
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Figure 37 for this question 
      (Refer to figure 37.) GIVEN: 
      Gyroplane basic weight 1,315 150.1 (oil included)
      Pilot weight 140 ?
      Passenger weight 150 ?
      27 gal fuel 162 ?
      The CG is located 
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. outside the CG envelope; the maximum gross weight is exceeded.
      B. outside the CG envelope; the maximum gross weight and the gross-weight moment are exceeded.
      X C. within the CG envelope; neither maximum gross weight nor gross-weight moment is exceeded.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H130
      Figure 37 for this question 
      (Refer to figure 37.) 
      Gyroplane basic weight 1,315 154.0 (oil included)
      Pilot weight 145 ?
      Passenger weight 153 ?
      27 gal fuel 162 ?
      The CG is located 
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. within the CG envelope; neither maximum gross weight nor gross-weight moment is exceeded.
      B. outside the CG envelope; the maximum gross weight is exceeded.
      X C. outside the CG envelope; but the maximum gross weight is not exceeded.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H745
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]During the flare portion of a power-off landing, the rotor RPM tends to
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. remain constant.
      B. decrease initially.
      X C. increase initially.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H71
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Which would produce the slowest rotor RPM?
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. Pushing over after a steep climb.
      B. A vertical descent with power.
      C. A vertical descent without power.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H743
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]When conducting a confined area-type operation, the primary purpose of the high reconnaissance is to determine the
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. power requirements for the approach.
      B. amount of slope in the landing area.
      X C. suitability of the area for landing.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H767
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]If ground resonance is experienced during rotor spin-up, what action should you take?
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. Make a normal takeoff immediately.
      B. Taxi to a smooth area.
      X C. Close the throttle and slowly raise the spin-up lever.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H762
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The principal factor limiting the never-exceed speed (VNE) of a gyroplane is
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. lack of sufficient cyclic stick control to compensate for dissymmetry of lift or retreating blade stall, depending on which occurs first.
      B. turbulence and altitude.
      C. blade-tip speed, which must remain below the speed of sound.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H765
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Why should gyroplane operations within the cross-hatched portion of a Height vs. Velocity chart be avoided?
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. Sufficient airspeed may not be available to ensure a safe landing in case of an engine failure.
      B. The rotor RPM may build excessively high if it is necessary to flare at such low altitudes.
      C. Turbulence near the surface can dephase the blade dampers causing geometric unbalanced conditions on the rotor system.
      FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H765
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]The principal reason the shaded area of a Height vs. Velocity chart should be avoided is
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]X A. insufficient airspeed would be available to ensure a safe landing in case of an engine failure.
      B. rotor RPM may decay before ground contact is made if an engine failure should occur.
      C. rotor RPM may build excessively high if it is necessary to flare at such low altitudes.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial]FAA Question Number:
      FAA Knowledge Code: H766
      [/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]During the transition from pre-rotation to flight, all rotor blades change pitch
      [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Arial]A. to the same degree at the same point in the cycle of rotation.
      X B. simultaneously but to different angles of incidence.
      C. simultaneously to the same angle of incidence.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial] FAA Question Number:[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial] FAA Knowledge Code: H766[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial] [COLOR=red]Select the true statement concerning gyroplane taxi procedures.[/COLOR][/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial]X A. Avoid abrupt control movements when blades are turning.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial] B. The cyclic stick should be held slightly aft of neutral at all times.[/FONT]
      [FONT=Arial] C. The cyclic stick should be held in the neutral position at all times.[/FONT]


      • AboAbdulla

        • 23 - 12 - 2004
        • 5061

        • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
          إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

          اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
          واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت



        [B][COLOR=red]1. An ATC `instruction` [/COLOR][/B]
        A—is the same as an ATC `clearance. 
        B—must be `read back` in full to the controller and confirmed before becoming effective. 
        [COLOR=navy]C—is a directive issued by ATC for the purpose of requiring a pilot to take a specific action. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Recall regulations - Air Traffic Control authorisation / clearances [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]2. When are inboard ailerons normally used? [/COLOR][/B]
        A—High-speed flight only. 
        B—Low-speed flight only. 
        [COLOR=navy]C—Low-speed and high-speed flight. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Recall primary flight controls - types / purpose / functionality [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]3. Risk management, as part of the aeronautical decision making (ADM) process, relies on which features to reduce the risks associated with each flight? [/COLOR][/B]
        A—The mental process of analyzing all information in a particular situation and making a timely decision on what action to take. 
        [COLOR=navy]B—Situational awareness, problem recognition, and good judgment. [/COLOR]
        C—Application of stress management and risk element procedures. 
        [B]Answer B—Learning Statement: Define Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]4. Which of the following will decrease the holding time during anti-icing using a two-step process? [/COLOR][/B]
        [COLOR=navy]A—Apply heated Type 2 fluid. [/COLOR]
        B—Increase the viscosity of Type 1 fluid. 
        C—Decrease the water content. 
        [B]Answer A—Learning Statement: Recall aircraft anti-icing / deicing – methods / fluids [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]5. Within what Mach range do transonic flight regimes usually occur? [/COLOR][/B]
        A—1.20 to 2.50 Mach. 
        B—.50 to .75 Mach. 
        [COLOR=navy]C—.75 to 1.20 Mach. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Define MACH speed regimes [/B]

         [B]APPENDIX C-1 [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]1. For flights above which cabin altitude is oxygen required for all passengers during the entire flight at those altitudes?[/COLOR][/B]
        A—14,000 feet. 
        B—16,000 feet. 
        [COLOR=navy]C—15,000 feet. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Recall regulations - oxygen requirements [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]2. The TWEB Route Forecasts and Synopses are issued by the Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) four times per day. The TWEB forecast is valid for an [/COLOR][/B]
        A—8-hour period. 
        B—5-hour period. 
        [COLOR=navy]C—12-hour period. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Recall weather information - TWEB broadcasts [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]3. A Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) clearance, that the pilot accepts: [/COLOR][/B]
        [COLOR=navy]A—does not preclude a rejected landing. [/COLOR]
        B—precludes a rejected landing. 
        C—must be adhered to. 
        [B]Answer A—Learning Statement: Recall aerodrome operations – LAHSO [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]4. When a distress or urgency condition is encountered, the pilot of an aircraft with a transponder who desires to alert a ground radar facility, should squawk code  [/COLOR][/B]
        [COLOR=navy]A—7700. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer A—Learning Statement: Recall emergency conditions / procedures   [/B]
        [B]APPENDIX D-1 [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]1. No person may operate an aircraft carrying passengers under VFR at night unless [/COLOR][/B]
        A—it is equipped with a flashlight. 
        [COLOR=navy]B—each flight crewmember has a flashlight. [/COLOR]
        C—each crewmember has a flashlight and a spare bulb. 
        [B]Answer B—Learning Statement: Recall regulations - equipment / instrument / certificate requirements [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]2. As outside air pressure decreases, thrust output will [/COLOR][/B]
        A—remain the same since compression of inlet air will compensate for any decrease in air pressure. 
        B—increase due to greater efficiency of jet aircraft in this air. 
        [COLOR=navy]C—decrease due to higher density altitude. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Recall aircraft performance – density altitude [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]3. What corrective action can a pilot take to prevent a retreating blade stall at its onset? [/COLOR][/B]
        [COLOR=navy]A—Reduce collective pitch and increase rotor RPM. [/COLOR]
        B—Reduce collective pitch and decrease rotor RPM. 
        C—Increase collective pitch and increase rotor RPM. 
        [B]Answer A—Learning Statement: Recall rotor system – types / components / operating principles / characteristics [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]4. Sudden penetration of fog can create the illusion of [/COLOR][/B]
        A—leveling off. 
        [COLOR=navy]B—pitching up. [/COLOR]
        C—pitching down. 
        [B]Answer B—Learning Statement: Recall inflight illusions - causes / sources [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]5. Select the true statement pertaining to the life cycle of a thunderstorm. [/COLOR][/B]
        A—Updrafts continue to develop throughout the dissipating stage of a thunderstorm. 
        [COLOR=navy]B—The beginning of rain at the Earth`s surface indicates the mature stage of the thunderstorm. [/COLOR]
        C—The beginning of rain at the Earth`s surface indicates the dissipating stage of the thunderstorm. 
        [B]Answer B—Learning Statement: Recall thunderstorms - types / characteristics / formation / hazards [/B]

         [B]APPENDIX E-1 [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]1. In addition to a two-way radio capable of communicating with ATC on appropriate frequencies, which equipment is the helicopter required to have to operate within Class B airspace?[/COLOR][/B]
        A—DME, a VOR or TACAN receiver, and an appropriate transponder beacon. 
        [COLOR=navy]B—An appropriate radar beacon transponder. [/COLOR]
        C—A VOR or TACAN receiver. 
        [B]Answer B—Learning Statement: Recall regulations – equipment / instrument / certificate requirements [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]2. The TWEB Route Forecasts and Synopses are issued by the Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) four times per day. The TWEB forecast is valid for an [/COLOR][/B]
        A—8-hour period. 
        B—5-hour period. 
        [COLOR=#333399]C—12-hour period. [/COLOR]
        [B]Answer C—Learning Statement: Recall weather information - TWEB broadcasts [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]3. A Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) clearance, that the pilot accepts: [/COLOR][/B]
        [COLOR=#333399]A—does not preclude a rejected landing. [/COLOR]
        B—precludes a rejected landing. 
        C—must be adhered to. 
        [B]Answer A—Learning Statement: Recall aerodrome operations – LAHSO [/B]
        [B][COLOR=red]4. What would be the identification when a VORTAC is undergoing routine maintenance and is considered unreliable? [/COLOR][/B]
        [COLOR=#333399]A—The identifier would be removed. [/COLOR]
        B—A test signal, ‘TESTING’, is sent every 30 seconds. 
        C—Identifier is preceded by ‘M’ and an intermittent ‘OFF’ flag would appear. 
        [B]Answer A—Learning Statement: Recall instrument/navigation system checks/inspections – limits / tuning / identifying / logging  [/B]


        • AboAbdulla

          • 23 - 12 - 2004
          • 5061

          • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
            إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

            اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
            واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت

          رد: FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

          الكتاب الرسمي المعتمد من قبل FAA

          Rotorcraft Flying Handbook - FAA-H-8083-21
          الحجم 18 ميجا
          يمكن تحميلة من الرابط التالي بالضعغط بالزر الأيمن وأختيار حفظ الهدف بإسم:
          Rotorcraft Flying Handbook - FAA-H-8083-21

          يمكن تحميل هذه الكتب المجانية من الموقع الرسمي لـ
          International Civil Aviation Organization

          كذلك من موقع FAA


          • THE LORD KSA
            نائب المشرف العام

            • 03 - 06 - 2009
            • 2858

            رد: FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

            تسلم يابو عبدالله على هذا الموضوع الجميل جدا
            تشرفت بمروري على الموضوع لاني من زمان ادور على مثل هالاختبارات

            تحياتي لك يالغالي


            • tager
              عضو خط الطيران
              • 17 - 03 - 2011
              • 14

              رد: FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

              كتب قيمة ورائعة
              وان امكن كتب عن مكانيك المروحيات
              وايضا اسماء اقسامها باللغة الانجليزية


              • AboAbdulla

                • 23 - 12 - 2004
                • 5061

                • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
                  إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

                  اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
                  واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت

                رد: FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة tager
                كتب قيمة ورائعة
                وان امكن كتب عن مكانيك المروحيات
                وايضا اسماء اقسامها باللغة الانجليزية

                في قسم: الطائرات العمودية والهيلوكبتر Rotary Wing & Helicopter Forum

                سوف تجد عدد من المواضيع الكتب


                • الـغـاآلـي
                  عضو خط الطيران
                  • 10 - 05 - 2011
                  • 11

                  رد: FAA Helicopter written Exam and Knowledge Quiz

                  كتب رائعة


                  • ABDALLAHECO
                    مخالف قوانين المنتدى
                    • 22 - 01 - 2012
                    • 4

                    شكرالكم على الموضوع


                    • HELOPILOT
                      قــائــد طــائــرة
                      • 20 - 12 - 2006
                      • 55
                      • A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself

                      السلام عليكم
                      رائع جدا , شكرا أبوعبدالله .
                      تسلم يمينك .


                      • AbdulazizTHK
                        عضو خط الطيران
                        • 15 - 12 - 2014
                        • 10

                        يعطيك الف عافيه

