السلام عليكم ورحمه الله اخوانى
اليوم جايب لكم بعض برامج الجهاز iphone روعه تعمل مع المحاكيات 2004 و اكس
وهى فرصه لاستغلال ذلك الجهاز الرائع مع محاكيات الطيران ولكنى للاسف لا املك اى محاكى على جهازى حاليا فلم اجربها فالرجاء من الاخوه التجربه والرد علينا فى حال نفعت البرامج ام لا
نبدأ مع البرنامج الاول
Do you own Flight Simulator X?
The FSXControl app turns your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch into a controller for your airplane in FSX!
FSXControl connects to the flight simulator through our free PC client ( same client as FSXFollow).
- Connects to FSX.
- PC Client provided free (see FSXControl downloads & instructions).
- Control your plane using the acceleration sensors
- Pause the simulation from your device
- Switch views
- Use Gear, Flaps, Spoilers etc.
- Landing, Panel and Strobe lights can be set (IPad)
- Reference altitude can be adjusted (IPad)
- Altitude above ground level displayed
- Easy setup, no entering of ip adress required
- No local network needed
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X
- Free PC Client must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSXFollow downloads & instructions)
- Internet access required for PC Client and device.
PositionGames.com is a software development team based in Europe, specialising in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows).
Personalised and friendly support can be found via our support email (support@fsxcontrol.com).
Future updates and additional features added to FSXControl will be free for existing customers
What's New in Version 1.2
- Bug Fixes
- Landing, Panel and Strobe lights can be set
- Reference altitude can be adjusted
فيديو لتوضيح عمل الاضافه
البرنامج الثانى
fsxfollow IPA
Turn your iDevice into a moving map for your flight simulator, with FSXFollow! Now, you can easily follow your flight’s route from anywhere at any time, even capture incoming screenshots. This app is simple to use, yet provides a full host of exciting features. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!
“I had trouble at first and customer support helped very quickly. This app is great for long flights.”
- W. Hawkins
“I've been looking for ages for a moving map on the iPad and iPhone for use with fsx and this is just that with added benefit of being able to view my cockpit from downstairs watching TV when doing a long haul flight.”
- S1Agatho
You love your flight simulator. It’s fun to pilot your own aircraft thousands of miles, over mountains and oceans. The view is pretty spectacular, too. The only thing that could make your flight simulation experience better would be if you could watch your craft’s progress while on the go. After all, you’re flying through the air, free as a bird, shouldn’t following your flight route be just as mobile?
The answer is, “Yes!” of course and now you can have the freedom to follow your simulated flight, from anywhere at any time, thanks to FSXFollow. This is the app you need, to watch your aircraft wing its way across a moving map. Follow the flight line, see where you are, at all times.
Want to check in on the cockpit? No problem, you can drop in and view it whenever you want to. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can maintain your control and responsibilities as Captain. Just check in from your iDevice to see what’s going on.
Another thing you’re going to love about FSXFollow is that it saves valuable screen real-estate on your desktop. Use your device to display your aircraft’s current position, instead of your PC.
Guess that’s just one more example of the freedom you get with this application. If you want another, FSXFollow connects to the flight simulator directly through our free PC client. There’s that word free again, as in, “free to move around and still follow your flight,” or “flying freely yet always knowing where you are.”
All you need is your installed copy of Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004 or X-Plane, the free PC download and internet access. That’s it. Those things plus FSXFollow and you can embrace your inner pilot to the fullest and from another room.
Look at some of the exciting features you get in FSXFollow:
* Easy-to-use interface
* Universal app – works on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad
* Connects to FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane
* PC Client provided free (see FSXControl downloads & instructions)
* Map supports drag to pan and pinch to zoom
* VORs and NDBs visible on Map
* Follow your flight on the go. Not limited to home network only
* Option to save an incoming screenshot
* Route is shown as a line on the map
* Option to publish a screenshot
* Easy setup, no entering of ip address required
* No local network needed
* Option to transfer screenshots to your iPad, iPhone and iTouch (FSX only).
* Option to automatically snap to optimal zoom level
* Free updates and additional features as they become available
* Personalized and friendly customer support via email
Come and grab your slice of freedom. Download FSXFollow now and watch from anywhere as your iDevice turns into a moving map for your simulated flight route.
Have a great flight!
What's New in Version 1.6
- Flight plan is drawn on map (FSX)
البرنامج الثالث
The FSXPad app transforms your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch into three important cockpit instruments for your flight simulator!
Do you own Flight Simulator X, X-Plane, Flight Simulator 2004 or older FS version? Read more...
FSXPad connects to the flight simulator directly through our free PC client.
FSXFollow saves valuable screen real-estate on your desktop by using your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as an altimeter, tachometer and compass.
- Connects to FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane.
- PC Client provided free (see FSXFollow downloads & instructions).
- Follow your instruments of your plane on the go. Not limited to home network only.
- Easy setup, no entering of ip address required
- No local network needed
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004, or X-Plane.
- Free PC Client must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSXFollow downloads & instructions)
- Internet access required for PC Client and device.
PositionGames.com is a software development team based in Europe, specialising in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows).
Personalised and friendly support can be found via our support email (support@fsxpad.com).
Future updates and additional features added to FSXPad will be free for existing customers.
What's New in Version 1.1
- Faster updates of instruments
-Vertical climb indicator added
البرنامج الرابع
GMap - FSWidgets Moving Map
The FSWidgets iGMap app turns your iPhone or iPod Touch into a moving map for your desktop flight simulator!
(See iGMapHD for the iPad Version)
Do you own Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004 or X-Plane 9?
iGMap works with the three most popular desktop simulators on the market today, giving you a hand-held moving map to aid navigation, especially on simulated VFR flights.
iGMap connects to the flight simulator via our free FSWidgets Network Pack which can be downloaded from the FSWidgets website (FSWidgets).
iGMap saves valuable screen real-estate on your desktop by using your iPhone or iPod Touch to display your aircraft's current position.
- Connects to FSX, FS2004 & X-Plane 9 (Windows, Mac OSX 10.5+ & Linux).
- Flight Plan Display - supports FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane flight plan files.
- Flight Plan file import via iTunes > Device Apps tab > File Sharing.
- File-Sharing requires iTunes 9.1.1 or later, iPhone/iPod touch with iOS 4.0 (or iPad with iOS 3.2).
- See http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4094 for Apple info on File-Sharing (iOS 4.0 supported as of iTunes 9.1.1).
- FSWidgets Network Pack provided free (see website).
- Powered by the CloudMade map rendering API (using OpenStreetMap & custom data).
- Connect & disconnect from the flight simulator as required.
- When disconnected can be used as a chart viewer.
- Map supports drag to pan and pinch to zoom.
- Option to remember previously used map type, zoom and position, or accept default settings.
- Option to automatically snap to optimal zoom level for selected Aero Chart data.
- World-wide custom map data with several styles.
- Map Styles: Default, Pastel Green, Night Vision, Radar Scope, Pale Blue & Shaded Terrain.
- US WAC (World Aeronautical Chart) data, covers entire contiguous US.
- US SEC (Sectional Chart) data, covers entire contiguous US & Hawaii.
- US TAC (Terminal Area Charts) data.
- Alaska WAC data.
- Alaska Sectional data.
- Cuba and Puerto Rico WAC data.
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004 or X-Plane 9 (for Mac OS 10.5+, Windows or Linux).
- Free FSWidgets Network Pack must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSWidgets).
- Wi-Fi network required, iPhone or iPod Touch must be on same local network as machine running the flight simulator.
- Internet access required, to automatically download map tile data on the fly.
FSWidgets is a software development team based in Australia, specializing in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows) and Laminar Research X-Plane. Both of its founding members have extensive experience in creating award-winning add-ons for Flight Simulator and have been active in the flight simulation community for well over a decade.
Personalized and friendly support can be found via our forum (FSWidgets - Flight Simulator & X-Plane Software Development) or our support email (support@fswidgets.com).
Future updates and additional features added to iGMap will be free for existing customers. New in this version:
1.3 - Shiny new, simplified icon which makes the purpose of the app more easily recognizable.- Fix for flight plan display anomaly near zero Lat or Lon (e.g. near EGLL/Heathrow).- New map type: Alaska Sectional (covers all of Alaska and Aleutian Islands).- New chart: Hawaii Sectional (added to US Sectional map type).- Support for FSBuild-generated FSX flight plan (.PLN) files.- Support for PMDG route (.RTE) files. iPhone
fileape download
البرنامج الخامس
Do you own Flight Simulator X?
FSXRadar shows:
- AI aircraft
- Airports
- VOR beacons
- NDB beacons
FSXRadar connects to the flight simulator directly through our free PC client.
- Easy setup, no entering of ip address required
- No local network needed
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X.
- Free PC Client must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSXFollow downloads & instructions)
- Internet access required for PC Client and device.
PositionGames.com is a software development team based in Europe, specialising in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows).
Personalised and friendly support can be found via our support email (support@fsxradar.com).
Future updates and additional features added to FSXRadar will be free for existing customers.
جارى البحث عن البرنامج مكرك لانه لسه جديد ومتاح فقط فى الابل ستور ب 3$
حول الاى باد الى fmc
air display
fileape download
fileape download
اداه الربط بين الكومبيوتر والاى باد او الاى فون حملها من هنا
Avatron Software: Air Display Downloads
فيديوهات توضح صدق كلامى
شرح عربى للبرنامج
يعنى لو عندك اى باد وتبنى كابينه طيران وفرت على نفسك ثمن fmc
زى ده
سعره اقل شىء 500 $
من الواضح انه يعمل بكفاءه على الاى باد لكن يا ريت لو حد يجربه على الاى فون
ولا تنسونا بصالح الدعاء
ممكن احد الشباب يقول ايه الى يخلينى اشترى اى باد ب 3000 ريال ولا اى فون ب 2600 ريال علشان الفلايت سيموليتور ممكن اشترى جوى ستيك احسن
اقوله الموضوع ده للعنده اى باد ولا اى فون وفى نفس الوقت عنده فلايت سيم
جمبع البرامج متوافقه مع الايباد والايفون والاىبود تاتش
يجب ان يكون معمول لجهازك جيل بريك لان كل البرامج مكركه
الى شغل البرامج وجربها لايبخل علينا بشرح طريقه تشغيلها لانى لو عندى الفلايت سيم لكنت جربتهم لكن الهارد دسك اتحرق وضاع كل شىء
تحياتى للجميع
اليوم جايب لكم بعض برامج الجهاز iphone روعه تعمل مع المحاكيات 2004 و اكس
وهى فرصه لاستغلال ذلك الجهاز الرائع مع محاكيات الطيران ولكنى للاسف لا املك اى محاكى على جهازى حاليا فلم اجربها فالرجاء من الاخوه التجربه والرد علينا فى حال نفعت البرامج ام لا
نبدأ مع البرنامج الاول
Do you own Flight Simulator X?
The FSXControl app turns your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch into a controller for your airplane in FSX!
FSXControl connects to the flight simulator through our free PC client ( same client as FSXFollow).
- Connects to FSX.
- PC Client provided free (see FSXControl downloads & instructions).
- Control your plane using the acceleration sensors
- Pause the simulation from your device
- Switch views
- Use Gear, Flaps, Spoilers etc.
- Landing, Panel and Strobe lights can be set (IPad)
- Reference altitude can be adjusted (IPad)
- Altitude above ground level displayed
- Easy setup, no entering of ip adress required
- No local network needed
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X
- Free PC Client must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSXFollow downloads & instructions)
- Internet access required for PC Client and device.
PositionGames.com is a software development team based in Europe, specialising in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows).
Personalised and friendly support can be found via our support email (support@fsxcontrol.com).
Future updates and additional features added to FSXControl will be free for existing customers
What's New in Version 1.2
- Bug Fixes
- Landing, Panel and Strobe lights can be set
- Reference altitude can be adjusted
فيديو لتوضيح عمل الاضافه
البرنامج الثانى
fsxfollow IPA
Turn your iDevice into a moving map for your flight simulator, with FSXFollow! Now, you can easily follow your flight’s route from anywhere at any time, even capture incoming screenshots. This app is simple to use, yet provides a full host of exciting features. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!
“I had trouble at first and customer support helped very quickly. This app is great for long flights.”
- W. Hawkins
“I've been looking for ages for a moving map on the iPad and iPhone for use with fsx and this is just that with added benefit of being able to view my cockpit from downstairs watching TV when doing a long haul flight.”
- S1Agatho
You love your flight simulator. It’s fun to pilot your own aircraft thousands of miles, over mountains and oceans. The view is pretty spectacular, too. The only thing that could make your flight simulation experience better would be if you could watch your craft’s progress while on the go. After all, you’re flying through the air, free as a bird, shouldn’t following your flight route be just as mobile?
The answer is, “Yes!” of course and now you can have the freedom to follow your simulated flight, from anywhere at any time, thanks to FSXFollow. This is the app you need, to watch your aircraft wing its way across a moving map. Follow the flight line, see where you are, at all times.
Want to check in on the cockpit? No problem, you can drop in and view it whenever you want to. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can maintain your control and responsibilities as Captain. Just check in from your iDevice to see what’s going on.
Another thing you’re going to love about FSXFollow is that it saves valuable screen real-estate on your desktop. Use your device to display your aircraft’s current position, instead of your PC.
Guess that’s just one more example of the freedom you get with this application. If you want another, FSXFollow connects to the flight simulator directly through our free PC client. There’s that word free again, as in, “free to move around and still follow your flight,” or “flying freely yet always knowing where you are.”
All you need is your installed copy of Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004 or X-Plane, the free PC download and internet access. That’s it. Those things plus FSXFollow and you can embrace your inner pilot to the fullest and from another room.
Look at some of the exciting features you get in FSXFollow:
* Easy-to-use interface
* Universal app – works on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad
* Connects to FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane
* PC Client provided free (see FSXControl downloads & instructions)
* Map supports drag to pan and pinch to zoom
* VORs and NDBs visible on Map
* Follow your flight on the go. Not limited to home network only
* Option to save an incoming screenshot
* Route is shown as a line on the map
* Option to publish a screenshot
* Easy setup, no entering of ip address required
* No local network needed
* Option to transfer screenshots to your iPad, iPhone and iTouch (FSX only).
* Option to automatically snap to optimal zoom level
* Free updates and additional features as they become available
* Personalized and friendly customer support via email
Come and grab your slice of freedom. Download FSXFollow now and watch from anywhere as your iDevice turns into a moving map for your simulated flight route.
Have a great flight!
What's New in Version 1.6
- Flight plan is drawn on map (FSX)
البرنامج الثالث
The FSXPad app transforms your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch into three important cockpit instruments for your flight simulator!
Do you own Flight Simulator X, X-Plane, Flight Simulator 2004 or older FS version? Read more...
FSXPad connects to the flight simulator directly through our free PC client.
FSXFollow saves valuable screen real-estate on your desktop by using your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as an altimeter, tachometer and compass.
- Connects to FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane.
- PC Client provided free (see FSXFollow downloads & instructions).
- Follow your instruments of your plane on the go. Not limited to home network only.
- Easy setup, no entering of ip address required
- No local network needed
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004, or X-Plane.
- Free PC Client must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSXFollow downloads & instructions)
- Internet access required for PC Client and device.
PositionGames.com is a software development team based in Europe, specialising in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows).
Personalised and friendly support can be found via our support email (support@fsxpad.com).
Future updates and additional features added to FSXPad will be free for existing customers.
What's New in Version 1.1
- Faster updates of instruments
-Vertical climb indicator added
البرنامج الرابع
GMap - FSWidgets Moving Map
The FSWidgets iGMap app turns your iPhone or iPod Touch into a moving map for your desktop flight simulator!
(See iGMapHD for the iPad Version)
Do you own Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004 or X-Plane 9?
iGMap works with the three most popular desktop simulators on the market today, giving you a hand-held moving map to aid navigation, especially on simulated VFR flights.
iGMap connects to the flight simulator via our free FSWidgets Network Pack which can be downloaded from the FSWidgets website (FSWidgets).
iGMap saves valuable screen real-estate on your desktop by using your iPhone or iPod Touch to display your aircraft's current position.
- Connects to FSX, FS2004 & X-Plane 9 (Windows, Mac OSX 10.5+ & Linux).
- Flight Plan Display - supports FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane flight plan files.
- Flight Plan file import via iTunes > Device Apps tab > File Sharing.
- File-Sharing requires iTunes 9.1.1 or later, iPhone/iPod touch with iOS 4.0 (or iPad with iOS 3.2).
- See http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4094 for Apple info on File-Sharing (iOS 4.0 supported as of iTunes 9.1.1).
- FSWidgets Network Pack provided free (see website).
- Powered by the CloudMade map rendering API (using OpenStreetMap & custom data).
- Connect & disconnect from the flight simulator as required.
- When disconnected can be used as a chart viewer.
- Map supports drag to pan and pinch to zoom.
- Option to remember previously used map type, zoom and position, or accept default settings.
- Option to automatically snap to optimal zoom level for selected Aero Chart data.
- World-wide custom map data with several styles.
- Map Styles: Default, Pastel Green, Night Vision, Radar Scope, Pale Blue & Shaded Terrain.
- US WAC (World Aeronautical Chart) data, covers entire contiguous US.
- US SEC (Sectional Chart) data, covers entire contiguous US & Hawaii.
- US TAC (Terminal Area Charts) data.
- Alaska WAC data.
- Alaska Sectional data.
- Cuba and Puerto Rico WAC data.
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 2004 or X-Plane 9 (for Mac OS 10.5+, Windows or Linux).
- Free FSWidgets Network Pack must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSWidgets).
- Wi-Fi network required, iPhone or iPod Touch must be on same local network as machine running the flight simulator.
- Internet access required, to automatically download map tile data on the fly.
FSWidgets is a software development team based in Australia, specializing in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows) and Laminar Research X-Plane. Both of its founding members have extensive experience in creating award-winning add-ons for Flight Simulator and have been active in the flight simulation community for well over a decade.
Personalized and friendly support can be found via our forum (FSWidgets - Flight Simulator & X-Plane Software Development) or our support email (support@fswidgets.com).
Future updates and additional features added to iGMap will be free for existing customers. New in this version:
1.3 - Shiny new, simplified icon which makes the purpose of the app more easily recognizable.- Fix for flight plan display anomaly near zero Lat or Lon (e.g. near EGLL/Heathrow).- New map type: Alaska Sectional (covers all of Alaska and Aleutian Islands).- New chart: Hawaii Sectional (added to US Sectional map type).- Support for FSBuild-generated FSX flight plan (.PLN) files.- Support for PMDG route (.RTE) files. iPhone
fileape download
البرنامج الخامس
Do you own Flight Simulator X?
FSXRadar shows:
- AI aircraft
- Airports
- VOR beacons
- NDB beacons
FSXRadar connects to the flight simulator directly through our free PC client.
- Easy setup, no entering of ip address required
- No local network needed
- Installed copy of Flight Simulator X.
- Free PC Client must be installed to connect to simulator - download from website (FSXFollow downloads & instructions)
- Internet access required for PC Client and device.
PositionGames.com is a software development team based in Europe, specialising in add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows).
Personalised and friendly support can be found via our support email (support@fsxradar.com).
Future updates and additional features added to FSXRadar will be free for existing customers.
جارى البحث عن البرنامج مكرك لانه لسه جديد ومتاح فقط فى الابل ستور ب 3$
حول الاى باد الى fmc
air display
Ever wish you had an extra display for your Mac or Windows computer? There's an app for that! With Air Display, you can use your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch as a wireless display, to extend your computer desktop.
“Turn your iPad screen into an extra PC monitor with Air Display, and never again miss a new Twitter post, Facebook post or stock market move.†—NY Times
“Setting up the app is as simple as downloading a client for your Mac, and selecting your iPad (running Air Display) from a pull-down menu in the Menu Bar.†—Gizmodo
“Clever tool… Setup takes less than two minutes… The app worked like a charm by providing more screen real estate whenever and wherever it's needed. †—USA Today
“There are a number of remote screen-viewing apps for the iPad, but Air Display is the most simple and elegant: It extends your Mac or PC's screen onto the iPad's touchscreen real estate.†—Fast Company
“The app is super simple to set up and use so that anyone can be up and running in no time… Having all of your toolbars and panels on your iPad is simply great. The touchscreen allows you to simply tap an icon to select." —AppAdvice.com
Developed by Avatron Software, home of the popular Air Sharing and Print Sharing apps, Air Display lets you position your iOS device next to your computer, drag windows onto it, and interact with those windows as you would on any other computer display.
*** FEATURES ***
Air Display's performance is extremely responsive, employing a unique dynamic compression algorithm. On a typical Wi-Fi network, mouse cursor refreshes are indistinguishable from a wired mouse.
Air Display works in both landscape and portrait configurations. Just rotate your screen, and it automatically reconfigures.
Air Display makes a laptop much more useful. Adding the iPad's 1024x768 display nearly doubles the screen area of a laptop or netbook.
Air Display not only gives you a wireless computer screen extender, but also works as a tablet input device. You can use your finger to draw directly on the screen's surface. Try it with a calculator app, painting tool, or music control surface! Simple gestures allow you to operate the right mouse button and scroll wheel.
You can connect to Air Display from both Mac and Windows. And because it's a universal app, it works on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.
When you rotate the screen, or disconnect and reconnect, your windows are automatically repositioned appropriately, so you don't have to drag them back to the iOS device.
You can choose to connect automatically to Air Display every time you launch the app (Mac only, for now).
*** USE CASES ***
• Fill your Air Display screen with your utility apps, like iChat, Mail, iCal, and Calculator.
• Amaze your friends by playing Flash animations on an iOS device!
• Graphic design: Make Photoshop and Illustrator usable on your laptop by putting your tool palettes on the iOS screen.
• Music: Use your iOS screen as a wireless control surface for Logic or Pro Tools.
• Programming: Use the extra display area for such auxiliary development tools as Console, Terminal, and the Debugger.
• Business: Move all of your iWork and Office palettes and inspector windows onto Air Display, and let your document fill the screen.
On first launch, Air Display presents easy instructions for downloading and installing the companion support software for your desktop computer.
Air Display requires 10.5.8 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or later, on an Intel CPU. Both 32-bit & 64-bit systems are supported.
Air Display requires Windows XP (32-bit only), or Vista or 7 (32-bit or 64-bit). Windows 7 Starter edition is not supported. Aero and DirectX will be disabled while connected to Air Display, and re-enabled upon disconnection. Display mirroring is not supported on Windows.
Your computer and iOS device must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. New in this version:
1.4 New Features:- Uses OpenGL for better performance and quality.- Connect to Other. Now you can choose your Air Display device even if your network blocks Bonjour.More than 30 bug fixes, including:- Fix for ISP-hijacked DNS resolution. - Connection & stability fixes.Don't forget to update the Air Display support software on your host computer.Want to stay up to date? Follow @avatron on twitter.If you use Air Display, please leave a User Review. Your feedback helps us to continue to make improvements.
Ever wish you had an extra display for your Mac or Windows computer? There's an app for that! With Air Display, you can use your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch as a wireless display, to extend your computer desktop.
“Turn your iPad screen into an extra PC monitor with Air Display, and never again miss a new Twitter post, Facebook post or stock market move.†—NY Times
“Setting up the app is as simple as downloading a client for your Mac, and selecting your iPad (running Air Display) from a pull-down menu in the Menu Bar.†—Gizmodo
“Clever tool… Setup takes less than two minutes… The app worked like a charm by providing more screen real estate whenever and wherever it's needed. †—USA Today
“There are a number of remote screen-viewing apps for the iPad, but Air Display is the most simple and elegant: It extends your Mac or PC's screen onto the iPad's touchscreen real estate.†—Fast Company
“The app is super simple to set up and use so that anyone can be up and running in no time… Having all of your toolbars and panels on your iPad is simply great. The touchscreen allows you to simply tap an icon to select." —AppAdvice.com
Developed by Avatron Software, home of the popular Air Sharing and Print Sharing apps, Air Display lets you position your iOS device next to your computer, drag windows onto it, and interact with those windows as you would on any other computer display.
*** FEATURES ***
Air Display's performance is extremely responsive, employing a unique dynamic compression algorithm. On a typical Wi-Fi network, mouse cursor refreshes are indistinguishable from a wired mouse.
Air Display works in both landscape and portrait configurations. Just rotate your screen, and it automatically reconfigures.
Air Display makes a laptop much more useful. Adding the iPad's 1024x768 display nearly doubles the screen area of a laptop or netbook.
Air Display not only gives you a wireless computer screen extender, but also works as a tablet input device. You can use your finger to draw directly on the screen's surface. Try it with a calculator app, painting tool, or music control surface! Simple gestures allow you to operate the right mouse button and scroll wheel.
You can connect to Air Display from both Mac and Windows. And because it's a universal app, it works on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.
When you rotate the screen, or disconnect and reconnect, your windows are automatically repositioned appropriately, so you don't have to drag them back to the iOS device.
You can choose to connect automatically to Air Display every time you launch the app (Mac only, for now).
*** USE CASES ***
• Fill your Air Display screen with your utility apps, like iChat, Mail, iCal, and Calculator.
• Amaze your friends by playing Flash animations on an iOS device!
• Graphic design: Make Photoshop and Illustrator usable on your laptop by putting your tool palettes on the iOS screen.
• Music: Use your iOS screen as a wireless control surface for Logic or Pro Tools.
• Programming: Use the extra display area for such auxiliary development tools as Console, Terminal, and the Debugger.
• Business: Move all of your iWork and Office palettes and inspector windows onto Air Display, and let your document fill the screen.
On first launch, Air Display presents easy instructions for downloading and installing the companion support software for your desktop computer.
Air Display requires 10.5.8 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or later, on an Intel CPU. Both 32-bit & 64-bit systems are supported.
Air Display requires Windows XP (32-bit only), or Vista or 7 (32-bit or 64-bit). Windows 7 Starter edition is not supported. Aero and DirectX will be disabled while connected to Air Display, and re-enabled upon disconnection. Display mirroring is not supported on Windows.
Your computer and iOS device must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. New in this version:
1.4 New Features:- Uses OpenGL for better performance and quality.- Connect to Other. Now you can choose your Air Display device even if your network blocks Bonjour.More than 30 bug fixes, including:- Fix for ISP-hijacked DNS resolution. - Connection & stability fixes.Don't forget to update the Air Display support software on your host computer.Want to stay up to date? Follow @avatron on twitter.If you use Air Display, please leave a User Review. Your feedback helps us to continue to make improvements.
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Avatron Software: Air Display Downloads
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