المحادثة بين Captain-Ahmed و GonaKeepFlying
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 1 من 1
  1. GonaKeepFlying
    07-04-2009 10:14 PM
    mar7aba captain ahmad keef 7alak ? 2na ahmad min 2l2rdon.
    2na nawi 2dros tayaran w bi basair w bi ma 2nak darasait feha 7abait 23raf sho ra2yak feeha keef 2ta3leem taba3hom hal hweh gawi ? w 2za bt3raf hal home mo3taraf feehom min soltait 2tayaran 2il 2ordonye ? mashkooooor kteeer ya 25oi w batmana lak 2tawfeek

الساعة الآن 08:53 PM.
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