المحادثة بين OmarAbdelmajid و دقات القلب
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 5 من 5
  1. OmarAbdelmajid
    16-09-2012 09:39 AM
    MCQ test : Multiple Choice Questions . In which are proposed multiple answers for each question . One or two are correct . The MCQ alllows the teacher a candidate has understood and remembered an answers and it's able to identify errors . It's very easy but you must be concentrated and careful . The rules of this test ( how they note ) it's depend on each questions :
    correct answers = 1 point , other answer : 0
    correct answers = 1 point , other answer : -1 (it's depend on question and the opinon of the teacher )
    correct answers = 1 point , error answers : -1
    Can I share this for your friends ?
    I think questions is about flight security , you must know : - General Culture
    - Geography
    - English
  2. دقات القلب
    16-09-2012 01:24 AM
    دقات القلب
    captain omar sorry for inconvenience but i heard that AUC test will contain MCQ questions do you know any thing about this type of exams ??
  3. دقات القلب
    12-09-2012 12:41 PM
    دقات القلب
    thanks a lot captain for your attention
  4. OmarAbdelmajid
    11-09-2012 09:19 PM
    You have to go at the time , it's better . In any case you will know the result . I advise you to go on time . Good luck and wish you all the best w 2incha2alla nchoufik moudifa fi Egyptair , Rabena ykoun ma3aki w yfa2ek . God be with you .
  5. دقات القلب
    11-09-2012 08:31 PM
    دقات القلب
    سلام عليكم انا قدمت اوراقي لوظيفة مضيفةفي مصر للطيران واتحددلي اجي يوم الاربعاء اشوف انتيجة التقديم لو تخلفت عن الميعاد فيها مشكلة يعني مش هعرف النتيجة كده ؟؟؟

الساعة الآن 01:21 AM.
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