المحادثة بين super boing و lolo-15
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 1 من 1
  1. lolo-15
    05-05-2011 12:17 AM
    Hello.. super Boing..
    i have Q about studying in Newzeland and i hope you help me in it.

    i want to study (how to fly) to be pilot.
    and i saw one of your activetes, thats you're studying in newzeland.

    which school do you study in?
    And did you asked (DGCSM) in Oman if they will accept the licene as pilot or not?
    in which city your school, plz help me to find out a good school to study as pilot.
    how i would know if OMAN air will accept my sertificate?

    waiting for your reply (super Boing),a

الساعة الآن 01:13 PM.
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