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╬◄اكثر الكلمات ارباكا في اللغة الانكليزية ►╬

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

English Most Confusable Words

و هى تعبر عن الكلمات التى دائما ما يحدث ارتباك عند استخدامها و هى محاولة لتوضيح المعنى

above, over

Above and over are both used to talk about position that are high .

If something is higher than something else , but an imaginary Line joining them is not vertical, you have to use above.

تستخدم كلتا الكلمتان للتعبير عن المواضع المرتفعة ، و إذا كان هناك شئ أعلى من أخر و لكن هناك خط ( مسقط ) ليس عمودى تخيلى بينهما فإنه يجب استخدام above

The trees rose above the houses.

If you go over something, you cross it and get to the other side,

إذا كنت تعبر من فوق شئ ما لتصل إلى الجهة الأخرى

Castle stepped OVER THE DOG

If you are wearing two items of clothing one on top of the other, you can say that you are wearing one over the other.

إذا كنت تلبس وحدتين من الملابس واحدة فوق الأخرى تستخدم over

Ali was wearing a sweater over a wool shirt, and a silk scarf.

You can USE either above or over if something is higher than something

else and an Imaginary line could be drawn vertically joining them.

يمكنك أن تستخدم over أو above إذا كان هناك شئ ما أعلى من الأخر و يمكن رسم خط عمودى بينهم

She leaned forward until her face was directly over the basin .

Above and over are also both used to talk about measurements.

تستخدم كل من الكلمتان للتعبير عن المقاييس

You use over to say that a distance or period of lime is longer

than the one mentioned.

يمكنك أن تستخدم over للتعبير عن فترة زمنية تنيف ( تزيد عن ) الفترة المذكورة

The plane flew at a height of over twelve thousand feet .

So we had this beautiful relationship for over a year.

You can use above or over when you are talking about a point

This is higher than another point, especially a point on a scale.

يمكنك أن تستخدم over أو above عندما تتحدث عن وجهة نظر أعلى من الأخرى

The amount of tax you should pay is determined by what you earn

above a certain figure.

Any money earned over Shot level is taxed at the rate or 59 percent.

In each case I want to know the height of the man. Everybody above

Five feet eight inches is suspect.

Above and over are both used to talk about people's ranks and

importance relative to others.

تستخدم over أو above للتعبير عن التفاوت فى المراكز و التركيب الإجتماعى

You use above to talk about people who are more Important and

in a higher position than other people.

...behaving as if she was in a position above even the staff, and

certainly above us-

if someone is over you they give orders or instructions to you.

...an officer set in authority over him-


, bill فاتورة

When you have an account with a bank, you Leave your money in
the bank and take it out when you need it.

Account يقصد بها الحساب البنكى الذى يمكنك الايداع و السحب من خلاله

The current account, sometimes called a cheque account, is the most
Widely used .

When you have to pay for a things like electricity or a meal in a
restaurant, you get a bill.
I want a copy of the phone bill



رد: ╬◄اكثر الكلمات ارباكا في اللغة الانكليزية ►╬
الدرس الثانى
تماما \ إلى حد ماQuite
هادئ أو ساكن quiet

أولا أحب التنبيه أن هاتين الكلمتين من الكلمات التى تعتبر من الأخطاء الإنجليزية الشائعة عند استخدامها

أولا من حيث النطق :

سأكتب النطق بالعربية – على الرغم من أننى ضد هذا الأمر و ذلك بسبب عدم توافر الرموز الصوتية للكتابة و ثانيا بسبب أن البعض قد لا يستطيع استخدامها للنطق :
* كلمة تماما \ إلى حد ماQuite تنطق كوايت
* كلمة هادئ أو ساكن quietتنطق كوايات

ثانيا من حيث الاستخدام

أولا : تماما \ إلى حد ماQuite

تستخدم تماما \ إلى حد ماQuite للتأكيد على الصفات و الظروف و تعنى تماما .

You use quite to emphasize adjectives and adverbs- For example If you are quite sure about something, you are completely sure about it.
I used to go out alone. Quite alone
Please make yourself quite comfortable and call for anything you like .

تستخدم أيضا أمام الصفات و الظروف و الأفعال كظرف درجة و تعنى إلى حد ما و هى أقل فى الدرجة من very

You also use quite in front of adjectives, adverbs, and verbs to indicate That something is the case to a fairly great extent but not to a very great extent. For example if something moves quite slowly, it moves rather slowly .
Fortunately they found it quite amusing .
Once she even got Lynn to admit that Martin was quite a nice boy.
They roamedتجول the streets, played football. Lived quite easily without us.
I quite enjoy looking round museums.

ثانيا : هادئ أو ساكن quiet

و هى تعنى هادئ أو ساكن

Someone or something that is quiet makes very little noise.
A quiet place is one where there is very little noise

Every thing is quiet. No one is talking.
Everything became very quiet and the full focus of attention fell on Ann.
She went into the church. It was quiet, and smelled of innocence.


الساعة الآن 10:07 PM.

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