حوادث الطيران عام 2010

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    إداري سابق
    أقسام الضيافة الجوية وسلامة المقصورة

    • 02 - 12 - 2006
    • 6912

    حوادث الطيران عام 2010

    [فهرس] بيانات الحوادث حسب السنوات الماضية
    حوادث سابقة من عام 2005م إلى 2024م

    نسأل الله ان يكفي الجميع شر الحوادث

    2024 - 1446 هـ
    Air Crash Disasters & Investigation

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة AboAbdulla; 18-12-2024, 10:02 PM.
  • NVG
    Night Vision

    • 09 - 09 - 2005
    • 1971

    حوادث الطيران عام 2010

    الجمعة 01-01-2010
    Pilot, passenger killed in Indonesia plane crash
    Friday, January

    JAKARTA, Indonesia – Officials say a pilot and a mechanic traveling with him were killed when their small airplane crashed into a hospital shortly after takeoff on the Indonesian side of Borneo island.

    Local police chief Lt. Col. Badya Wijaya says the two people on board the single-engine Fletcher FU24-950 propellor plane were killed instantly Thursday when it hit the hospital and then fell onto a car in the town Ketapang in West Kalimantan province. No one on the ground was injured.

    Wijaya says the crash was probably caused by engine trouble.

    Experts say poor maintenance, rule-bending and a shortage of properly trained pilots cause Indonesia to have one of Asia's worst aviation records.


    • :::: A L I ::::
      أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه

      • 26 - 03 - 2008
      • 6921

      حوادث الطيران عام 2010

      التاريخ: الثلاثاء 5 يناير 2010 الموافق 20 محرم 1431هـ
      المكان: مطار شيكاغو اكسكيوتيف / أمريكا
      الضحايا: شخص واحد وهو مساعد الطيار

      ذكرت شبكة ((سي ان ان)) الاخبارية الامريكية أن طائرة شحن صغيرة تحطمت بالقرب من مطار "شيكاغو اكسكيوتيف" قبيل وقت قصير من هبوطها يوم الثلاثاء 5 يناير الحالى.
      واظهرت الصور التليفزيونية الطائرة وهي محطمة إلى عدة اجزاء عندما سقطت في نهر. ولم يعرف بعد عدد الركاب الذين كانوا على متنها وما إذا كانوا على قيد الحياة. وقالت لورا ويلتوكس المتحدثة باسم المطار ان الطائرة كانت في طريقها للهبوط في حوالي الساعة الثانية بعد الظهر (بالتوقيت المحلى) بعد أن تم السماح لها بناء على مدى الرؤية.

      وأوضحت وكالة أسوشيتد برس أن رجال الاطفاء سارعوا لمكان الحريق. يذكر ان طائرة الشحن تعمل لشركة مقرها ميتشيجان يطلق عليها اسم "رويال اير تشارتر".


      • information Aviation
        درجة الضيافة
        • 21 - 05 - 2009
        • 84

        حوادث الطيران عام 2010

        o Sequim men were killed Friday afternoon when their RV-8 experimental aircraft crashed in a field north of Sequim Valley Airport.

        They were identified as 68-year-old Carroll B. “Jeep” Larson, the pilot, and 61-year-old Bob Reandeau Sr. of Sequim.

        Federal Aviation Administration investigators were on scene by 5 p.m. Friday.

        They were awaiting National Transportation Safety Board investigators to begin examining the wreckage to determine what caused the crash.

        Investigators generally take the wreckage to a warehouse or other large building where the wreckage can be cleaned, arranged and analyzed.

        A nearby homeowner called 9-1-1 at 2:15 p.m. after the aircraft suddenly disappeared while performing a series of touch-and-go landings at Sequim Valley Airport.

        The airplane crashed nosedown in a recently plowed field north of 5612 Old Olympic Highway.

        Personnel from Clallam County Fire District 3 and the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office waded through the muddy field to investigate the small pile of wreckage.

        The aircraft’s tail markings, visible in photographs taken from news helicopters, were N747CL, which match those of Larson’s RV-8 experimental aircraft pictured here.

        Witnesses reported a dark-colored RV model aircraft resembling Larson’s departed from Port Angeles’ William R. Fairchild International Airport Friday afternoon headed toward Sequim.

        تاريخ الحادث في يوم الجمعة 8 يانير 2010 الموافق 23 محرم 1430
        Fri, Jan 8, 2010


        • information Aviation
          درجة الضيافة
          • 21 - 05 - 2009
          • 84

          حوادث الطيران عام 2010

          Sunday, January 10, 2010

          Four people have escaped with only minor injuries after their light plane clipped trees and was forced to make an emergency landing in NSW.
          Police say the single-engine Piper clipped trees after taking off from Mittagong Airport on Sunday, forcing it to land at a nearby property on Old South Rd at 10.55am (AEDT).
          Paramedics were called and they treated and assessed all four on board the plane at the crash site.
          The NSW Ambulance Service said they suffered only minor injuries, and were later taken to Bowral Hospital.
          Police and air safety authorities are now investigating the cause of the crash, a police spokeswoman said.


          • NVG
            VIP MEMBER
            Night Vision

            • 09 - 09 - 2005
            • 1971

            حوادث الطيران عام 2010

            التاريخ: الاثنين 11 يانير 2010 الموافق 25 محرم 1430هـ (Jan 11)
            المكان: المكسيك
            ننوع الطائرة: مروحية
            الضحايا: 4 أشخاص

            مكسيكو سيتي - قال مسؤولون بخدمات الطواريء المكسيكية ان رجل أعمال بارزا واثنين من أعضاء أسرته على الاقل قتلوا في تحطم طائرة هليكوبتر على أطراف مكسيكو سيتي مساء يوم الاحد.
            وقال الياس مورينو رئيس خدمات الطواريء بالمدينة ان موسيس سابا وهو رجل أعمال كبير له أنشطة تجارية تتراوح بين الاتصالات والعقارات لقي حتفه الى جانب خمسة اخرين بينهم الطيار.

            وأضاف مورينو لراديو فورماتو 21 "من الواضح أن الطقس السيء كان السبب." وواجهت مكسيكو سيتي موجة غير معتادة من البرودة والضباب خلال الايام المنصرمة.

            وقالت محطة الراديو ان مارسيلو ابرارد رئيس بلدية مكسيكو سيتي ذهب الى موقع الحادث في منطقة غابات على أطراف العاصمة المكسيكية الشاسعة الى جانب أقارب سابا وأفراد من الطائفة اليهودية بالبلاد.

            وبرئ رجل الاعمال الذي كان يمتلك حصصا مهمة في شركة الاتصالات المكسيكية يونيفون وأثتيكا للبث التلفزيوني من تهم احتيال وجهتها له لجنة الاوراق المالية والبورصات الامريكية في 2008
            كما ذكرت صحيفة "يديعوت احرونوت" أن ثلاثة إسرائيليين لقوا مصرعهم الليلة الماضية إثر تحطم طائرة خاصة في المكسيك.
            وأوضحت الصحيفة على موقعها الاليكترونى اليوم أن الطائرة تحطمت في العاصمة المكسيكية ، حيث أفادت السلطات فى المكسيك بأن 6 اشخاص لقوا مصرعهم جراء ذلك من بينهم ثلاثة إسرائيليين. وأشارت إلى أنه تم التعرف على هوية خمسة قتلى ، وجارى البحث لمعرفة هوية القتيل السادس.

            وأضافت أن القتلى الإسرائيليين هم رجل الأعمال المعروف موشيه سافا وزوجته وابنه ، حيث كان معروفا في اسرائيل كرجل مهتم بوسائل الاعلام وأجرى مفاوضات لشراء جزء كبير من القناة العاشرة التليفزيونية الاسرائيلية، كما كان يعمل في مجال الادوية قبل ان يغادر اسرائيل الى المكسيك.

            Mexico Helicopter Crash Kills Businessman Saba Masri, Family
            Jan. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Mexican businessman Moises Saba Masri, a vice chairman of Grupo Casa Saba SAB, was killed yesterday in a helicopter crash in Mexico City.

            Four other people died in the crash, including members of Saba Masri’s family and the pilot, President Felipe Calderon’s office said in an e-mailed statement. His family’s Casa Saba distributes pharmaceuticals, vitamins, condoms, non-perishable foods and other retail goods in Mexico.

            Saba Masri, 46, was head of a group developing a 52-story building on Mexico City’s main business avenue, newspaper El Universal reported. In 2007, he made an unsuccessful bid for control of Mexico’s largest airline, Consorcio Aeromexico SAB, and satellite operator Satelites Mexicanos SA.

            Saba Masri lost out to Citigroup Inc.’s Banamex to buy Aeromexico after the two entered a bidding war, raising offers seven times in the last two days of the auction. The government rejected Saba Masri’s final bid because it was placed two minutes after the deadline.

            Saba Masri also had been executive president of TV Azteca SA, Mexico’s second-largest broadcaster. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission dropped a lawsuit in 2008 that accused him of fraudulently manipulating the company’s securities in 1999. Saba Masri had denied any wrongdoing.

            Saba Masri served as chairman of Unefon SA, now a unit of wireless carrier Grupo Iusacell SA, until 2006.

            His father, Alberto Saba Raffoul, was born in Syria and made his money in textiles and real estate, Excelsior reported. Saba Raffoul’s businesses grew to include hotels, tourist centers, movie theaters and other industries, the Mexico City- based newspaper reported.


            • NVG
              VIP MEMBER
              Night Vision

              • 09 - 09 - 2005
              • 1971

              حوادث الطيران عام 2010

              التاريخ: 9 يناير 2010
              المكان: كاليفورنيا / الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
              الضحايا: شخصين
              تحطم طائرة تدريب يؤدي لمصرع شخصين على متنها

              January 09, 2010
              A plane crash near Bakersfield killed two people and now the Federal Aviation Administration is trying to figure out what happened.
              The experimental aircraft went down Saturday afternoon near a trailer park at Lake Isabella. Two people on board were killed and witnesses who saw the plane go down said it was a horrific scene.

              There was one man and an 18-year-old woman on board. The cause of the crash is still under investigation.
              Federal aviation officials say two people died when a single-engine plane crashed in central California.

              Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor said the small plane crashed shortly after 1 p.m. Saturday in a trailer park near Lake Isabella, about 40 miles east of Bakersfield.
              The two people aboard the aircraft were killed.Preliminary information from the FAA indicates the plane was an experimental aircraft called the Airborne Streak 2.
              The aircraft is registered to Terry Visser of Lynden, Wash.
              Visser said he sold the plane to Don Wright of Bakersfield but had
              not completed the paperwork.


              • NVG
                VIP MEMBER
                Night Vision

                • 09 - 09 - 2005
                • 1971

                حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                التاريخ: Tue, Jan 12, 2010
                المكان: لاسيرنا / تشيلي
                الضحايا: 4 أشخاص

                Tue, Jan 12, 2010
                SANTIAGO - Four crew members died Monday when a small plane crashed near a city in northern Chile, the country's Air Force said.
                The aircraft, a single-engine Mooney model, was missing for several hours until it was found near La Serena, about 450 kilometres north of Santiago.

                "The aircraft was found in La Cachimba valley, 22 kilometres inland from La Serena. Unfortunately, the four people are dead," said Rodrigo Ceballos, coordinator of the air force's search and rescue service.

                The plane had been scheduled to land at Tobalaba airport in Santiago. An investigation is underway to determine how it crashed in the area, where access is difficult.


                • information Aviation
                  درجة الضيافة
                  • 21 - 05 - 2009
                  • 84

                  حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                  Crashed plane had to ditch: report
                  PETER VENESS

                  January 13, 2010 -

                  A plane that crashed into the ocean off Norfolk Island last year was moments away from running out of fuel and had no option but to ditch, an investigation has found.

                  The finding from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau is likely to again put the bureau at loggerheads with the aviation watchdog, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).
                  No extra fuel was carried in the plane's wing tip tanks despite CASA regulations forcing pilots to carry enough fuel for emergencies.
                  CASA approved the air operator certificate for the airline, Pel-Air, despite lax observance of fuel rules.
                  The two safety organisations have a troubled history, though this latest report was published without comment from CASA and was seen by the watchdog prior to publication.
                  The bureau's interim report provides more details of the hurried escape of the six people aboard.
                  Late at night on November 18 the medical evacuation plane from Samoa ditched just off Norfolk after attempting to land four times to refuel in poor weather.
                  The pilot, Dominic James, was forced to put the plane down before he ran out of fuel after failing to update himself on the weather at Norfolk Island.
                  The plane hit the water at about 100km/h and sank quickly.
                  The passenger being evacuated was strapped to a stretcher when the plane ditched and its fuselage immediately started filling with water.
                  "The aircraft occupants recalled two or three large impacts when the aircraft contacted the water," an interim investigation from the bureau says.
                  Cpt James immediately realised the plane's main door had been ruined by the impact of the crash, forcing him to find another exit.
                  "Continuing rearwards to the two emergency exits in the fuselage centre section, the pilot in command opened the port emergency exit, and water immediately flowed in through the door opening."
                  The report goes on to tell how the onboard doctor and nurse managed to drag the patient out of the plane.
                  The co-pilot was one of the last to leave the plane.
                  "All the occupants advised that they exited the aircraft very quickly, and that there had been no time to take the life rafts.
                  "The pilot in command stated that he returned to the aircraft in an attempt to retrieve a liferaft, but it was too dangerous."
                  The six people aboard the plane were rescued by the crew of a vessel from Norfolk after lifejacket lights were spotted in the water.
                  Investigations are continuing.


                  • NVG
                    VIP MEMBER
                    Night Vision

                    • 09 - 09 - 2005
                    • 1971

                    حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                    التاريخ: الاربعاء 13 يناير 2010 الموافق 27 محرم 1430
                    المكان: عدن / اليمن

                    صنعاء / صرح مسؤول بالحكومة اليمنية يوم الاربعاء بأن طائرة عسكرية يمنية تحطمت قرب معسكر للجيش بالقرب من مدينة عدن وقال ان الطيار مفقود. وأضاف أن الطائرة كانت تستخدم في مهام تدريبية.


                    • information Aviation
                      درجة الضيافة
                      • 21 - 05 - 2009
                      • 84

                      حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                      Sheriff’s deputy Tim Eason was getting gas Thursday afternoon at the Manatee County jail when he noticed the small plane flying overhead.It made a few loops over Airport Manatee while Eason stood chatting with jail employee Ron Gardner, then disappeared.
                      “He noticed the plane didn’t come back up so I thought I’d head over to the field to see if it landed,” said Eason, a member of the sheriff’s agricultural crimes unit.

                      Then he saw black smoke.
                      After wading through muddy terrain and high grass about a half-mile from the airport, he discovered the wreckage of an ultralight aircraft.
                      The blue-and-white 2002 Challenger crashed at 2:20 p.m. just outside a wooded area near a tomato field southwest of the airport.
                      The pilot, 52-year-old Karl Keith, of Kathleen, was killed instantly, sheriff’s officials said.
                      Randy Warren, spokesman for the sheriff’s office, said Keith was test-flying the plane because he was considering buying it from the owner, who is from Tampa and kept the craft at Airport Manatee.
                      Warren said the owner of the plane asked not to be identified.
                      “He’s obviously shaken and still dealing with the trauma of the incident,” Warren said.
                      Warren said Keith was a U.S. Navy veteran and had flying experience.
                      Sheriff’s officials said the plane might have experienced “wind shear” or lost power before taking a dive and hitting the ground.
                      The crash sparked an explosion, Warren said.
                      Eason said the smoke led him to the wreckage.
                      “I drove through the rows of tomatoes toward it as far as I could,” he said.
                      Eventually, due to the muddy terrain, he was forced to get out and walk on foot.
                      “The sheriff’s helicopter got there and walked me into it,” he said. “It was on fire, the wing, everything.”
                      He instantly noticed Keith was dead.
                      “It will be hard to get out of my mind,” Eason said.
                      The smell of ash filled the air as sheriff’s investigators shuttled in and out of the crash scene on a four-wheeler.
                      It took about 10 minutes for North River Fire Department and Port Manatee Volunteer Fire Volunteer Department firefighters to get to the site because of the mud.
                      The ultralight took out two rows of tomato vines planted in a field about a half-mile from the Airport Manatee runway. The wreckage of the plane completely charred a small palm tree. Green tomatoes littered one of the overturned wings.
                      Less than an hour after the crash, a small, yellow single-engine plane practiced a few rounds of takeoffs and landings at the nearby airport runway.
                      According to the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Web site, ultralights are one-seat, lightweight aircraft with small engines and fuel capacity.
                      Warren said pilots do not need a license to fly the craft.
                      A Federal Aviation Administration official visited the site Thursday to determine if the aircraft met ultralight specifications. If so, the sheriff’s department will complete the investigation.
                      “Ultralights are not aircraft,” FAA spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said. “We consider them to be vehicles. The FAA will turn the investigation over the local authorities if it is determined to be an ultralight.”
                      Airport Manatee is seven miles northeast of Palmetto, near the Manatee-Hillsborough county line.

                      Published: Friday, Jan. 15, 2010


                      • :::: A L I ::::
                        أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه

                        • 26 - 03 - 2008
                        • 6921

                        رد: اختفاء طائرة عسكرية روسية عن شاشات الرادار فى اقليم خاباروفسك

                        العثور على حطام طائرة "سو-27" المنكوبة في روسيا

                        |2010 / 01 / 15

                        خاباروفسك، 15 يناير (كانون الثاني). نوفوستي. قال أحد الناطقين بلسان وزارة الدفاع الروسية إن فرق الإنقاذ عثرت اليوم الجمعة على حطام طائرة "سو-27" التي اختفت عن شاشات الرادار في إقليم خاباروفسك في الشرق الأقصى الروسي يوم الخميس أثناء الرحلة التدريبية الروتينية.
                        ويبعد مكان وجود حطام الطائرة 20 كيلومترا شمال مدينة كومسومولسك. ولم يتم العثور على طيار الطائرة المنكوبة حتى الآن.
                        والجدير بالذكر أن طائرات "سو-27" دخلت شرف الخدمة العسكرية في روسيا في عام 1984، وتعد من الطائرات التي تشكل عصب سلاح الجو الروسي


                        • :::: A L I ::::
                          أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه

                          • 26 - 03 - 2008
                          • 6921

                          رد: أنباء عن تحطم طائرة إيرانية

                          جريحا في حادث طائرة عند هبوطها في مطار مشهد في ايران(AFP) –
                          طهران (ا ف ب) - اعلن التلفزيون الايراني الحكومي ان 46 شخصا على الاقل جرحوا الاحد في طائرة ايرانية اندلعت فيها النار عند هبوطها في مطار مشهد شمال شرق ايران.
                          وقالت الصحف الايرانية ان الجزء الخلفي من الطائرة وهي من صنع روسي من طراز "توبوليف 154" وتابعة لشركة الطيران تابان، اشتعل عند هبوطها.
                          وقال جواد عرفانيان مسؤول الطوارىء في ولاية خراسان رضوي ان "النار اندلعت بينما كانت الطائرة تهبط". واضاف ان "46 شخصا جرحوا لكن اصابات معظمهم طفيفة"، موضحا ان فرق الانقاذ نجحت في اجلاء الركاب قبل ان يتحطم الجزء الخلفي".
                          وذكرت محطة التلفزيون الرسمية الناطقة بالانكليزية برس تي في ان الطائرة كانت تقل 157 راكبا وقادمة من عبدان (جنوب غرب). وقال عرفانيان ان الطائرة كانت تقل ايضا طاقما من 13 شخصا.
                          وصرح الناطق باسم الطيران المدني رضا جعفرزادة ان الطائرة غادرت عبدان مساء السبت لكن بسبب الاحوال الجوية السيئة حطت في اصفهان (وسط) ليلا قبل ان تتوجه مجددا صباح الاحد الى مشهد، عاصمة خراسان رضوي.

                          بعد صور للحادث


                          • AboAbdulla

                            • 23 - 12 - 2004
                            • 5061

                            • (( قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
                              إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ ))

                              اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فلا يبقى فيه إلا أنت
                              واستودعتك لا إله الا الله فذكرنيها في كل وقت

                            سقوط طائرة أثيوبية على متنها 92 راكبا بعد إقلاعها من مطار بيروت

                            التاريخ: 25-01-2010 الموافق 10 محرم 1431هـ
                            المكان: بيروت / لبنان
                            الخطوط الاثيوبية
                            الضحايا: جميع الركاب

                            تحطم طائرة لشركة الخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية تقل 85 راكبا سقطت في البحر المتوسط بعد فترة وجيزة من اقلاعها من مطار بيروت في الساعات الاولى من صباح يوم الاثنين.
                            واختفت الطائرة التي قال مصدر انها من طراز بوينج 737 من على شاشات الرادار بعد نحو خمس دقائق من اقلاعها.
                            وقالت المصادر إن نحو 50 راكبا لبنانيون ومعظم الاخرين من الاثيوبيين. ويعتقد انه كان هناك طاقم مؤلف من سبعة افراد.
                            واضافت المصادر ان الطائرة اقلعت بعد فترة وجيزة من موعد اقلاعها المقرر في الساعة 3.10 صباحا (0010 بتوقيت جريتنش).
                            وكان على متن الطائرة 83 راكبا من بينهم 51 لبنانيا اضافة الى طاقم من تسعة اشخاص وفق المصدر نفسه. وكانت محطة تلفزة محلية افادت في وقت سابق ان على متن الطائرة 90 شخصا. ولم تتوافر حتى الان معلومات عن اسباب الحادث، فيما ذكر شهود عيان انهم رأوا كتلة من النار تهوي في البحر.
                            وكانت الطائرة، وهي من طراز بوينغ 737، اقلعت في رحلة تحمل الرقم 409 عند الساعة 2,30 بالتوقيت المحلي (12,30 ت غ) وسط احوال جوية سيئة، كما ذكرت المصادر الملاحية
                            ويظهر موقع الخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية على الانترنت انه كان لها رحلة من بيروت الى العاصمة الاثيوبية اديس ابابا في نفس الوقت تقريبا. ولم يتسن الوصول على الفور للشركة للتعليق.
                            ونقل مصدر عن سكان على الساحل قولهم انهم رأوا طائرة مشتعلة تهوى.
                            وتوجه مسؤولون لبنانيون كبار الى مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي بعد انباء تحطم الطائرة. وقالت المصادر ان الطائرة وصلت من اديس ابابا في وقت سابق خلال الليل.

                            سقوط طائرة أثيوبية على متنها 92 راكبا بعد إقلاعها من مطار بيروت

                            Bodies found from Ethiopian Airlines crash
                            British, French and Cypriot aircraft and a U.S. warship joined rescue crews searching the Mediterranean Sea off Lebanon's coast Monday, where an Ethiopian Airlines flight crashed with 90 people aboard.

                            By the afternoon, crews had found 21 bodies but no survivors, a Lebanese military spokesman said.

                            Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409 left Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut about 2:30 a.m. and was headed to the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

                            It disappeared from radar a few minutes after takeoff, said Ghazi El Aridi, Lebanon's minister of public works and transportation. Authorities did not immediately know the cause of the crash.

                            "We don't believe that there is any indication for sabotage or foul play," Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said.

                            Fourteen bodies were brought to Beirut Hospital, but only one still had clear facial features, according to Lebanese Health Minister Mohammed Khalife. The bodies were undergoing DNA testing, Khalife said.


                            • NVG
                              VIP MEMBER
                              Night Vision

                              • 09 - 09 - 2005
                              • 1971

                              حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                              التاريخ: 12 صفر 1431 هـ الموافق 27 يناير 2010
                              المكان: النرويج / أوسلو
                              الضحايا: 4 أشخاص

                              أعلن في النرويج عن فقد أربعة أشخاص اليوم إثر اصطدامها مروحية تقوم بتشغيلها شركة خاصة من طراز / روبنسون 44 / بطبقة جليدية وغرقها بالقرب من بلدة هورتن النرويجية المطلة على خليج أوسلو.
                              وصرح متحدث باسم مركز تنسيق عمليات الإنقاذ المشتركة أن عملية البحث مستمرة عن المفقودين حيث تشارك زوارق وسفينة من حرس السواحل في عملية البحث.
                              يذكر أن مياه خليج أوسلو يغطيها الجليد مما يمنع حدوث موجات ولكن الضباب وخفوت الضوء يعوق الرؤية.

                              Helicopter crashes through ice in Oslo fjord

                              OSLO, Norway — A civilian helicopter with four Norwegians on board crashed into iced-over water in the Oslo fjord off southeastern Norway on Wednesday and divers searched for survivors, rescue workers said.

                              The helicopter went down in foggy afternoon weather 500 feet (150 metres) off Horten, a town an hour south of Oslo, Norway Central Rescue spokesman Einar Knudsen said.

                              Knudsen said divers had not yet found the wreckage of the helicopter and, though hampered by murky water and strong undercurrents, were still “searching for survivors.”

                              However, he acknowledged that the helicopter was “probably“ resting on the sea floor in 39 F (4 C) water about 66 feet (20 metres) deep.

                              An unnamed Norwegian company had hired two Robinson R44 model helicopters owned by Midtnorsk Helicopter Service to ferry five employees from Tonsberg 60 miles (100 kilometres) north to Oslo when one went down, Midtnorsk spokesman John-Erik Sogn said.

                              The pilot of the second helicopter, which landed safely in Horten, saw “the other one suddenly started to spin in mid-air — at 800 feet (240 metres) above the water — before it went down,” Sogn told The Associated Press.


                              • NVG
                                VIP MEMBER
                                Night Vision

                                • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                • 1971

                                حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                الخميس، 28 يناير 2010
                                المكان: الفلبين
                                الضحايا: 8 أشخاص
                                طراز الطائرة: N-22B

                                أعلنت السلطات الفلبينية سقوط طائرة عسكرية فوق منطقة سكانية فى جنوب البلاد يوم الخميس، 28 يناير 2010 ما أسفر عن مقتل قائد بارز بالقوات الجوية وسبعة أشخاص آخرين كانوا على متن الطائرة.

                                وأضافت السلطات أن شخصين على الأرض أصيبا جراء سقوط الطائرة بعد قليل من إقلاعها من مدينة كوتاباتو واشتعال النار بها.

                                وسقطت الطائرة على ثلاثة منازل مما أدى إلى اندلاع حرائق بهذه المنازل.ولم يعرف على الفور سبب تحطم الطائرة التى قتل فيها الميجر جنرال بوتش لاسون قائد القوات الجوية فى جنوب الفلبين.

                                MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Air Force on Monday said material factors such as possible engine malfunction could have caused last Thursday's crash of a Nomad N-22B twin prop airplane that killed nine people.

                                Lt. Col. Gerry Zamudio, PAF spokesman, said an investigating team led by Capt. Ian Lamzon has already finished collecting parts of the Nomad wreckage for examination. Witnesses have also testified how the plane crashed just minutes after taking off past 11 a.m.

                                Zamudio said a transcript of co-pilot 1st Lt. Angelica Valdez's last message to the Cotabato City Airport control tower showed that the pilots already sensed danger immediately after takeoff.

                                Rommel Quilantang, one of the men on duty at the control tower, said Valdez confirmed that they had an emergency after taking off at 11:35 a.m. Quilantang said that after Valdez's last message, they saw the Nomad plane descend and feared that the plane was going to crash.

                                All 8 passengers of the plane, including PAF 3rd Air Wing Division commander Maj. Gen. Mario "Butch" Lacson, were killed in the crash. A civilian was killed and 2 other civilians on the ground were injured.

                                Zamudio said the investigating team will be opening the plane's right engine and get technical expertise from Rolls-Royce to check for possible malfunction.
                                Plane goes down two minutes after takeoff

                                "Power loss," the pilot radioed the control tower moments before the Nomad plane nosedived, missed a chapel and slammed into two houses in a residential area in Cotabato City.

                                All eight people aboard including Philippine Air Force Maj. Gen. Mario 'Butch' Lacson of the 3rd Air Division based in Zamboanga City - and a civilian on the ground were killed in the fiery crash at 11:37am Thursday (January 28), PAF officials said.

                                Two other civilians were injured on the ground.

                                Officials said the military plane plunged barely two minutes after taking off from the Cotabato Airport- more popularly called Awang airport - in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao.

                                The plane was decades old, having been acquired from Australia in 1975.

                                "As it took off, the plane suddenly nosedived and hit residential areas," Mayor Muslimin Sema, quoting witnesses, told reporters. "It was flying in a zigzag mode."


                                • NVG
                                  VIP MEMBER
                                  Night Vision

                                  • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                  • 1971

                                  حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                  التاريخ: الجمعة, 05 فبراير 2010
                                  المكان: المانيا
                                  الضحايا: 3 أشخاص

                                  قتل ثلاثة من أفراد طاقم مروحية عسكرية أميركية من طراز «بلاك هوك» تحطمت قرب مدينة دارمستادت وسط المانيا، من دون ان تعرف أسباب الحادث.

                                  وأورد بيان أصدرته قيادة الجيش الأميركي في أوروبا: «نعتبر تحطم المروحية حادثاً حالياً حتى التحقيق في الأمر»، فيما لم يؤكد صحة تقارير إعلامية أفادت بأن النيران اندلعت في الطائرة الهليكوبتر لدى ارتطامها بالأرض. ويتمركز نحو 42 ألف جندي اميركي في أوروبا، ويتواجد مقر القيادة في مدينة هايدلبرغ الألمانية.

                                  US army helicopter crash in Germany leaves 3 dead
                                  A US army helicopter has crashed near the German city of Darmstadt, killing at least three people, a spokesman for the firefighters said.
                                  The exact number of people in the helicopter and the cause of the crash were not immediately known.
                                  The helicopter went down about 6:20 p.m. on Wednesday in northeast of Manheim, between Frankfurt and Heidelberg, in the vicinity of the US military's Coleman Barracks, military officials said.
                                  A US army spokesman confirmed the accident and identified the helicopter as a Blackhawk. He did not give other details.
                                  About 100 rescuers were reportedly at the site of the crash but the investigation was being carried out by US military.


                                  • NVG
                                    VIP MEMBER
                                    Night Vision

                                    • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                    • 1971

                                    حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                    التاريخ:الاثنين 8-02-2010 الموافق 24 صفر 1431هـ
                                    الضحايا: شخصين
                                    طراز الطائرة:طائرة أستعراض من نوع Yakovlev YAK52

                                    An experimental aircraft crashed in the Santa Ana River near Mentone, killing both people aboard.
                                    The plane, a single-engine, Yakovlev YAK52 bearing the paint scheme of the Russian military, went down just before 1 p.m. Monday in the Santa Ana River Wash. The plane's two passengers - a man and a woman - have not yet been identified.

                                    Jodi Miller, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, said emergency crews responded to the crash site after a witness saw the plane go down.

                                    "The reporting parties state that he saw an aircraft in the area of the Santa Ana Creek doing aerobatics," Miller said. "It's my understanding that that's quite common in this area, for planes to perform aerobatics out here."

                                    The plane lost altitude for an unknown reason and crashed, she said.

                                    It departed from Redlands Airport and the pilot intended to return there, said Ian Gregor, communications manager for the Federal Aviation Administration.

                                    The Yakovlev is registered to Joseph M. Gauthier, a Riverside resident, according to the FAA's Web site.

                                    Pete Krok, a member of the Redlands chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, said the Yakovlev's owners kept the plane in Redlands, but they weren't a part of the EAA.

                                    "They were independent for the most part," he said.

                                    Krok could not confirm the names of the plane's owners.

                                    Todd Housley, manager of the Redlands Municipal Airport, said he knew the plane did take off from the airport, but could not release the names of the passengers.

                                    Investigators from the FAA and National Transportation Safety Board traveled to the site Monday after the crash, Gregor wrote in an e-mail. But neither agency has identified the passengers killed in the crash.


                                    • NVG
                                      VIP MEMBER
                                      Night Vision

                                      • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                      • 1971

                                      حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                      التاريخ: الاحد 7-02-2010 الموافق 23 صفر 1431هـ
                                      مكان الحادث: اركنسوس - امريكا / Arkanas
                                      Arkanas Plane Crash
                                      الضحايا: 4 أشخاص
                                      مقتل عائلة مكونة من 4 أشخاص (لالأب والأم وطفلين)
                                      عندما كانوا متوجهين لمشاهد مبارة كرة سلة

                                      7 Feb 2010
                                      A Hot Springs airport official says the four people who died in the crash of a single-engine airplane in southern Washington County were flying to Fayetteville to attend a Razorbacks" basketball game.

                                      الضحايا هم:

                                      Pronounced dead at the scene were
                                      46-year-old pilot Edward Cooper;
                                      16-year-old Mary Cooper;
                                      14-year-old Elizabeth Cooper;
                                      and 57-year-old Martin Draper,
                                      all of Hot Springs. Edward Cooper and Draper were both dentists.


                                      • :::: A L I ::::
                                        أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه

                                        • 26 - 03 - 2008
                                        • 6921

                                        حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                        في حادثة هي الثانية من نوعها في الاشهر الثلاثة الاخيرة في اسرائيل، تحطمت اليوم طائرة هيلوكبتر مدنية صغيرة في منطقة مفرق "اللطرون" بالقرب من القدس المحتلة.

                                        وتقول التقارير الاسرائيلية، إن المروحية ارتطمت على الارجح بظهر شاحنة تزويد الطائرات بالوقود.. واصيب طاقمها المؤلف من ثلاثة مدنيين - بحسب المصدر- بجروح طفيفة نقلوا على اثرها الى المستشفى لمتابعة تلقي العلاج".

                                        ( الصورة نقلا عن "يديعوت احرونوت" )

                                        ونقلت "يديعوت احرنوت" ان المروحية المحطمة هي من طراز "MD-500" المصنعة من قبل شركة "ماكدونيل - دوغلاس"، والنسخة العسكرية من هذا النموذج من المروحيات كان يستخدم في سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي، ويعرف باسم " ديفندر".

                                        مقتل 4 اشخاص بتحطم مروحية مدنية قبالة سواحل نتانيا

                                        يذكر ان اربعة اشخاص كانوا لاقوا حتفهم في تحطم مروحية مدنية (هليكوبتر) قبالة شواطئ مدينة نتانيا اواخر شهر تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر العام الماضي، بعد ان هوت المروحية في البحر، على بعد نحو 300 متر قبالة شاطىء سيرونيت...

                                        وذكرت المصادر الاسرائيلية ان المروحية وهي من طراز "روزنر44 " ، اقلعت من مطار "دوف" شمالي تل أبيب، وفي طريق عودتها للمطار هوت في البحر وقتل طاقمها المؤلف من سائح روسي الجنسية وثلاثة اسرائيليين آخرين..


                                        • :::: A L I ::::
                                          أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه

                                          • 26 - 03 - 2008
                                          • 6921

                                          حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                          اعلنت سلطات الجيش الباكستانية اليوم عن تحطم طائرة هليكوبتر عسكرية تابعة للقوات الجوية ومقتل طيارها واصابة اثنين من طاقمها بجراح اثناء هبوطها اضطراريا.
                                          واضاف مكتب العلاقات العامة في الجيش الباكستاني في بيان صادر هنا ان الطائرة تحطمت اثناء هبوطها اضطراريا بالقرب من منطقة تاربيلا بسبب خلل فني مشيرا الى انه تم نقل الجرحى الى المستشفى العسكري.


                                          • NVG
                                            VIP MEMBER
                                            Night Vision

                                            • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                            • 1971

                                            حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                            LEBANON, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky State Police say one person has been killed in a small plane crash in rural central Kentucky.

                                            State Police Sgt. David Gibbs says a trooper found the wreckage Tuesday of a Piper 28 aircraft in a wooded area four miles west of the Springfield/Lebanon airfield.

                                            Gibbs says state police had been looking for the aircraft for about a half-hour after receiving a report at 3:10 CST that the plane had fallen off the radar.

                                            Gibbs says the plane was en route to the Springfield/Lebanon airfield from Alabama. He says the victim has not yet been identified


                                            • NVG
                                              VIP MEMBER
                                              Night Vision

                                              • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                              • 1971

                                              حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                              تحطم طائرة خفيفة خلال تجربتها

                                              Fri Feb 26, 2010

                                              A light aircraft has been destroyed after a pilot-less plane crashed into it on a remote airstrip in the Northern Territory early this morning.

                                              Police say both planes were on the ground at Gunbalanya, about 330 kilometres east of Darwin, when one of the plane's engines started up after its pilot accidentally knocked the propeller.

                                              Senior Constable Nathan Conelius says the pilot had been in the process of preparing the aircraft to be taxied to another area when he exited the aircraft and accidentally knocked the propeller, causing the engine to start.

                                              "The plane's moved forward at full speed for about 20 metres before it's collided with the rear of another Cessna, which caused extensive damage to the tail and wing of that plane.

                                              "The collision sent debris flying over an area about the size of a football field."

                                              He says the damaged plane is a write-off.

                                              The pilot was breath-tested but returned a negative alcohol reading.

                                              The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau was notified but the bureau says it is unlikely to investigate the matter further.


                                              • NVG
                                                VIP MEMBER
                                                Night Vision

                                                • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                • 1971

                                                حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                التاريخ: السبت 27 فبراير 2010
                                                الضحايا: شخص واحد
                                                مقتل طيار أمركي متقاعد من الجيش الأمريكي (جيمس إلبرت) أثناء تجربته لطائرته الخاصة ذات محرك واحد صباح يوم السبت 27 فبراير

                                                GATESVILLE - February 27, 2010
                                                A 66-year-old retired Army captain died Saturday morning in the fiery crash of a single-engine plane in rural Coryell County.
                                                Authorities identified the pilot as retired Army Captain James Elbert Price, Jr. of Copperas Cove.
                                                Gatesville fire and emergency medical service units were dispatched at 9:05 a.m. to an address on County Road 132 about 7.5 miles southwest of Gatesville where a resident reported having seen the airplane go down.
                                                Geri Herrington and her husband live at a house on the property where the plane crashed.
                                                She told News 10 she heard the airplane fly over her house at a very low altitude and watched as it looped and rolled in the sky.
                                                She said she went inside with her daughter and three grandchildren to call the local airport to report the pilot, but before she could make the phone call her husband yelled at here to call 911 because the plane had gone down some 1000 yards south of the home.
                                                Another witness told News 10 he thought the pilot experienced some kind of trouble with the airplane because he watched as the plane banked sharply left and descended rapidly, then hit the ground.
                                                The second witness said the plane had lost all power before it hit the ground.
                                                The crashing aircraft left a debris field about 75 yards in length, crossed a small ravine and buried itself in a thick cedar break.
                                                Justice of the Peace Jimmy Wood said the pilot was likely killed on impact.
                                                Firefighters doused burning cedar and brush around the crash site but some hot spots were smoldering as much as half-an-hour later.
                                                After the fires were under control, firefighters used chain saws to begin clearing the thick cedar brush so the pilot’s body could be recovered.
                                                Wood said paperwork recovered from the aircraft indicated the pilot took off Saturday morning from the airport at Lampasas and was likely bound for San Angelo.
                                                The plane was a Piper Cherokee PA-28-140 that was manufactured in 1966, according to Federal Aviation Administration records.


                                                • NVG
                                                  VIP MEMBER
                                                  Night Vision

                                                  • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                  • 1971

                                                  حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                  التاريخ: 14 فبراير 2010
                                                  المكان: اليمن
                                                  الضحايا: 10أشخاص

                                                  قتل عشرة جنود يمنيين الأحد في تحطم مروحية عسكرية لأسباب لا تزال مجهولة في منطقة جبلية شرق مدينة صعدة معقل التمرد الحوثي، حسبما أكد شهود عيان لوكالة فرانس برس.
                                                  واكد شهود ان عشرة عسكريين قتلوا في تحطم المروحية العسكرية فوق جبل كهلان الواقع شرق مدينة صعدة، وذلك في اليوم الثالث لوقف اطلاق النار الذي اعلن في المنطقة بين القوات الحكومية والمتمردين الحوثيين.
                                                  ولم يتضح ما اذا كان الحادث نتيجه هجوم.
                                                  واكدت مصادر محلية في صعدة ان المروحية كانت في طريقها من صنعاء إلى صعدة وان قائد المروحية المقدم صادق الجنيد من بين القتلى فيما "اسباب تحطم المروحية غير معروفة حتى اللحظة".


                                                  • NVG
                                                    VIP MEMBER
                                                    Night Vision

                                                    • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                    • 1971

                                                    حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                    الاحد 01-03-2010
                                                    مقتل شخصين في تحطم طائرة في بريستو

                                                    BRISTOW — Two people died in a plane crash Sunday near Bristow’s Jones Memorial Airport, just southwest of the town.
                                                    The small plane went down about 2:25 p.m., said Lt. Vern Wilson of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol.
                                                    A witness to the crash told investigators it sounded as though the plane was having engine trouble before it crashed, Wilson said.
                                                    BRISTOW, OK -- A small plane crashed at Jones Memorial Airport, 110 West 7th Avenue in Bristow. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol confirms that two people are dead.
                                                    The crash happened at about 2:30 p.m. Sunday.
                                                    The lone witness to the crash was a man in his tractor, a foreman at a nearby ranch. He told OHP the plane sounded like it was having engine trouble and tried to abort its landing. Authorities say the plane then hit nearby power lines before crashing in a field just west of the runway.
                                                    By the time the ranch foreman reached the wreckage, there was little he could do.
                                                    The plane burst into flames and OHP reports two people inside died; their bodies were badly burned.
                                                    The names of the victims have not yet been released.
                                                    OHP did not know where the plane was coming from nor its destination.
                                                    "(The plane) is pretty bad. There's not anything left of the cabin portion. There's just a little bit left of the tail portion and that's about it," said Lt. Vern Wilson, Oklahoma Highway Patrol.
                                                    OHP secured the scene of the crash and waited for the Federal Aviation Administration to arrive. The FAA will investigate the crash.
                                                    OHP began calling local airports Sunday evening in an attempt to find out if any had flights that were unaccounted for.


                                                    • NVG
                                                      VIP MEMBER
                                                      Night Vision

                                                      • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                      • 1971

                                                      حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                      أوقفت القوات الجوية لكوريا الجنوبية اليوم الأربعاء جميع طائراتها المقاتلة عن العمل لفحص السلامة، بعد يوم من تحطم طائرتين من طراز "أف 5" في منطقة جبلية مما أسفر عن مقتل الطيارين الثلاثة الذين كانوا على متنها ونقلت وكالة الأنباء الكورية الجنوبية "يونهاب" عن الناطق الرسمي باسم القوات الجوية لي هيونغ غول في مؤتمر صحافي "قمنا مؤقتاً بتعليق تشغيل جميع الطائرات من أجل إجراء فحص سلامة واسع النطاق".
                                                      وأضاف أن طائرات "أف 5" ستبقى خارج التشغيل إلى حين التأكد من السبب الحقيقي للحادث يذكر أن الطائرتين المقاتلتين "أف 5" تحطمتا أثناء مهمة تدريبية بالقرب من الساحل الشرقي للبلاد. وتعتبر هذه هي الحادثة السابعة التي تتحطم فيها طائرات "أف 5" في البلاد منذ عام 2000 وكانت الطائرتان اصطدمتا بجبل هوانغ بيونغ، الذي يقع على بعد حوالي 20 كيلومتراً غرب المدينة الساحلية كانغ نيونغ. وتم العثور على جثث الطيارين الثلاثة وحطام الطائرات بالقرب من قمة الجبل اليوم الأربعاء.
                                                      وقالت القوات الجوية انها تجري تحقيقات في جميع الاحتمالات بما في ذلك الرؤية السيئة الناتجة عن الطقس الغائم وأخطاء الطيار والمشاكل الخاصة بالطائرات وأضافت "نتوقع أن يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت لتحديد الاسباب الحقيقية ونحاول عدم القفز إلى أي استنتاجات".
                                                      يذكر أن الطائرات المقاتلة "أف 5" أنتجت لأول مرة في الولايات المتحدة خلال سبعينيات القرن الماضي، وتم نشرها في كوريا الجنوبية منذ الثمانينات. ويقول خبراء الأسلحة إن متوسط العمر المتوقع للمقاتلات لا يتعدى ثلاثة عقود.
                                                      تحطمت طائرتان مقاتلتان من سلاح الجو في كوريا الجنوبية أثناء طلعات تدريبية، فيما لا يزال مصير الطاقم مجهولاً، وفق "يونهاب."

                                                      ونقلت الوكالة الأنباء الرسمية أن المقاتلتين من طراز F-5F، اصطدمتا بجبل"هوانغبيونغ"، على بعد 237 كيلومتراً شرقي العاصمة سيؤول.
                                                      وأوردت عن مسؤول عسكري رفض كشف هويته، بدء البحث عن الطيارين الثلاثة، وتشارك مروحيات إنقاذ من طراز HH-60 في عمليات البحث في منطقة الحادث، وتبعد نحو 20 كيلومتراً من إقليم "غانغوان."
                                                      وأبلغ متسلقو جبال عن مشاهدة حطام طائرة عسكرية على سفح جبل "هوانغبيونغ."

                                                      South Korea grounds fighters after crash
                                                      South Korea's air force has grounded most its fighter jets for safety checks, a day after two aircraft crashed into a mountain killing three pilots.
                                                      Only those "essential for surveillance flights" were still operating on Wednesday, a spokesman told AFP, adding: "When safety checks are completed the aircraft will return to flying one by another, starting Thursday."
                                                      Two ageing F-5 jets crashed on Tuesday during a training mission near the east coast.
                                                      The accident was the second such case in less than two years after two F-5Es crashed northeast of Seoul in November 2008.
                                                      While more modern aircraft will return to service quickly, the spokesman said all the F-5 jets - about 170 - would remain grounded until the cause of the crash was determined.
                                                      The first-generation F-5 went into service in the United States in the 1960s


                                                      • NVG
                                                        VIP MEMBER
                                                        Night Vision

                                                        • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                        • 1971

                                                        حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                        مقتل 3 أشخاص بتحطم مروحية في فونيكس - اريزونا
                                                        3 killed in Arizona helicopter crash
                                                        التاريخ: 14 فبراير 2010 الموافق 30 صفر 1431 هجرية
                                                        المكان: فونيكس - اريزونا - أمريكا
                                                        الضحايا: 3 أشخاص
                                                        لقى ثلاثة اشخاص ، بينهم طفل ، قتلوا اليوم الاحد عندما تحطمت مروحيتهم حوالي 35 ميلا الى الشمال من فينكس بولاية اريزونا ، وقال المتحدث باسم ادارة الطيران الاتحادية ان. المحققين لم يحددوا بعد سبب تحطم الطائرة ، وقال المتحدث باسم ادارة الطيران الفيدرالية ، إيان غريغور سي.
                                                        أن الطائرة من طراز وEC135 يوروكوبتر انخفضت بحوالي 3 بعد الظهر بالتوقيت المحلي الى الغرب مباشرة من Tonto الوطنية للغابات في كهف كريك بولاية أريزونا ، واشتعلت فيها النيران في وقت لاحق ، قال جريجور.

                                                        14 Feb 2010

                                                        Three people, including a child, died Sunday when their helicopter crashed about 35 miles north of Phoenix, Arizona, a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman said.
                                                        Investigators had yet to determine the cause of the crash, FAA spokesman Ian Gregor told CNN.

                                                        The Eurocopter EC135 went down at about 3 p.m. local time just west of the Tonto National Forest in Cave Creek, Arizona, and subsequently burst into flames, Gregor said.

                                                        FAA agents were headed to the scene, and a National Transportation Safety Board investigator was scheduled to arrive Monday, he said.


                                                        • NVG
                                                          VIP MEMBER
                                                          Night Vision

                                                          • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                          • 1971

                                                          حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                          التاريخ: 11-03-2010 الموافق الخميس 25-03-1431هجرية
                                                          Mar. 11, 2010
                                                          الضحايا: شخص

                                                          The single-engine, single-seat plane crashed into the corner of a hangar at Stellar Airpark in Chandler on Thursday afternoon, setting the building on fire and killing the pilot.
                                                          Rescuers originally got word that there were two people in the plane, but firefighters only saw one body in the cockpit, said Battalion Chief Paul Nies, a Chandler Fire Department spokesman. The plane was so crushed that it was impossible to know for sure if someone else was in it, he said.

                                                          The P-51 Mustang, a 1944 fighter plane, is registered to Hirani Oil Arizona LLC, which also owns a hangar at the airpark, according to deed records. Naziruden Hirani operates that and another company, Hirani Enterprises, which owns apartment complexes and shopping centers in the East Valley.

                                                          Those who saw the airplane said it was acting strangely as it flew above the airpark.

                                                          Russell was watching the planes take off and land with her two small daughters at Desert Breeze Park, just north of the small private airpark. She saw the olive-colored plane with an orange-and-red nose appear to come in for a landing.

                                                          The plane, she said, was flying low, fast and at an angle, making a sharp 90-degree turn toward the airport.

                                                          "I heard three sputtering sounds, and then I saw a fireball," she said. "I thought, 'Oh my God, that plane just blew up,' "

                                                          The airpark houses about 160 aircraft, nearly all of which are single-engine planes and many of them vintage. The airport, south of Chandler Boulevard near McClintock Drive, is near neighborhoods with upscale custom homes.

                                                          Hangars at the airport were evacuated after the crash as a cloud of smoke rose into the air. Those who responded couldn't determine the victim's age or gender, Nies said.

                                                          Identification could take days and is likely to require dental records.

                                                          The body probably will not be removed until today, when the Federal Aviation Administration completes its initial investigation, he added.

                                                          The National Transportation Safety Board also will join the investigation and will issue a probable cause for the crash in the coming months, said Ian Gregor, an FAA spokesman.

                                                          Alana Holley, a friend of the family and former employee of Hirani Enterprises, confirmed that the plane that crashed was owned by the company. She said Hirani has a pilot's license, but that the family was too distraught to talk to her Thursday about details of what happened.

                                                          Planes attempting a landing at the airport have crashed a number of times over the years.

                                                          Most recently, in June 2007, a twin-engine Cessna 340A airplane clipped a house and crashed into a residential street just west of Stellar Airpark. The NTSB found that the plane had engine failure after it ran out of fuel.

                                                          The pilot, who survived, took off from Stellar, extended his landing gear, got odd readings in his cockpit and decided to return.

                                                          While trying to land, the plane clipped one home, hit the roof of another, destroyed a tree and a parked pickup and plowed through a brick wall.


                                                          • NVG
                                                            VIP MEMBER
                                                            Night Vision

                                                            • 09 - 09 - 2005
                                                            • 1971

                                                            حوادث الطيران عام 2010

                                                            مصرع طيار فى حادث تحطم طائرة خفيفة بالقرب من أيكلوتانا
                                                            تعرف المسؤولين على الطيار القتيل في تحطم طائرة خفيفة بالقرب من أيكلوتانا بالاسكا
                                                            حيث تحطمت طائرة خفيفة حوالى الساعة 8 صباحا يوم الاحد بالقرب من سكك الحديد في أيكلوتانا
                                                            و وفقا للمسؤولين عن مجلس السلامة الوطني بأن الطائرة الخفيفة كانت صناعة محلية حيث ان الطيار قام بتصنيعها و تجربتها بنفسه.

                                                            Sunday, March 14, 2010
                                                            Pilot killed in experimental-airplane crash near Eklutna, Alaska

                                                            The pilot of a home-built airplane was killed in a crash near Eklutna, authorities said Sunday.
                                                            An investigation is under way into what happened and when.
                                                            The pilot's name hasn't been disclosed.
                                                            The crew of an Alaska Railroad train spotted wreckage in the railroad right-of-way around 8 a.m.on Sunday morning at Mile 138.8, in the Eklutna/Birchwood area, said Clint Johnson, senior air safety investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board. The pilot's body was found in the wreckage, he said.
                                                            Investigators from the NTSB and FAA were called to the scene. They are theorizing that the plane went down on Saturday and wasn't discovered until Sunday morning, but aren't certain, Johnson said.
                                                            They hope to move the wreckage to a hangar to inspect it more closely. Johnson described the plane as experimental, home-built craft.
                                                            Registration information for the plane shows it to be an Antares MA-32, an ultralight craft.

