Man dead and pilot injured in light plane crash at Merriton in regional South Australia

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  • AboAbdulla

    • 23 - 12 - 2004
    • 5023

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    [أخبـار] Man dead and pilot injured in light plane crash at Merriton in regional South Australia

    Sun 8 Oct 2023
    A man has died while a pilot suffered serious injuries when a light aircraft crashed in South Australia's mid-north.
    South Australia Police said emergency services were called to Mumfords Road at Merriton just after 4pm on Sunday following reports a Cessna light aircraft had struck powerlines and crashed into a field.
    They said two men on board suffered significant burns. The passenger, a 24-year-old Redhill man, died at the scene.A 50-year-old Redhill man was taken to a local hospital before being flown to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a critical condition.The incident is not connected to the Jamestown Air Spectacular which was on Sunday. Major crash investigators are attending the scene while the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) will arrive on Monday.
    In a statement, ATSB will gather evidence by site mapping, wreckage examination and recovery of aircraft components that would be taken to its technical facilities in Canberra for further inspection.The ATSB asks any witnesses or anyone with video footage of the flying aircraft to come forward.
    Police are urging the public to avoid the area if possible as there are road closures in place.
